Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Board of Selectman member Mark Hemenway (R)

Barkhamsted nixes climate-control resolution – Republican American

Sunday, September 24th, 2017



BARKHAMSTED — A global issue collided with this little town on Thursday night.

After 90 minutes of vigorous discussion, residents voted 37-27 to reject a resolution that called for Barkhamsted, a town of about 3,700, to “adhere to the spirit and purpose” of the Paris Climate Accord.

The accord was signed by President Barack Obama in April 2016, but President Donald Trump, who said that in withdrawing from the 195-nation pact he fulfilled a campaign promise, revoked the decision in June of this year.

It was clear that many in Barkhamsted, which voted for Trump by a wide margin, strongly support his action. So strong was the feeling that some attending did not even want to discuss 

the topic. Told they must first accept the resolution’s inclusion on the meeting’s call, several residents suggested that it be rejected.

But the petition had been properly circulated and the signatures on it had been verified.

Former Republican State Rep. Philip Prelli questioned its legality. 

Phil Prelli, Former State Rep. (R-63)

Climate: Residents Reject Obama Accord

“Did anyone check with the town attorney to see if it is a legal question to come before the people?” he asked. “This is a waste of time.”

Former first selectman Michael Fox, who initiated the petition, said town meetings have been held in the past to discuss global and environmental issues.

Prelli said Connecticut already has a plan to reduce emissions.

“The whole move behind this is political gamesmanship,” he said. “If you want to do it right, the Senate should adopt a treaty.  But we don’t need to do this. If you want to protest this, then write a letter.”

Even with the resolution’s acceptance, there were those who disparaged bringing it to the floor. David Moulton excoriated Fox for circulating the petition.

“I’m pretty disappointed this has been brought before us,” he said.

He referenced a “Nature Geoscience” article that concludes earlier computer models overstated global warming.

“Let’s say they were dead wrong. For each scientist who believes in global warming, you can name another who does not,” Moulton said. “So why should the U.S. — let alone little Barkhamsted — accept the burden?”

The scientists quoted in the article said earlier projections predicted warming at a higher rate than has been experienced, but still cautioned that the time before temperatures rise by the trigger point of 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels is only 20 years.

Moulton castigated Fox, a friend of Gov. Dannel Malloy, saying, “You could be on the phone lobbying Malloy instead of wasting our time with this ridiculous proposal when we’re facing a 4-mill tax increase.”

Riverton resident Tom Palmer worried that the resolution would force the town into costly modifications.

First Selectman Donald S. Stein said endorsing the resolution would not include legal obligations.

“If electric vehicles are more economic, then we would consider it,” Stein said. “But if we buy diesel trucks that have environmental controls, we are still adhering to the spirit of the accord.”

Thomas Boyle of Washington Hill said Barkhamsted is not an industrial town.

“We heat our houses, we drive our cars,” he said. “To adhere to the (accord’s) 28 percent (emissions-cut) directive, who cannot drive their car, who can’t heat their house? What are the plans to reduce emissions? Let’s outlaw barbecues — boom, we can do it.”

Fox said the resolution does not require anyone to cut back by 28 percent.

Tim Deschenes added that the three recent hurricanes are “shades of things to come.”

“You can argue we’re little Barkhamsted, but my friends, the world is bigger than Barkhamsted,” he said. “Here’s a chance to step outside Barkhamsted. We think about costs — what are the costs to rebuild Houston, to rebuild Florida and Puerto Rico?”

John Noelke contended, “We’re trying to send a message that we have common sense. No one is taking away your rights in adhering to the purpose — the purpose is to make the world better. If we can all do a little bit, that’s adhering to the purpose.”

Editor’s note: Though the Republican American does not include the full agenda of this town meeting in the article that appeared in Sunday’s newspaper, a second item was also presented to attending town residents, that asked for a vote on the sale of a small strip of land adjacent to the elementary school to Peter and Sarah Ferrereso. This property line intertwines with the town and the Ferrereso’s and involves large trees that does not allow a clear line for a needed fence. The majority in the room, after some left after item one failed to pass, voted yes to allow the Ferrereso’s to buy the land they have cleared that children now play on. 

First Selectman Candidate, Board of Selectman member Mark Hemenway (R), also had his running mate Nick Lukiwsky in attendance with him this evening. Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, told Republican American reporter Kathryn Boughton after the meeting adjourned, that with over 250 Barkhamsted voters choosing Donald Trump over his opponent, if this small number of people gathered tonight had voted by majority to not agree with President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord, it would have been a misrepresentation of the townspeople. 

Photo’s taken by Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone:

(l) Former Barkhamsted F/S Mike Fox at Barkhamsted Town Meeting
(l-r) Sue Blackburn, BRTC Treasurer Steve Blackburn, and in green polo shirt, F/S candidate (R) Mark Hemenway
Dave Moulton, former BRTC and BOF Chair speaking to petitioning former F/S Mike Fox.
First Selectman candidate (green polo shirt) BOS member Mark Hemenway expressing his views at the town meeting.
Former State Rep. (R-63) and Agricultural Commissioner under Gov. Rell
Former Barkhamsted F/S and veteran Planning and Zoning Commission member Jim Hart
Incumbent F/S Don Stein (D) explaining why he is voting yes on the petition to disagree with President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Accord and climate control proposal.
(center) NWReg7 BOE Chair Molly Read and (r) Sarah Ferrereso with husband Peter by her side waiting for their item to come up for a vote.

Barkhamsted RTC Fundraiser Highlights

Written by Juliana Simone

Barkhamsted RTC F/R (l-r) State Rep. Tim LeGeyt, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter, State Senator Kevin Witkos, BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, State Rep. William Simanski
Barkhamsted RTC F/R (l-r) State Rep. Tim LeGeyt, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter, State Senator Kevin Witkos, BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, State Rep. William Simanski

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held its biannual fundraiser on October 11th. The event was held at the home of the committee Chair, Juliana Simone. Committee members brought food and beverages for guests to enjoy. Candidates for state and federal office were on hand to talk to and later address the guests giving campaign speeches.

District candidates, Barkhamsted State Representative, William Simanski (R-62), who is running unopposed to serve his fourth term, and State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), whose district includes the town of Barkhamsted as well as ten other towns, is running for reelection to serve his fifth term in the Senate, after serving in the State House. He is currently the Deputy Minority Leader, second to State Senator Len Fasano, in senate leadership.

Simanksi and Witkos both used their time as speakers to acknowledge the failures of the Malloy administration, and how under two terms of this democrat Governor, things have only worsened.

First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1), challenging entrenched democrat Congressman John Larson for a third time, is a small businessman who owns and operates two companies in Hartford and is a Navy veteran. {To see his recent interview on our RTC committee cable show click this link}


U.S. Senate candidate, Dan Carter, who is presently a State Representative in Connecticut’s second district after being elected to office in 2010, is an Air Force veteran, and has a background in the health care industry.  {To see his recent interview on our RTC committee cable show click this link}

Corey and Carter used their time as speakers to acknowledge both the failures to Connecticut residents and taxpayers under the Democrat majority in our state legislature, and how the federal delegation that represents the Constitution State in Washington, D.C., that consists of five members of the House of Representatives, and two U.S. Senators, all members of the democrat party, have voted consistently with their caucus leadership, and fail Connecticut’s needs overall.

Corey is challenging U.S. Rep. John Larson (D), who exemplifies why term limits need to be imposed, after making a career in Washington for seventeen years. Carter is challenging one-term incumbent, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, who has also made a lifetime profession working for the government, as Connecticut’s Attorney General for twenty years, before moving on to a federal seat.

Peter Lumaj, also gave a moving speech to the crowd. The 2014 Secretary of the State candidate, who doubled the amount of votes the prior nominee received four years earlier, currently has an exploratory committee for a statewide office race in 2018. Lumaj also sought the nomination to be the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in 2012. Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, seconded his nomination at the state convention that year.

Lumaj reminded everyone “If you can’t vote for Trump, vote for Republican Party,” he said. “We must support any and every office we can. We cannot keep fighting each other. If you do not vote for Trump, it is a vote for Hillary.”

He also reminded people that he grew up in a communist country, and how he escaped to America to live a life of liberty and opportunity.  Like others with his background, he fears the country he came to embrace for its freedoms, he now sees becoming more like the country he and his brothers fled, with the liberal democrat agenda of making America a socialist nation.

State Representative Tim LeGeyt (R-17), who took over the Witkos seat when he moved forward to the Senate, also came to the event. Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss, and Barkhamsted Selectman, Mark Hemenway (R), was another elected official present as well as Rich Tutunjian, who is a State Central Committee member for the senate district eight, in addition to BRTC treasurer, Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D., along with former RTC Chair, Robert Brainard III, who serve on the Board of Assessment Appeals in addition to being RTC members.

Hard-working reporter, Kathryn Boughton, came to cover the occasion for The Republican American, a respected state newspaper in circulation for over 150 years, known for its conservative investigative reporting*.  Ms. Boughton spoke at length to all the candidates and published a fine report that accurately described the candidates’ positions in the October 13th edition. {Editor’s note: see attached scan}

Party members and unaffiliated voters came from both native Barkhamsted and towns around the state. A good time was had by all. Thank you to the many committee members who came out in support of our RTC, and to our candidates and guests who made the evening memorable and informative.

Vote November 8th, for all of our Republican candidates, everyone! The difference in how the future of America will proceed is monumental.

BRTC F/R - Chair Juliana Simone and U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter
BRTC F/R – Chair Juliana Simone and U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter


BRTC F/R - First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1) and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone
BRTC F/R – First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1) and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone


BRTC F/R - BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss
BRTC F/R – BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss


BRTC F/R - Peter Lumaj, former candidate for SOTS and exploratory committee candidate for Governor 2018
BRTC F/R – Peter Lumaj, former candidate for SOTS and exploratory committee candidate for Governor 2018



BRTC F/R 2016 Peter Lumaj, Cassandra D. , two ROV’s and town clerk


BRTC F/R - (l-r) Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and William Simanski
BRTC F/R – (l-r) Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and William Simanski


BRTC F/R - (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and Bill Simanski
BRTC F/R – (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and Bill Simanski


BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone, Bill Simanski {photo: Brock Weber}
BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone, Bill Simanski {photo: Brock Weber}


BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) RTC Treasurer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D., Mike and Susan Day (VOR -R) Barkhamsted
BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) RTC Treasurer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph. D., Mike and Susan Day (VOR -R) Barkhamsted


BRTC F/R 2016 - Mark Mahoney, SC and BRTC member Rich Tutunjian, Ernie L.
BRTC F/R 2016 – Mark Mahoney, SC and BRTC member Rich Tutunjian, Ernie L.


BRTC F/R 2016 - former Chair and RTC member John Lavieri and Mike Day
BRTC F/R 2016 – former Chair and RTC member John Lavieri and Mike Day


Senate Republican staff member and former CM for Peter Lumaj SOTS campaign, Brock Weber, and fellow Lumaj staff worker Cassandra D.
Senate Republican staff member and former CM for Peter Lumaj SOTS campaign, Brock Weber, and fellow Lumaj staff worker Cassandra D.


BRTC F/R 2016 - RTC member Tom Palmer and BOS member/BRTC VC Mark Hemenway
BRTC F/R 2016 – RTC member Tom Palmer and BOS member/BRTC VC Mark Hemenway


BRTC F/R 2016 - Avon RTC VC Stephen Hunt and resident cat
BRTC F/R 2016 – Avon RTC VC Stephen Hunt and resident cat


Barkhamsted RTC F/R 2016 - BRTC and BAA member Robert Brainard III and Juliana Simone
Barkhamsted RTC F/R 2016 – BRTC and BAA member Robert Brainard III and Juliana Simone


BRTC F/R 2106 -WMHJRESQ and resident cat
BRTC F/R 2016 -WMHJRESQ and resident cat