Probate Judge Convention Unanimously Votes for James Steck

May 18, 2022

At the Torrington City Hall on May 18th, district delegates voted unanimously to elect Attorney James Steck to be their next Judge of Probate. Steck would replace retiring Michael Magistrali, Esq.

The Convention was chaired by Torrington RTC Chair Chris Beyus.

Steck was nominated by former Torrington Mayor Ryan Bingham, and seconded by Tim Waldron, legislative aide to State Senator Kevin Witkos, who both described James years of legal work, memberships on city boards, and community service as to why he is receiving their strong endorsement.

After the convention, delegates gathered at Sasso’s Pizza for a large variety of pizza, salads and sausage with broccoli rabe.

James and Michelle Steck after the Judge of Probate Convention 2022 Torrington
Former Torrington Mayor Ryan Bingham nominating Probate Judge Candidate James Steck
Tim Waldron, seconding the nomination of James Steck for Judge of Probate May 2022 Torrington City Hall
Attorney James Steck accepting the nomination for Judge of Probate at Torrington City Hall
Barkhamsted RTC and veteran retired State Central member Rich Tutunjian
Mr. and Mrs. David LaPointe at Torrington Convention for Judge of Probate

State Rep. Mark Anderson (R-62) Receives Convention Endorsement for Second Term

May 17, 2022

In the town of Barkhamsted this evening, one of four that State Representative Mark Anderson represents in the Connecticut General Assembly 62nd District along with New Hartford, Hartland and Granby, Mark was endorsed by State House Convention delegates to run for a second term.

The former State Representative for this district, William Simanski, who served five terms before retiring, was the Convention Chairman. Michael Stewart, Secretary of the Barkhamsted Republican Committee, was the Convention Secretary.

State Representative Anderson was nominated by the New Hartford RTC Chairman, Greg O’Brien, and seconded by Hartland’s delegate and former Chairman, Heather Gust Penman. Both speeches lauded the many achievements of Mark Anderson, including his distinguished military service to this country and his work as an officer with the Defense Intelligence Agency. The State Representative lives with his wife, Carole, in Granby. Mark has two sons and Carole has three daughters.

Former State Representative Bill Simanski (R-62) as State House Convention Chairman for Rep. Mark Anderson in Barkhamsted
Nominating State Rep. Mark Anderson, Greg O’Brien, New Hartford RTC Chairman
Seconding State Rep. Mark Anderson, Heather Gust-Penman, Hartland
State House Convention 62nd district for State Rep. Mark Anderson in Barkhamsted (photos BRTC Chair Juliana Simone)
State Representative Mark Anderson (R-62) after being nominated and addressing the convention delegation

CT Senate District 08 Nominates Lisa Seminara

May 16, 2022

Delegates from the Eighth Senate District of Connecticut voted tonight to nominate Lisa Seminara from Avon as their candidate to run for this office in November. Well attended by the eight towns and the three partial parts of Granby, Torrington and Harwinton, delegates drove through thunderstorm warnings to join this convention in New Hartford. A generous buffet of food was available to all attendees at this local brewery.

The winner of this open seat election will replace long-serving, State Senator Kevin Witkos, who was first elected in November 2007. Prior to serving in the Senate, Witkos (R-17) served in the State House representing Canton and Avon elected in November 2003, and before this was a member of his Board of Education in Canton. A police officer before retiring and becoming an employee of Eversource, Witkos chose to retire after so many years of public service.

Lisa was elected to her home town of Avon’s Board of Education in 2019. A licensed social worker with a Columbia University Master’s Degree, she is happily married to her husband and has been a resident of Connecticut for 28 years. They have three children. Seminara also founded the Avon Special Education Parent Teacher Association and started a non-profit to develop a parcel of land into a fully accessible playground and park with other community members which they donated to the town of Avon.

The New Hartford RTC Chairman, Greg O’Brien, nominated the candidate and the Colebrook RTC Chairman and First Selectman, Chris Johnstone, seconded. State Central member Brian Werstler put together the meeting. Barkhamsted RTC Chairman Juliana Simone is on the vacancy committee, and was joined by her fellow two delegates, BOF member Dave Moulton and Selectman Nick Lukiwsky.

The Republican Candidate for Attorney General, Jessica Kordas, also attended the convention.

State Senate Candidate Lisa Seminara (R-08) addresses the Barkhamsted RTC in April
Avon RTC members Stephen and Laura Hunt join the April BRTC meeting to support Senate candidate Lisa Seminara

BRTC Endorsed U.S. Senate Candidate Peter Lumaj is on the Primary Ballot

State Convention News and other updates

May 15, 2022

As the Chairman of the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, I’m very pleased to inform our website visitors that Peter Lumaj, Candidate for the United States Senate, received above the required votes needed to be on the primary ballot this August. He entered the race after confirming with other possible people interested in running, that they would not be seeking this seat against Richard Blumenthal. That said, his two opponents both changed their minds seeing the opportunity of a red wave in 2022.

One because the Governor nomination was going to 2018 gubernatorial nominee, Bob Stefanowski, though this was her original filing for office. The other because there was a prospect of winning despite never having run for anything before that required district or state votes, but being the new RNC representative after the long-serving Pat Longo retired, feels her contacts in D.C. will help her get the nod.

Our BRTC has been long time supporters of Peter Lumaj. An amazing individual, who came to America from communist Albania in his early twenties to find freedom in the U.S. at great personal sacrifice. He is a glowing example of a naturalized citizen who through very hard work became a successful man, husband and father who loves this country. A Constitutionalist, Peter supports all of the Constitution as written and the individual freedoms and rights it provides.

You probably already voted for him in 2014 as the State Party endorsed nominee for Secretary of the State, if you’re Republican, Unaffiliated or a moderate Democrat. His statewide campaign received almost a half million votes! More than any other candidate who ran for this office since 1994.

But, that’s a lot of votes. Much more than the six thousand average votes the State Party nominee on May 7th had to acquire to keep her State House District seat for twenty plus years. In fact, her best year vote wise as an unopposed incumbent, was the bump she got from President Donald Trump in 2016, at almost nine thousand votes, and she apparently remarked she didn’t even support Trump in 2020. The other opponent has received no votes failing to run for any office before. Another candidate who largely was anti-Trump before his nominating her to be the Ambassador in Chile, failed to get through the Senate nominating process twice. She is, however, a large donator to Republican campaigns she supports.

Peter Lumaj, is the United States Candidate who can beat Richard Blumenthal in November. His unique and long story is a direct contrast to what Blumenthal and the current administration are pushing. Peter’s message is to abide by the Constitution, keep federal government intervention with our independence at a minimum, and to bring Connecticut back to the tax free, prosperous, innovative and business friendly state it used to be.

To be fair, I am paid staff, and those of you who know me on either side of the aisle, know I would not work for anyone I did not believe in. In retrospect, most of my work for the GOP has been unpaid. Many tell me all the time that they miss my cable public access show “Conservative Chat” that was shown on Charter for fourteen years and aired in six towns. Thank you for this and your comments that it was a really well done half hour political interview program. There are maybe a dozen up on YouTube, including time with Peter Lumaj. Check them out. I may bring back the show in the next few weeks as there are many good candidates you all should consider voting for in August and November.

Want to see or speak with Peter? He will be at many upcoming events in our area and throughout the state. He has also been a commentator on Fox News and Newsmax among others for six years, can be heard regularly on local radio stations and has an upcoming interview with Dennis House this Sunday, the 29th. Check out his website: