TONIGHT: Dec. 15th – ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” with State Rep. John Piscopo – 7PM Charter Channel 191 – Video up online


Written by Juliana Simone

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Thursday, December 15, 2016, at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191, Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair and host Juliana Simone talks with the third-highest ranking officer in the House Republicans, State Representative, John Piscopo. (R-76) Juliana and John discuss his long tenure serving his district since 1989, the many committee’s he’s served on, his term as Chairman of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) in Washington D.C. and his recent visit there, the national election, the state election that brought gains to the House and the Senate, the state debt and what needs to be done to reduce it and eventually eliminate it, his goals for the next session beginning in January, his bill to make the English language the official state language and more!

For those outside the viewing area or who are not Charter/Spectrum subscribers, this program can be seen online after this following Monday on under Watch Programs, search the word conservative, episode 111 or use the direct link below.

CT State Representative John Piscopo (R-76) and BRTC Chair and cable host Juliana Simone

Sen. Witkos and Rep. LeGeyt – Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign Bell Ringing Avon Dec. 14th

Sen. Witkos and Rep. LeGeyt will join fellow volunteers ringing bells in Avon to raise money for the Salvation Army this holiday season. All are welcome to stop by and support the cause with donations of any size.

Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign bell ringing
Wednesday, December 14 from 4:30-5:30pm
Walmart – 255 W. Main Street, Avon, CT

The Salvation Army provides food, clothing, comfort and care to local residents as well as people in need across the United States.

The 8th District