Tonight: New “Conservative Chat” with State Rep. Bill Simanski August 6th 7PM Charter cable 191

“Conservative Chat” – a political interview half-hour show brought to you by the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, features tonight, July 30th, 2015 at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191, guest State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with host BRTC Chair Juliana Simone.  Rep. Simanski explains why this was the worst session he’s ever witnessed in his five years of serving at the Capitol in the legislature, and gives a jam packed thirty minutes of examples why including the fiasco of the budget to SOTS Merrill’s surprise rat in the implementer bill. Tune in to hear all his background stories.

This program will repeat next Thursday, August 6th, 2015 at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191. For those outside the viewing area, this show will be available on-line after next Monday on under VOD “Conservative Chat” #97.



Editor’s Note: Juliana Simone says in this interview the unfunded mandate by SOTS Denise Merrill will cost towns 16K – and meant to say 1600. as well as the duplicate mentioned.  Ms. Simone apologizes for this momentary error which is just a lapse, but nevertheless, incorrect but now corrected.

Witkos: Another Unfunded Mandate Surprising our Towns

State Senator Kevin Witkos

Another rat adds another layer of red tape.

Tucked within the large “implementer bill” that finalized the state budget last month was a surprising policy change.

It was never asked for by the people. It was never talked about at the Capitol. It did not receive a public hearing. But now it’s here, it’s a new law, and people are not happy.

While there are many of these surprise policy changes (known as rats) buried within the implementer, the specific rat I’m talking about is a law that requires every Council of Government (COG) in Connecticut to hire a regional election monitor. This is an unfunded mandate, a financial burden on our towns. It’s also a new layer of bureaucracy in state elections that was not asked for and is not needed.

The new policy change will require each COG to hire an elections monitor, pay them and provide them with office space, supplies and equipment. It’s something our towns don’t have the budgets to cover – and something we quite frankly don’t need.

The monitor will oversee election moderators in each of the COG member towns and will be responsible for: 1) holding regional instructional sessions for moderators, 2) communicating with registrars of voters to assist with elections, recanvasses or audits, and 3) communicating with the Secretary of State regarding their instructional sessions. The monitor is completely subject to the secretary’s control and direction.

While I believe training and oversight is definitely needed when it comes to election monitoring, this new level of bureaucracy is not necessary and was not asked for by any group, any town or any COG to the best of my knowledge. In fact, Connecticut actually addressed election administration with another piece of legislation this year.

A separate bill, which had a public hearing, much discussion and received bipartisan support, will require all registrars to go through a certification program and receive professional development training. It also will make it easier to remove registrars if they’ve engaged in misconduct or did not fulfill their duties among other changes.

This was a smart policy change that improves the system, doesn’t hurt our towns, and was aired in public.

On the other hand, the process used to pass the “regional election monitor” legislation was done in complete darkness.

We deserve a transparent state government. Not discussing an idea with the public or with lawmakers and instead sneaking it into the budget at the last minute is just not right.

Adding another level of administration to the elections process is a burdensome overreach. Quietly inserting it into the budget as a rat just goes to show that this is not legislation to be celebrated. It’s more red tape, more financial strain, and more reason the state budget is bad for Connecticut.

Sen. Witkos, Senate Minority Leader Pro Tempore, represents the 8th District towns of Avon, Barkhamsted, Canton, Colebrook, Granby, Hartland, Harwinton, New Hartford, Norfolk, Simsbury and Torrington. For more information visit

2014 Biannual Event article

September 30, 2014

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held their biannual event with a long list of special guest speakers, including college conservative talk radio host and political advocate Jayson Veley, State Representative William Simanski (R-62), State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1), Connecticut political commentator Don Pesci, former U.S. Comptroller General and recent LG candidate Dave Walker, U.S. Senate candidate 2012 and SOTS candidate 2014 Peter Lumaj, and former Congressman (CT-2) retired Army Colonel Rob Simmons. Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone emceed the event and member Salvatore Tartaglione, who serves on the town Board of Finance, hosted the event at his home which is also a bed and breakfast destination for fly fishermen.

Well attended by town and area supporters from Avon to New Hartford, fine food was served throughout the evening. The Republican American and local newspaper Independent News covered the occasion.  Special thanks to Barbara Herrlich for her help in decorating, Steve Blackburn, Treasurer, and to all RTC members and guests.



WLcrewcut14 022
(l-r) WMHJRESQ, Jenn, Dave Walker, Rob Simmons – Barkhamsted CT September 2014
WLcrewcut14 024
(l-r) Dan Jerram, Justin Bernier, William Landers – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
WLcrewcut14 025
(l-r) Stephen Hunt, Angela Campetti, Greg Piecuch – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
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(l-r) Sue Day, John Doyle – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014


Don Pesci - Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
Don Pesci – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
Jayson Veley - Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
Jayson Veley – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
WLcrewcut14 028
(l-r) Juliana Simone and Angela Campetti – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014



New Hartford Essay Contest Winners Honored by State Lawmakers

State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with New Hartford CT Essay Winner Matthew Maltby
State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with New Hartford CT Essay Winner Matthew Maltby


Lawmakers Award Essay Contest Winners Alongside Northwest Community Bank


New Hartford  Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and Representative Bill Simanski (R-62) recognized a group of young writers for their exceptional submissions in a school essay contest sponsored by Northwest Community Bank.  The winning students, sixth graders from the Ann Antolini School, were recognized by Senator Witkos, Representative Simanski and Carole Monroe, Branch Manager and Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank, at a ceremony at the school on Monday, June 15.


The winning students wrote essays in response to the question:  “Describe the American Melting Pot as it relates to immigration.”  Responses discussed many topics including changes in how immigrants enter the United States today as compared to a century ago. 


“Congratulations to all the participants and the impressive winners who wrote so eloquently on this important topic,” said Senator Witkos. “Our nation is unique in that we were founded, created and developed by people who traveled here from many different countries. The immigrant experience throughout history shaped our country into the amazing nation and melting pot it is today. Thank you to all the students who shared their own thoughts and feelings about our nation’s history and our journey forward. ”

“We’ve held this contest annually for several years now, and each year I continue to be impressed with the insight and ability of our students to present their thoughtful, well-crafted essays,” said Rep. Simanski.  “This year’s topic required both historical research and critical thinking on an important topic that remains at the forefront of debate for our state and our nation.  These students did a wonderful job sharing their own views and findings. I’d like to congratulate all of our winners on their accomplishments.  I’d also like to acknowledge and thank Northwest Community Bank, for their continued partnership in making this such a successful event.”


The winning students recognized at the event include:

Samantha Jacobs

Matthew Maltby

Cody Worsman

Robbie Eselby


Runners up include:

Kelly Oberheim

Megan Koester

Natalie Munson

Bethany Adams


“Northwest Community Bank is so pleased to support the Essay Contest again this year,” said Gayle E. Moraski, Northwest Community Bank Vice President. “This year’s topic was especially good.  I am always amazed that each student’s essay is different from each other.  And the level of confidence that the students have reading the essays in front of family and other students is incredible.  Thank you for allowing us to be part of this program and we look forward to next year!”

High Resolution Photos available for download on Flickr:

  • Photo 1: Winner Matthew Maltby with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank (PHOTO 1 is also ATTACHED)
  • Photo 2: Runner up Kelly Oberheim with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 3: Runner up Megan Koester with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 4: Runner up Natalie Munson with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 5: Runner Up Bethany Adams with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 6: Winner Samantha Jacobs with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 7: Winner Cody Worsman with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 8: Winner Robbie Eselby with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 9: Amanda Shaw, Ann Antolini School Principal with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank