62nd State House District Nominates State Rep. William Simanski for a Fifth Term

May 16, 2018

Granby, CT – Republican Delegates for the 62nd district of the State House gathered in Granby this Wednesday evening to nominate State Representative William Simanski to return to the Connecticut General Assembly for a fifth term. The 62nd district consists of four towns: Barkhamsted, Granby, Hartland and New Hartford.

Temporary Convention Chair Juliana Simone presided to call the meeting to order, have the assembly recite the Pledge of Allegiance and announce the roll call for delegate attendance. Two alternate designations were on hand.

Motions were made to elect David Moulton from Barkhamsted, Permanent Chair, and Mark Neumann from Granby, Permanent Secretary.  All on hand were in favor.

Nominating speech was delivered by Granby RTC Chair, Mark Neumann. Seconding speech was delivered by Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone. No other nominations were heard.

State Representative William Simanski gave his acceptance speech with appreciation, and to note how the state of Connecticut needed to elect Republicans at every level in November to ensure a positive fiscal future for our state.

Delegates were informed Granby RTC member, Mark Anderson, will be Rep. Simanski’s campaign manager for his campaign this year.