Probate Judge Convention Unanimously Votes for James Steck

May 18, 2022

At the Torrington City Hall on May 18th, district delegates voted unanimously to elect Attorney James Steck to be their next Judge of Probate. Steck would replace retiring Michael Magistrali, Esq.

The Convention was chaired by Torrington RTC Chair Chris Beyus.

Steck was nominated by former Torrington Mayor Ryan Bingham, and seconded by Tim Waldron, legislative aide to State Senator Kevin Witkos, who both described James years of legal work, memberships on city boards, and community service as to why he is receiving their strong endorsement.

After the convention, delegates gathered at Sasso’s Pizza for a large variety of pizza, salads and sausage with broccoli rabe.

James and Michelle Steck after the Judge of Probate Convention 2022 Torrington
Former Torrington Mayor Ryan Bingham nominating Probate Judge Candidate James Steck
Tim Waldron, seconding the nomination of James Steck for Judge of Probate May 2022 Torrington City Hall
Attorney James Steck accepting the nomination for Judge of Probate at Torrington City Hall
Barkhamsted RTC and veteran retired State Central member Rich Tutunjian
Mr. and Mrs. David LaPointe at Torrington Convention for Judge of Probate