Barkhamsted Center Church Christmas Pageant – 2014 – Register Citizen article

Our Barkhamsted RTC  Treasurer had a successful turn out for the Barkhamsted Center Church annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday. He can be seen in the back left of the photo taken by RC reporter Stephen Underwood. His wife, Susan, daughter, Averil, son, Jamey, and daughter-in-law, Jennifer, are also in the pageant and photo.


Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone and her son also participated in this play with Rev. Charles Hall in 2011. It is a wonderful experience, with live animals brought in for the occasion that represent those that would have been present in Bethlehem when Christ was born.

Barkhamsted Center Church Christmas Pageant participants

Special thanks to former BRTC Chair and consistent Republican supporter John Lavieri and his wife Corky, for attending the service on Sunday.

BARKHAMSTED  – The First Congregational Church of Barkhamsted held its annual living nativity Christmas Pageant during worship service on Sunday.

The church holds the event on the Sunday before Christmas and allows church members young and old to dress up and re-enact the birth of Jesus Christ.

The event has become a tradition at the church and even includes a real donkey.

“This has been going on for about 17 years and it truly is a tradition here,” said resident and member Kay Page Greaser.

Greaser lives down the street from the church and brings her donkey named Patches to the event for the children.

“I bring Patches down every year and the kids love to feed him,” said Greaser. “I’ve had him for about four years now and he was a rescue. He’s great with kids and enjoys the treats they feed him.”

The tradition is meant to tell the story of the birth of Jesus, while allowing church members to get into the Christmas spirit.


To read more on the story:

Here’s the link:

For more information visit

New “Conservative Chat” with State Rep. William Simanski



“Conservative Chat”Thursday, December 11th , 2014. at 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair and host Juliana Simone interviews State Representative William Simanski (R-62) about the upcoming long session starting in January 2015, the new House Minority Leader Themis Klarides (R-114), the good and bad of election results November 4th, what to expect from Governor Malloy and the democrat majority in the next four years, the unfunded pensions, state deficit and more taxation on the horizon.


For those who are not Charter subscribers or outside of the viewing area, this program can be seen on the Internet on after next Monday December 8th.