Tag Archives: “Conservative Chat” Charter cable political interview show

ICYMI: Conservative Chat – 9/21 with Harwinton F/S Michael Criss 7:00PM Charter 191

“Conservative Chat” a show brought to you by the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, now in its thirteenth year of broadcast on Charter Communications, presents an interview with Harwinton First Selectman Michael Criss and BRTC Chair and host, Juliana Simone, tonight, Thursday, September 17th, at 7:30 PM.

First Selectman Criss discusses his achievements over the last three terms for the town of Harwinton, his continual efforts to appeal to the Connecticut General Assembly as an active elected official appearing at numerous public hearings, and his goals for keeping Harwinton on track going forward.

For those not in the viewing area or who are not Charter subscribers, this show can be seen online on www.ctv191.com after this following Monday.

(l) Harwinton First Selectman Michael Criss (r) Dominic Criss

ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” tonight 7:00PM Charter cable channel 191 with columnist Don Pesci

New program next week!

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Thursday, August 31st, 2017, 7:00PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents a new interview with columnist Don Pesci and BRTC Chair and Host Juliana Simone. Don and Juliana discuss a variety of current political topics in this half hour program.

Don Pesci’s political commentary can be read on his blog “Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes From a Blue State”

For those of you outside of the viewing area or who are not Charter/Spectrum subscribers, this show can be seen online on www.ctv191.com currently on the home page, but later can be searched for on the site under the tab ‘what’s on’ ‘watch programs’ search the word Conservative – episode 118.

(l) Columnist Don Pesci and (r) BRTC Chair and Host Juliana Simone

Tonight: ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” Interview with Dave Walker – Candidate for Governor 2018

“Conservative Chat”– Tonight, Sunday, August 13th, 2017, at 7:30PM on Charter cable channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents an interview with former U.S. Comptroller Dave Walker and BRTC Chair and host Juliana Simone. Dave and Juliana discuss his forty years of award winning leadership under three Presidents, his work as a CPA and Senior Strategic Advisor to PricewaterhouseCoopers giving advice to other Governor’s and political leaders throughout the country, how his turnaround expertise and government transformation and anti-corruption experience make him the best candidate for Governor 2018, what his plans would be as Governor to get Connecticut out of debt, how to bring economic pro-business growth back to our state, lower or eliminate taxes, work with the unions, and more!

A new interview will air on Thursday, August 17th at 7PM.

For those who are not Charter subscribers or who live outside the viewing area, this show is available online now: https://communityaccesstv.viebit.com/vod/?v=jJXpTdCoBEzP&s=false

New “Conservative Chat” Tonight with State Representative Prasad Srinivasin (R-31)

New Show Thursday August 27th – 7PM

“Conservative Chat” – ICYMI – An interview on July 20th, 2017 at 7:00PM on Charter cable channel 191 – The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents Prasad Srinivasin, serving his fourth term with the House Republicans in the Connecticut General Assembly, and BRTC Chair and host Juliana Simone. Prasad talks about his coming to America after graduating medical school in India, and furthering his career here in America to begin his own practice as an allergist, why he wanted to become involved in politics, what he thinks about the current long session ending with no budget passed, and his bid for the nomination to run for Governor as the Republican nominee.

This show will repeat one more time, Sunday, July 23rd at 7:30PM on Charter Channel 191. For those not in the viewing area or who are not Charter subscribers, can watch the show online at www.ctv13.net next week under the tab Watch Programs/search Conservative if not on the home page – or through this direct link:



ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” Tonight June 29th 7:00PM on Charter Cable 191 with Malcolm McGough


New Episode Next Week

“Conservative Chat”Tonight, Thursday, June 29th, 2017, at 7:00PM on Charter Cable Channel 191 the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents a new interview with BRTC Chair and Host Juliana Simone and Guest Malcolm McGough.

Learn political campaign worker Malcolm McGough’s experiences as a Political Director on the Donald Trump for President campaign trail, his trials and tribulations in his long journey to become an American citizen as an Australian who loves America, his views on U.S. politics today and the seven men from the grave that rule the left’s agenda, patriotism historically and today, and more!

Malcolm McGough

For those outside the viewing area or who are not Spectrum/Charter subscribers, this show will be available online after this coming Monday on www.ctv13.net under Watch Programs, search “Conservative” if not on the Home Page, #115.

ICYMI “Conservative Chat” Tonight – 7:00PM Charter Channel 191 – Now on Twice a Week

“Conservative Chat” will now air on Charter cable channel 191 on Sunday’s 7:30pm and in its traditional time slot, Thursday’s at 7:00pm.

The first program of 2017 features columnist and political commentator Don Pesci and Barkhamsted RTC Chair and host Juliana Simone.

This half hour Don and Juliana discuss the upcoming inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump and how D.C. will operate with Republican majorities in the House, Senate and Executive Branch, the repeal of Obamacare, the initial process of new immigration policy, how historians will view Obama’s eight years as President, and with the new long session beginning in the Connecticut General Assembly, what bills are important as well as the continuing debt that plagues this state and more.

Don Pesci’s articles can be read on his blog: Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes From a Blue State, and Juliana Simone’s can be read on her blog: In My Vue

For those not in the viewing area or who are not Charter/Spectrum subscribers this show can be seen online on www.ctv13.net – Watch Programs – search ‘conservative’ – Episode #112.


TONIGHT: Dec. 15th – ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” with State Rep. John Piscopo – 7PM Charter Channel 191 – Video up online


Written by Juliana Simone

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Thursday, December 15, 2016, at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191, Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair and host Juliana Simone talks with the third-highest ranking officer in the House Republicans, State Representative, John Piscopo. (R-76) Juliana and John discuss his long tenure serving his district since 1989, the many committee’s he’s served on, his term as Chairman of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) in Washington D.C. and his recent visit there, the national election, the state election that brought gains to the House and the Senate, the state debt and what needs to be done to reduce it and eventually eliminate it, his goals for the next session beginning in January, his bill to make the English language the official state language and more!

For those outside the viewing area or who are not Charter/Spectrum subscribers, this program can be seen online after this following Monday on www.ctv13.net under Watch Programs, search the word conservative, episode 111 or use the direct link below.


CT State Representative John Piscopo (R-76) and BRTC Chair and cable host Juliana Simone

Update: Online link – ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” with columnist Don Pesci Charter channel 191

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Thursday evening, December 1st, 2016, at 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents a new half-hour interview with BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and columnist Don Pesci. Don and Juliana discuss this past election, Election Day results, national and state, the media and its role in the election, our next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, the post Election Day speeches of House Speaker Paul Ryan, losing democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, President Obama, a quick pick for Trump’s cabinet, and more!

Juliana Simone has her own blog: “In My Vue.” Don Pesci also has his own blog: “Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes From A Blue State.”

For those of you outside of the viewing area or who are not Charter/Spectrum cable subscribers, this show can be seen on-line next week at www.ctv13.net – under Programming/Watch Online/search word Conservative. Will update when it’s up.



Update: ICYMI:Conservative Chat: Congressional Candidate Matthew Corey 10/27/16 7PM Charter Cable with direct link to show online

The original link, will no longer bring up this episode, but the interview can still be viewed at this moment, by going to the Charter website www. ctv13.net although it involves many hoops to see the program.

As I write this, an interested viewer or voter, can go to the home page, click watch programs, and use the search bar to find the show. However, “Conservative Chat” with or without the apostrophes will only bring up ‘no results found.’

The Charter Studio manager who does a great job for us, told me he wasn’t sure why, but now only if someone logging on to the site puts in Conservative, without apostrophes, will the search produce results, and bring up the show’s last two interviews.

Even if you click on the play arrow to watch the show, nothing will happen. When I first started to post this, I noted one had to scroll down a bit to “program information” and within that box, could click the arrow and watch the interview. That arrow has now disappeared, too. The Charter Studio manager has since wrote me has corrected some of these issues, but anyone interested in watching an interview online, still has to put only the word Conservative in the search bar, or one can click on either of these two links recently provided:

First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey:  https://communityaccesstv.viebit.com/#WPoSvM0AP01E

 or U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter: https://communityaccesstv.viebit.com/#bWb5oh5gZAGn

Written by Juliana Simone

“Conservative Chat” – a show brought to the public from the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee and airs in six local towns Thursdays at 7PM, on Charter cable channel 191, is uplinked online the following week of the original broadcast, at www.ctv13.net

This latest episode features First Congressional Republican candidate, Matthew Corey, as he challenges the entrenched democrat opponent who has been in Washington since 1999.

Mr. Larson, is still perceived by some voters as a moderate democrat, but he left that group far behind many terms ago. A higher up in his caucus leadership, he has been in lockstep with liberal, Nancy Pelosi (CA-12 ),  both when she had the title of House Majority Leader and now House Minority Leader.

In this latest program, Corey and Simone talk about the many issues the democrat’s under President Obama’s two terms, that have harmed our country, our military, our values and overall view of America across the world – from both our allies and enemies.

Candidate Matthew Corey, a hard working small business owner who has invested in Hartford, owns both a skyscraper window cleaning business and a tavern. Clear on policy, he makes many comments in this show that cover everything from the failed program of Obamacare, the immense national debt the Connecticut federal democrat incumbents never address, the excessive taxation the democrats have also burdened our citizens with on whatever income level, and Donald Trump, and what in his view, are his best policy plans if elected.


ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” TONIGHT 7PM Charter cable channel 191 with U.S. Senator Candidate Dan Carter

Update – Editor: I believe the interview with Dan Carter is showing again tonight, November 3rd, at 7PM onc Charter Cable channel 191.

“Conservative Chat”Tonight, Thursday evening at 7PM, September 29, 2016, on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents a half hour interview with U.S. Senator Candidate Dan Carter (R-CT) and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone. State Representative Dan Carter and Juliana Simone discuss his democrat opponent Senator Richard Blumenthal and his latest ad showing he’s pro-defense, his voting record during his first term, his voting yes to the Iran deal, his joining Connecticut’s federal democrat delegation on stricter gun laws, his tendency to stretch the truth, his independence in the D.C. Assembly which focuses more on trivial things than important issues, and the upcoming debate Dick will have with Dan on Face the State in late October. Dan also discusses his goals if elected, his military record as a Major in the Air Force, and what committees he would like to serve on with his well rounded background which would make him an effective U.S. Senator on day one.

For those of you in the viewing area, this show will repeat next Thursday, October 6th, 2016 at 7PM on Charter Channel 191. For those of you outside the viewing area, or who are not Charter subscribers, this show will be available on-line at www.ctv13.netafter next Monday or Tuesday. Click watch programs and if not on the home page, search “Conservative Chat” episode #109.

(l) CT U.S. Senator candidate State Rep. Dan Carter and (r) Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone
(l) CT U.S. Senator candidate State Rep. Dan Carter and (r) Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone