Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee

Tonight: New “Conservative Chat” with State Rep. Bill Simanski August 6th 7PM Charter cable 191

“Conservative Chat” – a political interview half-hour show brought to you by the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, features tonight, July 30th, 2015 at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191, guest State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with host BRTC Chair Juliana Simone.  Rep. Simanski explains why this was the worst session he’s ever witnessed in his five years of serving at the Capitol in the legislature, and gives a jam packed thirty minutes of examples why including the fiasco of the budget to SOTS Merrill’s surprise rat in the implementer bill. Tune in to hear all his background stories.

This program will repeat next Thursday, August 6th, 2015 at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191. For those outside the viewing area, this show will be available on-line after next Monday on www.ctv13.net under VOD “Conservative Chat” #97.



Editor’s Note: Juliana Simone says in this interview the unfunded mandate by SOTS Denise Merrill will cost towns 16K – and meant to say 1600. as well as the duplicate mentioned.  Ms. Simone apologizes for this momentary error which is just a lapse, but nevertheless, incorrect but now corrected.

Witkos: Another Unfunded Mandate Surprising our Towns

State Senator Kevin Witkos

Another rat adds another layer of red tape.

Tucked within the large “implementer bill” that finalized the state budget last month was a surprising policy change.

It was never asked for by the people. It was never talked about at the Capitol. It did not receive a public hearing. But now it’s here, it’s a new law, and people are not happy.

While there are many of these surprise policy changes (known as rats) buried within the implementer, the specific rat I’m talking about is a law that requires every Council of Government (COG) in Connecticut to hire a regional election monitor. This is an unfunded mandate, a financial burden on our towns. It’s also a new layer of bureaucracy in state elections that was not asked for and is not needed.

The new policy change will require each COG to hire an elections monitor, pay them and provide them with office space, supplies and equipment. It’s something our towns don’t have the budgets to cover – and something we quite frankly don’t need.

The monitor will oversee election moderators in each of the COG member towns and will be responsible for: 1) holding regional instructional sessions for moderators, 2) communicating with registrars of voters to assist with elections, recanvasses or audits, and 3) communicating with the Secretary of State regarding their instructional sessions. The monitor is completely subject to the secretary’s control and direction.

While I believe training and oversight is definitely needed when it comes to election monitoring, this new level of bureaucracy is not necessary and was not asked for by any group, any town or any COG to the best of my knowledge. In fact, Connecticut actually addressed election administration with another piece of legislation this year.

A separate bill, which had a public hearing, much discussion and received bipartisan support, will require all registrars to go through a certification program and receive professional development training. It also will make it easier to remove registrars if they’ve engaged in misconduct or did not fulfill their duties among other changes.

This was a smart policy change that improves the system, doesn’t hurt our towns, and was aired in public.

On the other hand, the process used to pass the “regional election monitor” legislation was done in complete darkness.

We deserve a transparent state government. Not discussing an idea with the public or with lawmakers and instead sneaking it into the budget at the last minute is just not right.

Adding another level of administration to the elections process is a burdensome overreach. Quietly inserting it into the budget as a rat just goes to show that this is not legislation to be celebrated. It’s more red tape, more financial strain, and more reason the state budget is bad for Connecticut.

Sen. Witkos, Senate Minority Leader Pro Tempore, represents the 8th District towns of Avon, Barkhamsted, Canton, Colebrook, Granby, Hartland, Harwinton, New Hartford, Norfolk, Simsbury and Torrington. For more information visit senatorwitkos.com orwww.facebook.com/senatorwitkos.

2014 Biannual Event article

September 30, 2014

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held their biannual event with a long list of special guest speakers, including college conservative talk radio host and political advocate Jayson Veley, State Representative William Simanski (R-62), State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1), Connecticut political commentator Don Pesci, former U.S. Comptroller General and recent LG candidate Dave Walker, U.S. Senate candidate 2012 and SOTS candidate 2014 Peter Lumaj, and former Congressman (CT-2) retired Army Colonel Rob Simmons. Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone emceed the event and member Salvatore Tartaglione, who serves on the town Board of Finance, hosted the event at his home which is also a bed and breakfast destination for fly fishermen.

