Tag Archives: Barkhamsted BOF member Dave Moulton

Barkhamsted nixes climate-control resolution – Republican American

Sunday, September 24th, 2017



BARKHAMSTED — A global issue collided with this little town on Thursday night.

After 90 minutes of vigorous discussion, residents voted 37-27 to reject a resolution that called for Barkhamsted, a town of about 3,700, to “adhere to the spirit and purpose” of the Paris Climate Accord.

The accord was signed by President Barack Obama in April 2016, but President Donald Trump, who said that in withdrawing from the 195-nation pact he fulfilled a campaign promise, revoked the decision in June of this year.

It was clear that many in Barkhamsted, which voted for Trump by a wide margin, strongly support his action. So strong was the feeling that some attending did not even want to discuss 

the topic. Told they must first accept the resolution’s inclusion on the meeting’s call, several residents suggested that it be rejected.

But the petition had been properly circulated and the signatures on it had been verified.

Former Republican State Rep. Philip Prelli questioned its legality. 

Phil Prelli, Former State Rep. (R-63)

Climate: Residents Reject Obama Accord

“Did anyone check with the town attorney to see if it is a legal question to come before the people?” he asked. “This is a waste of time.”

Former first selectman Michael Fox, who initiated the petition, said town meetings have been held in the past to discuss global and environmental issues.

Prelli said Connecticut already has a plan to reduce emissions.

“The whole move behind this is political gamesmanship,” he said. “If you want to do it right, the Senate should adopt a treaty.  But we don’t need to do this. If you want to protest this, then write a letter.”

Even with the resolution’s acceptance, there were those who disparaged bringing it to the floor. David Moulton excoriated Fox for circulating the petition.

“I’m pretty disappointed this has been brought before us,” he said.

He referenced a “Nature Geoscience” article that concludes earlier computer models overstated global warming.

“Let’s say they were dead wrong. For each scientist who believes in global warming, you can name another who does not,” Moulton said. “So why should the U.S. — let alone little Barkhamsted — accept the burden?”

The scientists quoted in the article said earlier projections predicted warming at a higher rate than has been experienced, but still cautioned that the time before temperatures rise by the trigger point of 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels is only 20 years.

Moulton castigated Fox, a friend of Gov. Dannel Malloy, saying, “You could be on the phone lobbying Malloy instead of wasting our time with this ridiculous proposal when we’re facing a 4-mill tax increase.”

Riverton resident Tom Palmer worried that the resolution would force the town into costly modifications.

First Selectman Donald S. Stein said endorsing the resolution would not include legal obligations.

“If electric vehicles are more economic, then we would consider it,” Stein said. “But if we buy diesel trucks that have environmental controls, we are still adhering to the spirit of the accord.”

Thomas Boyle of Washington Hill said Barkhamsted is not an industrial town.

“We heat our houses, we drive our cars,” he said. “To adhere to the (accord’s) 28 percent (emissions-cut) directive, who cannot drive their car, who can’t heat their house? What are the plans to reduce emissions? Let’s outlaw barbecues — boom, we can do it.”

Fox said the resolution does not require anyone to cut back by 28 percent.

Tim Deschenes added that the three recent hurricanes are “shades of things to come.”

“You can argue we’re little Barkhamsted, but my friends, the world is bigger than Barkhamsted,” he said. “Here’s a chance to step outside Barkhamsted. We think about costs — what are the costs to rebuild Houston, to rebuild Florida and Puerto Rico?”

John Noelke contended, “We’re trying to send a message that we have common sense. No one is taking away your rights in adhering to the purpose — the purpose is to make the world better. If we can all do a little bit, that’s adhering to the purpose.”

Editor’s note: Though the Republican American does not include the full agenda of this town meeting in the article that appeared in Sunday’s newspaper, a second item was also presented to attending town residents, that asked for a vote on the sale of a small strip of land adjacent to the elementary school to Peter and Sarah Ferrereso. This property line intertwines with the town and the Ferrereso’s and involves large trees that does not allow a clear line for a needed fence. The majority in the room, after some left after item one failed to pass, voted yes to allow the Ferrereso’s to buy the land they have cleared that children now play on. 

First Selectman Candidate, Board of Selectman member Mark Hemenway (R), also had his running mate Nick Lukiwsky in attendance with him this evening. Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, told Republican American reporter Kathryn Boughton after the meeting adjourned, that with over 250 Barkhamsted voters choosing Donald Trump over his opponent, if this small number of people gathered tonight had voted by majority to not agree with President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord, it would have been a misrepresentation of the townspeople. 

Photo’s taken by Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone:

(l) Former Barkhamsted F/S Mike Fox at Barkhamsted Town Meeting
(l-r) Sue Blackburn, BRTC Treasurer Steve Blackburn, and in green polo shirt, F/S candidate (R) Mark Hemenway
Dave Moulton, former BRTC and BOF Chair speaking to petitioning former F/S Mike Fox.
First Selectman candidate (green polo shirt) BOS member Mark Hemenway expressing his views at the town meeting.
Former State Rep. (R-63) and Agricultural Commissioner under Gov. Rell
Former Barkhamsted F/S and veteran Planning and Zoning Commission member Jim Hart
Incumbent F/S Don Stein (D) explaining why he is voting yes on the petition to disagree with President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Accord and climate control proposal.
(center) NWReg7 BOE Chair Molly Read and (r) Sarah Ferrereso with husband Peter by her side waiting for their item to come up for a vote.

“Conservative Chat” municipal election candidate episode now on-line

November 5, 2015

The latest episode of “Conservative Chat” which featured Barkhamsted municipal candidates BOS member Mark Hemenway (R) and BOF veteran member Dave Moulton (R) has now been uploaded on-line. BRTC Chair and program host Juliana Simone discusses town issues with these knowledgeable board members who went on to keep their board positions on Election Day 2015.

To watch the show: http://www.ctv13.net/

Click on the tab VOD and the interview is currently on the home page – with the CC screen – episode #100.  After more shows are uploaded, either put “Conservative Chat” in the search bar, or go to page two, three, etc. for current listings.

Barkhamsted Municipal Election Results 2015

Thank you Barkhamsted voters!

Written by Juliana Simone

November 4, 2015

Voter turnout on Tuesday showed town residents still care who sits on their Boards. Town Republican’s won every challenged seat by the opposing party.

All four contested incumbents, two on the Board of Finance, Dave Moulton, a former Chair of the BOF, who has committed himself to saving taxpayers money and keeping spending down for almost two decades, and colleague Sal Tartaglione, an alternate seeking a full seat, who recently built a bread and breakfast business on River Road and has a career in finance, won their challenges.

Planning and Zoning Commission, Johnny Polderman, and Zoning Board of Appeals, Dan Lamont, two veteran incumbents who have each dedicated fourteen years of volunteer service as elected officials on their respective boards, also easily won reelection.

Traditionally, these elections have a small turnout, but 30% of Barkhamsted’s registered voters made the effort to go cast their ballots this November 3rd. According to Voter Registrar Sue Day (R), this “was a little more than we expected.” Her colleague Karen Martin (D) noted when asked how many people came in to register today as new voters, “only two.” She agreed the traffic was better than they thought it would be.

Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair, Juliana Simone, said “Thank you to all Barkhamsted voters who voted this Election Day and recognized our Republican incumbents who continue to dedicate their time to make our town a beautiful and fiscal place to live.”

Listed by highest votes earned are the results: (Richard Winn and John Doyle were cross endorsed by the Democrat Party)

Richard Winn (R) – Chairman, Board of Finance – 652

John Doyle (R) – Board of Finance – 636

Jim Hart (R) – Planning and Zoning Commission – 574

Bill LeGeyt (R) – Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals – 565

Linda Persechino  (R) – Board of Finance, alternate – 563

Pam Cole (R) – Treasurer – 557

Jennifer Prelli-Hester (R) – Board of Education – 553

Donald Stein (D) – First Selectman – 540

Teresa Collins (D) – Tax Collector – 529

Molly Sexton Read (D) – Chair, Board of Education – 493

Robert Brainard III (R) – (BAA member) – Board of Education – 489

Stephen Egbertson (D) – Board of Finance – 488

David R. Moulton (R) – Board of Finance – 421

Daniel Lamont (R) – Zoning Board of Appeals – 416

Mark Hemenway (R) – Board of Selectman – 410

John Warren (R) – Board of Assessment Appeals – 406

Johnny Polderman (R) – Planning and Zoning Commission – 402

Donna Beaudoin (D) – Board of Education – 400

Salvatore Tartaglione (R) – Board of Finance – 377

Peter Bakker, Jr. (D) – Board of Finance – 357

Frank Kaczynski (D) – Planning and Zoning Commission – 305

Phil Walker (D) – Board of Assessment Appeals – 302

Julia Patterson (D) – Board of Finance – 293

Election Day – Nov. 3rd – Get Out and Vote Row B for Republicans!

Barkhamsted voters – please go out and cast your vote today for many of our fine long-serving veteran Board members who have dedicated cumulatively decades of volunteer service to our town and have made it a special enough place to live, Connecticut Magazine in this month’s issue,  just ranked Barkhamsted as the #2 town to live in its category statewide.

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ICYMI: Tonight 7PM “Conservative Chat” with Barkhamsted Selectman Mark Hemenway and BOF member David Moulton

Update: The Charter studio manager informed me that the company is changing servers in addition to upgrading equipment this entire week, so although he made our show a priority to rerun Monday evening, and had it loaded in the machine to make sure it aired, the new server was unable to broadcast our program and any others as they made necessary changes. Due to this activity at Charter, no new shows could be taped, so this interview will air one last time tonight, November 12th, 2015 in its usual time, 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191 and is still available to see on-line for those outside the viewing area or who are satellite subscribers. 

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Monday, November 2nd, 2015, at 6:30PM, on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents an interview with Barkhamsted Selectman Mark Hemenway (R) and Barkhamsted Board of Finance member Dave Moulton (R) with BRTC Chair and Host Juliana Simone. Mark and Dave discuss with Juliana why Barkhamsted made the #2 ranking of places to live in the recent Connecticut magazine in its category; why our challenged Republican incumbents should be re-elected; how the time would be different if a Republican First Selectman had been in office for four terms; why Mark voted no on this year’s Selectmen’s budget; budget items including general government vs. education budget, state and revenue grants and capitol expenses; the future outlook for Barkhamsted going forward and what voters should understand when they fill out their ballots on Tuesday, November 3rd between 6AM and 8PM and to vote for our long-serving, dedicated and informed Republican ticket!

For those who are not Charter subscribers, or who live outside the viewing area, this program will be available on-line on Monday, November 2nd at www.ctv13.net under VOD/search Conservative Chat episode 100. (check throughout the day for the upload)

(l-r) Dave Moulton, Mark Hemenway, Juliana Simone on set of "Conservative Chat"
(l-r) Dave Moulton, Mark Hemenway, Juliana Simone on set of “Conservative Chat”

Register Citizen Article on Barkhamsted Municipal Elections 2015

Register Citizen September 4 2015
Register Citizen September 4 2015