Barkhamsted Wins the Republican Ticket

November 08, 2022

Written by Juliana Simone

Results from tonight’s Election Day Registrar of Voters vote for all candidates on the town ballot as follows:

State Rep. Mark Anderson (R-62) – 1057; Challenger Kim Becker – 787

State Senate Candidate Lisa Seminara (R-SD8) – 1033; Challenger Paul Honig – 807

Congressional Candidate Larry Lazor (CT-1) – 959; U.S. Rep. John Larson – 867

Candidate for Governor Bob Stefanowski (R) – 994; Gov. Ned Lamont – 849

Candidate for U.S. Senate Leora Levy (R) – 978; U.S. Senator Blumenthal – 872

Candidate for Secretary of the State – Dominic Rapini (R) – 957; Candidate Thomas (D) – 850

Candidate for Attorney General Jessica Kordas (R) – 934; AG Tong – 883

Candidate for Treasurer Harry Arora (R) – 980; Erick Russell (D) – 809

Candidate for Comptroller Mary Fay (R) – 1,009; State Rep. Sean Scanlon (D) – 820

Judge of Probate Candidate – James Steck, Esq. (R) – 999; Ruth Dwyer , Esq. (D) 820

Ballot Question in re early voting for CT: No – 847; Yes – 802

* (these are the exact numbers due to what I could hear from our ROV in a loud room but if they’re off at all it’s not notable. Any corrections will be made tomorrow if need be. )

GOTV for Tuesday November 8th, 2022

November 6, 2022

Fellow Barkhamsted residents and voters throughout our state of Connecticut who follow or view this blog, if you haven’t voted already please get out and vote this Tuesday. It is so important that you cast your vote to take our state and nation in the right direction. Everyone wants to see lower inflation, fewer taxes, less crime, parental rights restored, zero mandates, Constitutional liberties maintained as originally written, American independence, a bright future for our young, a safe place for our seniors and as much global peace that can be sustained. 

Our local races here in Barkhamsted are crucial in keeping our State Representative seat and State Senator seats Republican. Please re-elect Mark Anderson, (R-62) who as our representative along with New Hartford, Granby and Hartland has done an exceptional job following in the reigns of William Simanski, Richard Ferrari and Phil Prelli.  With no higher political ambitions, his goal is to keep it local and continue to do what is best for all four towns in this district. He is hands-on, accessible, knowledgeable and tireless. Mark Anderson deserves another term if not many more.

State Senator Candidate Lisa Seminara (SD8) currently serving on the Avon Board of Education, knows as a mother what is important to parents today in terms of classes and guidance. A Columbia College graduate, she will bring both hands-on daily life experience and wisdom to this seat now vacated by the popular and long-serving State Senator Kevin Witkos.

Congressman John Larson (CT-1) has certainly served long enough since being elected in 1999. Time for some new representation that is more in touch with today’s citizens. Vote for Larry Lazor, M.D. If you, friends or family live in the Fifth Congressional District, which Barkhamsted used to be part of until redistricting, please vote for George Logan. His race is the only Congressional toss up in Connecticut. An engineer, husband and father, a former State Senator and moderate Republican he will bring fresh air into the Fifth and our state as a whole, breaking up the monopoly of one party rule that has existed here since the former U.S. Representative Chris Shays lost his re-election in 2008.

Gubernatorial Bob Stefanowski is seeking his second run for Governor since 2018. He has continued to work hard to represent the people of Connecticut who are tired of being on the list of the highest taxed and regulated state denizens, and deserves your vote if you are seeking positive change. It is doable. Current Governor Ned Lamont won over Stefanowski by only 44K votes. (62K voters selected others on their ballots.) If Bob wins, he’ll need his Constitutional Officers so vote for this under ticket, as well.

Other states in the U.S. have better chances of electing a new Republican Senator to the White House. Although Connecticut is not in the top runners, if like with Congressman Larson, you feel Blumenthal has been in government long enough and don’t like his partisan votes, vote for his challenger.

Most importantly, get out and vote, as this is something sadly taken for granted by too many today in America. Be active. Participate in the freedoms you wake up to each day and want to keep in place. Every vote counts.

Riverton Fair BRTC Booth – State Rep. Mark Anderson and Barkhamsted Board of Selectman member Nick Lukiwsky (R)
State Representative Mark Anderson (R-62) at Barkhamsted RTC Meeting Oct 2022

Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Stefanowski with Canton supporter October 29, 2022 in Torrington on statewide bus tour
Bob Stefanowski for Governor 2022 lawn sign

2022 lawn signs Rte 44 Barkhamsted
State Representative Jay Case (R-63) at rally in Torrington for Gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski 10/29/22