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Probate Judge Convention Unanimously Votes for James Steck

May 18, 2022

At the Torrington City Hall on May 18th, district delegates voted unanimously to elect Attorney James Steck to be their next Judge of Probate. Steck would replace retiring Michael Magistrali, Esq.

The Convention was chaired by Torrington RTC Chair Chris Beyus.

Steck was nominated by former Torrington Mayor Ryan Bingham, and seconded by Tim Waldron, legislative aide to State Senator Kevin Witkos, who both described James years of legal work, memberships on city boards, and community service as to why he is receiving their strong endorsement.

After the convention, delegates gathered at Sasso’s Pizza for a large variety of pizza, salads and sausage with broccoli rabe.

James and Michelle Steck after the Judge of Probate Convention 2022 Torrington
Former Torrington Mayor Ryan Bingham nominating Probate Judge Candidate James Steck
Tim Waldron, seconding the nomination of James Steck for Judge of Probate May 2022 Torrington City Hall
Attorney James Steck accepting the nomination for Judge of Probate at Torrington City Hall
Barkhamsted RTC and veteran retired State Central member Rich Tutunjian
Mr. and Mrs. David LaPointe at Torrington Convention for Judge of Probate

Barkhamsted RTC Endorses SOTS Candidate Brock Weber

February 21, 2022

Candidate for Secretary of the State, Brock Weber (R), spoke to the Barkhamsted RTC on February 21, 2022 and took questions and answers after his campaign speech. He easily addressed inquiries about election law and small business regulation. Thoroughly familiar with this state position, after being the campaign manager in 2014 for candidate Peter Lumaj who had record numbers in that race, Brock chose to run after asking many others if they were interested in entering this race and all declined.

His stance on cleaning up the voter rolls, instituting a voter ID, dismantling the SEEC, stopping mass mailing of unsolicited absentee ballot applications and requiring signature verification processes for absentee ballots is what anyone who is concerned about election integrity needs to hear.

The other role the SOTS office plays, is small business legislation. Brock told the BRTC, he will cut registration and filing costs by 70%, upgrade processing systems for increased efficiency , and push the legislature to allow for biannual business filings.

Hearing this, in addition to many members being familiar with Brock and his work history in politics as a dedicated Republican, the vote was unanimous to endorse Brock Weber for Secretary of the State.

ICYMI: Tonight -“Conservative Chat” with State Rep. John Piscopo 7:30-8:30 PM Charter cable channel 192

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Sunday, January 20th, 2019 an hour long interview with State Representative John Piscopo (R-76) and Barkhamsted RTC Chair and Host, Juliana Simone. John and Juliana discuss John’s history as a legislator, current and past politics and some of his proposed bills for this session.

This show will repeat Thursday, January 24th, 7:00-8:00PM, and the following Sunday, January 27th, 7:30-8:30PM. For those outside of the viewing area or who are not Charter/Spectrum subscribers, this show will be available for viewing online next week on under Watch Programs, search conservative, and on YouTube channel “Conservative Chat.”

CT State Representative John Piscopo and Barkhamsted RTC Chair and “Conservative Chat” host Juliana Simone – January 2019

Barkhamsted Town Election Results 2018

The Barkhamsted Election Day results once again went in the Republican Party’s favor, winning every race on the ballot for their town.

Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, said, “I am very pleased with the results, and respect our town voters who are obviously clear on policy and what direction our state needs to take to move forward. Our residents recognized the candidates who would bring them out of the dire fiscal situation we’ve been in for a long time here in Connecticut, and wanted to elect the people who would bring back business and jobs, as well as reduce taxes and spending.”

A cold rainy day did not reduce voter turnout. Long lines regardless of time maintained throughout the polling place hours.

As reported by our Registrar of Voters, here are the results:

State Representative:

Incumbent William Simanski – 1099

Challenger Amanda Webster – 867

State Senator:

Incumbent Kevin Witkos – 1233

Challenger Melissa Osborne – 730

Congressional (CT-1):

Challenger Jennifer Nye (R): 1015

Incumbent John Larson (D) – 907

U.S. Senate:

Challenger Matthew Corey (R): 1048

Incumbent Chris Murphy (D): 901


Bob Stefanowski (R): 1138

Ned Lamont (D): 726

All Constitutional Seats were won , as well.

Susan Hatfield/AG, Thad Gray/Treaurer, Sue Chapman/SOTS, Kurt Miller/Comptroller

Probate Judge:

Magistrali (R): 1087

Dwyer:  820

Both Ballot Initiative questions: Yes.


In the town of Granby, where I joined our State Representative William Simanski to wait for results, their numbers after a long wait came in with on the Republican side, Bob Stefanowski, John Kissel and Bill Simanski winning their races. On the Democrat side, Chris Murphy and John Larson each had about 200 more votes than their challengers Matthew Corey and Jennifer Nye.

The town of Granby also voted yes on both ballot initiative questions.








A New Direction for Connecticut – Senate Republican President Pro Tempore Message

It’s clear that we need to change the direction our state is headed.

Connecticut is a great state. But we are facing a serious financial crisis. Businesses and people are leaving and all families, especially the middle class and working poor, are struggling.

That’s why I’ve worked with Senate Republicans to put together a bold plan to change the direction of our state and restore confidence in Connecticut. This is about a new vision to create a confident Connecticut today and for future generations. This is about survival.

 Our revised no-new-tax state budget makes the tough choices necessary to cut spending, reduce the size of government, and make necessary changes to state employee benefits – all while protecting core services.

CT Senate Republican Budget proposal 2017

You can support these efforts by urging all lawmakers and statewide leaders to help us pave a new path with bold changes. The time for change is now!

Honored to Serve as Your State Senator – Witkos

I want to take a moment to thank my fellow residents in the 8th Senate District for placing your trust in me to represent our communities in Hartford. Being elected to the state Senate is an incredible honor and I am extremely proud to have earned the support of people throughout Avon, Barkhamsted, Canton, Colebrook, Granby, Hartland, Harwinton, New Hartford, Norfolk, Simsbury and Torrington.

 Senator Witkos joins fellow Republican Senators at a state Capitol press conference to announce their election wins.

Senator Witkos joins fellow Republican Senators at a state Capitol press conference to announce their election wins.

I also want to express my sincere appreciation for my family, friends and volunteers who have supported me and my vision for a better Connecticut. As Senate Minority Leader Pro Tempore I will continue to fight for change in Hartford to make our state a great place to live, work and raise our families.

Connecticut is a beautiful state that sadly faces many challenges. Together we have to address these challenges head on. We must work together to reduce burdens on families, grow jobs and create a business environment people can be confident about. Now that the Republican minority party has gained 3 seats in the state Senate, we have tied the Democrats 18-18 and will share control of the chamber. I look forward to this change and hope it will foster more balanced conversations and encourage collaboration across the aisle to do what is in the best interest of our state and our residents.

As I prepare for a new legislative session, I also look forward to hearing from all of you, my constituents. As your state senator, it’s my responsibility to bring your voices and unique ideas to Hartford. I firmly believe that no single person owns a monopoly on good ideas. So when it comes to solving the state’s mounting budget problems or enacting new state policy, I believe every person should have an opportunity to share their ideas for bettering our state. To make your voice heard, please visit my website at and click “Take Action.”

Thank you for your support and trust.

-Kevin Witkos



Barkhamsted Election Day Results

November 8th, 2016

Written by Juliana Simone

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee is proud to have won our town for our Presidential nominee Donald Trump, as well as our Congressional candidate, Matthew Corey, and our State Senator Kevin Witkos.

Numbers just reported from our fine Registrar of Voters:


Trump/Pence: 1155

Clinton/Kaine: 899

{Libertarian candidate ticket got 94 and Green party ticket got 36}

U.S. Senate:

Richard Blumenthal: 1099

Dan Carter: 1005

{libertarian candidate 43 and Green party candidate 19}

U.S. States Representative (CT-1)

Matthew Corey: 1077

Rep. John Larson: 1014

{green party candidate 41}

State Senator:

Kevin Witkos (R-8): 1504

Pena: 648

State Rep. Simanski: 805 {unopposed}

Registrar of Voters (R): 

Susan Day: 1625



Republican Presidential Debates Tonight – August 6th – Fox News – 5PM and 9PM EST

New analysis of the seventeen Republican Presidential candidates featured in two debates tonight on Fox News. Selected by their polling numbers, ten will appear in the prime time debate at 9PM EST and the remaining seven will be heard in a preliminary debate at 5PM EST. Written by BRTC Chair Juliana Simone.

Why to vote No on the Region 7 Referendum 5/05

I strongly urge taxpayers to vote NO on the Region 7 referendum Tuesday, May 5th.  We need reform in the Region 7 budget process–reform which brings sunshine, financial transparency, lower budgets and taxes. No more asking for money they don’t need & don’t use every year.  Region 7 has earned a reputation for education excellence, it’s time for the Board of Education to step up their financial game to match.  Voting down the referendum provides the board a chance to trim just 2% off the proposed budget–a reduction which would still leave enough to fully fund all staff and operations. It would also allow the board an opportunity to ask for the funds by category as they truly need–not misleading taxpayers by category as the referendum budget does.  Vote NO for reform.

Polling place is the Barkhamsted Town Garage, noon to 7:00 pm.

Tom Palmer