Well attended by town and area supporters from Avon to New Hartford, fine food was served throughout the evening. The Republican American and local newspaper Independent News covered the occasion.  Special thanks to Barbara Herrlich for her help in decorating, Steve Blackburn, Treasurer, and to all RTC members and guests.



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(l-r) WMHJRESQ, Jenn, Dave Walker, Rob Simmons – Barkhamsted CT September 2014
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(l-r) Dan Jerram, Justin Bernier, William Landers – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
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(l-r) Stephen Hunt, Angela Campetti, Greg Piecuch – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
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(l-r) Sue Day, John Doyle – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014


Don Pesci - Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
Don Pesci – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
Jayson Veley - Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
Jayson Veley – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
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(l-r) Juliana Simone and Angela Campetti – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014



New Hartford Essay Contest Winners Honored by State Lawmakers

State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with New Hartford CT Essay Winner Matthew Maltby
State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with New Hartford CT Essay Winner Matthew Maltby


Lawmakers Award Essay Contest Winners Alongside Northwest Community Bank


New Hartford  Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and Representative Bill Simanski (R-62) recognized a group of young writers for their exceptional submissions in a school essay contest sponsored by Northwest Community Bank.  The winning students, sixth graders from the Ann Antolini School, were recognized by Senator Witkos, Representative Simanski and Carole Monroe, Branch Manager and Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank, at a ceremony at the school on Monday, June 15.


The winning students wrote essays in response to the question:  “Describe the American Melting Pot as it relates to immigration.”  Responses discussed many topics including changes in how immigrants enter the United States today as compared to a century ago. 


“Congratulations to all the participants and the impressive winners who wrote so eloquently on this important topic,” said Senator Witkos. “Our nation is unique in that we were founded, created and developed by people who traveled here from many different countries. The immigrant experience throughout history shaped our country into the amazing nation and melting pot it is today. Thank you to all the students who shared their own thoughts and feelings about our nation’s history and our journey forward. ”

“We’ve held this contest annually for several years now, and each year I continue to be impressed with the insight and ability of our students to present their thoughtful, well-crafted essays,” said Rep. Simanski.  “This year’s topic required both historical research and critical thinking on an important topic that remains at the forefront of debate for our state and our nation.  These students did a wonderful job sharing their own views and findings. I’d like to congratulate all of our winners on their accomplishments.  I’d also like to acknowledge and thank Northwest Community Bank, for their continued partnership in making this such a successful event.”


The winning students recognized at the event include:

Samantha Jacobs

Matthew Maltby

Cody Worsman

Robbie Eselby


Runners up include:

Kelly Oberheim

Megan Koester

Natalie Munson

Bethany Adams


“Northwest Community Bank is so pleased to support the Essay Contest again this year,” said Gayle E. Moraski, Northwest Community Bank Vice President. “This year’s topic was especially good.  I am always amazed that each student’s essay is different from each other.  And the level of confidence that the students have reading the essays in front of family and other students is incredible.  Thank you for allowing us to be part of this program and we look forward to next year!”

High Resolution Photos available for download on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/srophotos/sets/72157654281506699

  • Photo 1: Winner Matthew Maltby with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank (PHOTO 1 is also ATTACHED)
  • Photo 2: Runner up Kelly Oberheim with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 3: Runner up Megan Koester with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 4: Runner up Natalie Munson with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 5: Runner Up Bethany Adams with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 6: Winner Samantha Jacobs with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 7: Winner Cody Worsman with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 8: Winner Robbie Eselby with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 9: Amanda Shaw, Ann Antolini School Principal with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank



New Connecticut Republican Party Chairman

Bristol – Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair Juliana Simone broke the news last night from text messages sent from State Central Committee friends voting in Bristol for who of three candidates would be the next CT GOP Chair.

Being a Republican in Connecticut is like being a New York Jets fan. To be a supporter of an underdog team, weathering the losses and relishing the momentary high of any win however close, takes dedication, tenacity and the unwavering belief that next year will be different. In football, the coach of the team or the quarterback are commonly replaced. In politics, the Party Chairman and candidates are traded for a new shot at winning the season.

Tuesday evening, the State Central Committee met in Nuchie’s restaurant’s banquet room to elect a new Chairman after sitting two-term Jerry Labriola, Jr., an attorney from Naugatuck with a political family, decided not to seek a third term. He plans to focus on helping his endorsed Republican candidate for President, Marco Rubio, and will remain active in state politics.

Three candidates all vied for the title of new State Party Chair – State Senator Joe Markley, 58, who ran unopposed in 2014 whose sixteenth district includes Cheshire, Prospect, Southington, Waterbury, Wolcott; John Pavia, 52, a businessman, media guest commentator and law professor from Easton; and J.R. Romano, 36, a former staff member of the Connecticut Republican Party, State Representative candidate in 2004 and 2006 in his home town of Derby, the Campaign Manager for Peter Schiff, a well-known financial analyst, author and radio host who ran for the CT GOP nomination to run for the open U.S. Senate seat in 2010 and petitioned his way on to the ballot to primary (he lost to WWE’s Linda McMahon). Romano most recently worked as the state director for Americans for Prosperity until early 2014, when the conservative advocacy group cancelled this position in Connecticut and as the campaign manager for Tim Herbst in 2014 who ran for State Treasurer.

Senator Markley was nominated by state central member Allen Hoffman, John Pavia was nominated by state central member Bob Hall, who had endorsed John prior to the election, and New Britain’s Mayor, Erin Stewart, nominated J.R. Romano.

The seventy-two state central membership, plus two others – the Heads of the College Republicans and Young Republicans, made up the 74 on hand to vote. There also twelve ‘half’ votes who are given to members whose state senate districts have the largest party turnout on Election Day – this makes eighty total votes. The winning candidate needs 41 to win. (Technically 40.5)

As reported on Ameriborn News last night, as the votes came in and updates were received, the first round of votes gave Senator Markley 21 votes, John Pavia 25.5 votes and J.R. Romano 33.5 votes. Markley had suggested earlier that whichever of the three had the least amount of votes after the first round should withdraw. Since he had the smallest total, he dropped out and left the choice now to members between Pavia and Romano.

The second round had Romano’s lead go up to over fifty votes giving him the majority to win. Although the committee was going to allow switching, as they do at the party state convention where delegates can change their vote from how they originally cast it in the first round, Pavia being a gentleman seeing Romano had the votes, said they should skip the switching portion of the final tally, and vote in J.R. Romano unanimously as the new Connecticut Republican Chairman. Pavia gave a brief but positive concession speech that received a standing ovation.

With other business on the agenda for members to address, including the elections of the other Party Officers, J.R. Romano thanked members and went on to Chair his first meeting the new CT GOP Chair. Vice Chair Annalisa Stravato was re-elected unchallenged. She recently took the place of retiring Republican House Minority Leader Themis Klarides. Secretary Art Scialabba was re-elected after being challenged by former Secretary Bill Jenkins. Treasurer Gary Shaffrick was re-elected after being challenged by fellow member Chuck Pyne.

With a Presidential year approaching in 2016, which draws the largest turnout on Election Day nationwide, this will be a tough two year term for Romano. This year there are only municipal elections to deal with in November, the one area Republicans do well. This should help free up time needed by Romano to settle into his new role.

