Connecticut Republican Delegation at Ohio Convention All In For Trump

Written by Juliana Simone


Speaking with the Connecticut Republican State Party Chairman J.R. Romano yesterday morning from his hotel room in Cleveland, the Republican Chairman who is serving his first term, when asked how the convention was going, said, “It’s been tremendous. The first night was tremendous.” He added all of the 125 delegates from Connecticut were very happy to be there.

Romano is one of the three super delegates of the twenty-eight given to this New England state. The other two are Republican National Committeewoman Pat Longo and and Republican National Committeeman John Frey for the state of Connecticut. Longo, a veteran member of the GOP who’s served under a variety of titles, is attending the 2016 national convention for the last time in this role. Leora Levy was elected earlier this year by State Central members to be Longo’s replacement in the RNC upon her retirement.

Frey, (R-111) is a state representative in the Connecticut General Assembly, serving his ninth term for the town of Ridgefield. He was appointed by RNC Chairman, Reince Preibus, to be one of three Sergeant-at-Arms, where his job will be to help keep order within the convention.

In the Connecticut presidential primary, Republicans voted big for the New York businessman Donald J. Trump, with 57.9% and 123, 367 votes. Ohio Governor, John Kasich, came in a distant second with 28.4% and 60, 481 votes. Third place went to Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, with 11.7% and 24,969 votes. Connecticut Republicans backed Trump and after his strong finish were always clear they would give all of their delegate votes to the candidate their party members strongly preferred.

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Connecticut Republican Delegation At Ohio Convention All In For Trump


TONIGHT: July 14th – ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” with columnist Don Pesci – 7PM Charter Channel 191

“Conservative Chat”Tonight, July 14th, 2016, 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone hosts a new show with columnist Don Pesci. Juliana and Don discuss federal and state issues, such as the newly released Benghazi Reports from both the republican and democrat Houses, and how they reflect on former SOS Hillary Clinton; the CT democrat federal delegation’s recent stunts for more anti-gun laws; Former POTUS Bill Clinton’s half-hour meeting with AG Loretta Lynch on the tarmac; the closing of the Old State House; UCONN’s VIP raises; Malloy’s popularity in the polls and what this could mean in November, and more!

For those who are not Charter subscribers, or are outside of the viewing area, this show can be seen online on

Independence Day Parade Barkhamsted 2016

State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1) at the Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade
State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1) at the Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade

July 4th, 2016

Barkhamsted, CT – The Lion’s Club held its annual Independence Day parade today which was met with a large attendance that consisted of local residents and area enthusiasts who enjoy this Norman Rockwell style event, that is a throwback to true Americana. The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee float had State Senator Kevin Witkos and First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey on board. Witkos is serving his fourth term as the representing senator of district 8 and is also the Senate Minority Leader Pro Tempore in his caucus with the Connecticut General Assembly. The senator also owns a restaurant in Canton and holds a part-time position with Northeast Utilities.

(l) Matthew Corey (CT-1) congressional candidate and (r) State Senator Kevin Witkos on Barkhamsted RTC float
(l) Matthew Corey (CT-1) congressional candidate and (r) State Senator Kevin Witkos on Barkhamsted RTC float

Matthew Corey, is a businessman who runs two companies, a bar in downtown Hartford, McKinnon’s, which Corey opened in 2002, and a skyscraper window washing firm, Advanced Services International which was created in 1990. He is challenging embedded democrat John Larson for a second time as the Republican nominee, but first faced Larson in 2012 as an Independent. Corey is also a navy veteran.

Matthew Corey (CT-1) candidate and Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone
Matthew Corey (CT-1) candidate and Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone


Fellow Republican and Lion's Club member, Mark Mahoney, sells Barkhamsted t-shirts for proceeds to aide the Lions Club on Independence Day.
Fellow Republican and Lion’s Club member, Mark Mahoney, sells Barkhamsted t-shirts for proceeds to aid the Lions Club on Independence Day.


Barkhamsted RTC float in Independence Day parade 2016
Barkhamsted RTC float in Independence Day parade 2016  {photo: Mark Mahoney}

The parade also had floats from the American Legion’s Riverton Post 159, local churches, the Barkhamsted Historical Society, of course, the Lions Club, and a variety of others, many who were new to the line. First Selectman Don Stein (D) also participated and made the rounds.

American Legion Riverton Post 159 Float with Ed Tibbets, George Washington and many other fine veterans.
American Legion Riverton Post 159 Float with Ed Tibbets, George Washington and many other fine veterans.

Following the fire engines which traditionally close the parade and are driven by Barkhamsted’s finest, the event closes with music played by the star band, a group of volunteer musicians who only meet on this one occasion each year to play patriotic songs that include the “Star Spangled Banner” and “America the Beautiful.”

Barkhamsted CT Star Band
Barkhamsted CT Star Band

Tribute was given to the Barkhamsted Baseball Youth League and a prayer was recited by the Pleasant Valley Methodist Church minister.

Thanks to veteran RTC member Ernie Little, Mark Carotunti for the use of his Dodge Ram heavy duty truck, and former RTC Chair, Dave Moulton, for helping decorate the float today…as well as my son and his good friend for throwing candy to the crowd.

Matt and Ernie
Matt and Ernie