Tag Archives: Barkhamsted CT

Barkhamsted Voter Registrars Win First ROVAC Annual State Award for Best Team


"Best Team" First Annual ROVAC award 2016 - Barkhamsted, CT
“Best Team” First Annual ROVAC award 2016 – Barkhamsted, CT

June 2016

Written by Juliana Simone

Barkhamsted, CT – On April 15th, 2016, the Registrars of Voters of Connecticut presented their first annual award to Barkhamsted Voter Registrars, Susan Day (R) and Karen Martin (D) for “Best Team.” The award was created to illustrate a bipartisan example of voter registrars who could work honestly and well together to produce genuine results on voting days regardless of party affiliation. Republican Registrar of Voters, Susan Day, a veteran member of the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, has held her municipal position for over twenty years. Karen Martin became the Democrat Registrar of Voters in early 2009. The pair has worked together professionally and amicably for over seven years.

Voters in this small rural community all appreciate the fairness and thoroughness that is always delivered by Day and Martin. To the contrary, Connecticut is known nationwide for its Election Day irregularities, polling place mishaps and controversial election law abnormalities throughout its three large cities of New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford. These discrepancies, for the most part, are never fully or judiciously investigated by the Democrat controlled government at the capitol, and those that are dealt with due to higher publicity, are dismissed with a minor wrist slap or discharge.

Registrars of Voters throughout the state of Connecticut should strive to work in tandem like these two fine recipients of a newly created award that sets an example for others that hold this important title. Regardless of pressures applied on important voting days, these officers should remember they are elected to serve their constituents and follow the laws they are sworn to observe. The numbers that come in are the will of the people and any suggested tampering to change the results should not even be considered. Those actions almost always ends up poorly in the end, however strong the moment which leads to a bad decision with consequences.

Perhaps all registrars should just enjoy their jobs and be the experts they often are at the end of Election Day. Report the final count from the machine totals and the absentee ballots and call it a day – a very long day, for these officials. And, yes, any write-in such as “Daffy Duck” does need to be thrown out regardless of the passion behind that individual vote.  Thank you, Susan and Karen! The town of Barkhamsted could not be more proud than to see you both awarded for this first-time distinction!

The funny back story to this, I meant to add before first publishing, is at the event, when the award was being described to attendees, Sue leaned over to Karen and said in regards to who the recipients should be, that should be us – and right after she says this to her partner, their names are announced to all! All in favor? Aye!


(l) Karen Martin and (r) Susan Day - Barkhamsted Registrar of Voters
(l) Karen Martin and (r) Susan Day – Barkhamsted Registrar of Voters


Registrar of Voters (l) Sue Day (R) and (r) Karen Martin at work at the Barkhamsted Town Hall
Registrar of Voters (l) Sue Day (R) and (r) Karen Martin at work at the Barkhamsted Town Hall


(l) Barkhamsted Registrar of Voters Karen Martin (D) and (r) Susan Day at work
(l) Barkhamsted Registrar of Voters Karen Martin (D) and (r) Susan Day at work


Susan Day, veteran Registrar of Voters (R) serving Barkhamsted over twenty years and BRTC member/officer.
Susan Day, veteran Registrar of Voters (R) serving Barkhamsted over twenty years and as a BRTC member/officer.


Barkhamsted Presidential Primary Results : Trump and Sanders Win

From our fine Barkhamsted Voter Registrars, Susan Day (R) and Karen Martin (D). Many thanks to all of the poll workers who regularly assist on our election days.

Donald Trump campaign site photo