Connecticut, is a blue state with no federal republican representatives elected to Washington out of five congressional seats and two U.S. senate seats. Early polls are already showing if Hillary Clinton is the democrat nominee, Connecticut voters will vote for her by a large margin despite her many scandals and investigations. Even if nationwide, Americans are tired of a Democrat Commander in Chief and the way the direction of our country has been going, the recent re-election of Governor Malloy with his heavy taxes and high unemployment rate still showed even if by one-two percent a Democrat will win here.

One major goal for the new Republican Chair and among the party’s leadership is to try to beef up its membership with younger voters and unaffiliated tired of the democrat majority’s high taxes and business unfriendly legislation. Hovering at just under 21%, the Republicans have the smallest total of registered voters. Unaffiliated voters are the highest at almost 42%.

Another is to elect a republican to federal office, but this has been the case since Connecticut lost the last Republican Congressman throughout the Northeast, Christopher Shays in 2008. With gains in the State House and one in the State Senate, there is hope that at least in their own towns and districts, voters are wising up and seeking republican representation to stop the excessive taxation, stifling business laws and bring more jobs back to the state.

As all New York Jets fans return each season to support their team despite the odds, their passion and hope for a better future is on the same scale as the Connecticut Republicans. Both work hard to achieve winning end results against the opposition. The drive never falters and the team continues on until the winning day they know they’re capable of arrives.

We wish J.R. Romano the best of luck in his new venture.



ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” June 25th 7PM Charter Cable 191 with columnist Don Pesci

(l) CT veteran columnist Don Pesci and (r) "Conservative Chat" host BRTC Chair Juliana Simone
(l) CT veteran columnist Don Pesci and (r) “Conservative Chat” host BRTC Chair Juliana Simone

“Conservative Chat”TonightJune 25th, 2015 at 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents a half hour interview with veteran columnist and political commentator Don Pesci and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone. Tune in and hear Don and Juliana’s discussion about Governor Malloy and  the democrat majority’s recently passed state budget, who it effects and how much, the major businesses that are now researching moving out of the state, Governor Malloy and some of his administration and their policies, Don’s latest column on Malloy’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the NYT’s comments on Marco Rubio’s boat, the future of the CT GOP party and more!


For those outside of the viewing area or who are not subscribers to Charter Communications, this show can be seen on-line onwww.ctv13.net under VOD “Conservative Chat.”

“Conservative Chat” – tonight May 28th 7PM in memory of Tom Herlihy (R-8) a 2006 interview

Tom Herlihy 2006 mailer 002.1

“Conservative Chat” – in honor and memory of former State Senator Tom Herlihy who served the eighth senate district from 1999 through 2008, tonight’s program, Thursday, May 28, 2015, at 7PM on Charter Channel 191, shows an interview with Tom Herlihy and Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee’s Juliana Simone which was taped in late September of 2006. This half hour demonstrates the fine Senator at his best where Tom and Juliana go over his background, discuss binding arbitration and prevailing wage, state mandates that need to be eliminated, ECS grants to schools, gas zoning prices, open space, his goals for the next session and legislation he helped pass he was particularly proud of.

For those of you outside of the viewing area or who are not subscribers to Charter Communications, this show will be available on-line after this Monday on www.ctv13.net under VOD “Conservative Chat.”

Please remember to sign his condolences guest book on Legacy.com



Thomas J. Herlihy Jr. – former State Senator (R-8) Obituary

Thomas J. Herlihy Jr.

Obituary Condolences

Thomas J. Herlihy Jr. Obituary

Thomas J. Herlihy Jr. was born in Queens, New York and lived his life in Simsbury, Connecticut. Tom attended Saint Mary’s elementary school before graduating from Simsbury High School in 1974. Tom later graduated from the University of Hartford in 1978 with a B.A. in Elementary Education. After teaching in the Simsbury Public School system for two years, he worked at the Traveler’s Insurance Company before opening his own insurance business in 1983. Tom was the owner of T.J. Herlihy Insurance in Simsbury, Connecticut since 1983. In addition to being a local sports enthusiast, Tom was an active participant in Simsbury town politics. He coached his son and daughters in basketball, soccer, and baseball, and watched them grow and thrive in the Simsbury public school system. Tom was also an active member of the Simsbury Rotary Club and served on the Simsbury Board of Selectman from 1987-1990 and then again in 2009. He was elected to the Simsbury Board of Finance in 1991 and served as chairman in 1996. Over the years, Tom was a generous contributor to the Simsbury community. Tom’s passion for public policy eventually led him to serve as a State Representative for the 16th district between 1997 and 1999. He later served as a State Senator for the 8th district between 1999 and 2009. As a State Senator, Tom served on the finance and energy committees and was instrumental in the passage of several lasting reforms. He was honored by the CT State Firefighters Association for spearheading efforts to provide thermal imaging equipment for fire departments throughout the state. Pre- deceased by his father, Thomas Joseph Herlihy Sr., Tom is survived by his mother, Mary Herlihy of Simsbury, and his siblings: Patricia Silva of Suffield, Connecticut; Lynn and Kenneth Tilley of North Andover, Massachusetts; Doreen and Jim Cheverie of North Andover, Massachusetts; James and Kathleen Herlihy of Wallingford, Connecticut; and several nieces and nephews. He is also survived by his daughter Kaitlin Cambras and her husband Jonathan of South Orange, New Jersey, his daughter Meggie Barrow and her husband Jeff of Chicago, Illinois, his son Sean Herlihy of Los Angeles, California, and his former wife Janet Herlihy Russell of West Hartford, Connecticut. Calling hours will be held on Wednesday May 13th from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Vincent Funeral Home in Simsbury, Connecticut. A private funeral service will be held. In lieu of flowers, friends may choose to make a donation to Simsbury Youth Soccer LLC. A donation page will be set up at www.simsburysoccer.org. Additionally, you can mail a donation to: Simsbury Soccer Club, P.O. Box 731 Simsbury, CT 06070. Please visit Tom’s “Book of Memories” at www.vincentfuneralhome.com for online condolences.

Published in The Hartford Courant on May 10, 2015

– See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/hartfordcourant/obituary.aspx?n=thomas-j-herlihy&pid=174826346&#sthash.3rptnDcR.dpuf

New “Conservative Chat” Tonight, May 14th at 7PM with conservative radio host Jayson Veley

Jayson Veley and Juliana Simone
Jayson Veley and Juliana Simone

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, May 14, 2015, at 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, join Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee’s Chair and host, Juliana Simone, and conservative talk radio host Jayson Veley.  In this half hour interview, Juliana and Jayson talk about his many accomplishments at the age of twenty-one including his Fox News Network appearances and radio show; the 2016 Republican President candidates as well as democrat Hillary Clinton; border security and terrorist cells; immigration; and how Jayson perceives the conservative landscape of the future from members of his own generation.

For those of you outside the viewing area or who are not Charter subscribers, this episode can be seen on-line at: www.jaysonveley.com  and will be up after this coming Monday on www.ctv13.net

For those of you who attended our Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Biannual Event last September, Jayson was one of our featured speakers. The tape of his speech at the event can also be seen onwww.jaysonveley.com

Why to vote No on the Region 7 Referendum 5/05

I strongly urge taxpayers to vote NO on the Region 7 referendum Tuesday, May 5th.  We need reform in the Region 7 budget process–reform which brings sunshine, financial transparency, lower budgets and taxes. No more asking for money they don’t need & don’t use every year.  Region 7 has earned a reputation for education excellence, it’s time for the Board of Education to step up their financial game to match.  Voting down the referendum provides the board a chance to trim just 2% off the proposed budget–a reduction which would still leave enough to fully fund all staff and operations. It would also allow the board an opportunity to ask for the funds by category as they truly need–not misleading taxpayers by category as the referendum budget does.  Vote NO for reform.

Polling place is the Barkhamsted Town Garage, noon to 7:00 pm.

Tom Palmer