Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade 2020

Barkhamsted Independence Day Caravan Route Map and News

Many newspapers have written about our small town Independence Day Parade each year hosted by the Lions Club, and always only held on the Fourth of July. They also always write how it is a Norman Rockwell occasion, back to the days of peaceful times. This year is different, however, with coronavirus restrictions in some states that still require face masks, social distancing, restaurant closings and work-from-home mandates.

Town leaders decided they were concerned about parade viewers not social distancing enough and chose not to hold the annual popular venue. The Barkhamsted Lions Club said to contact the town hall for any information.

Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, contacted the town hall, and was told the Lions Club was going to have a caravan that drove through the vast area of the town, split across the Barkhamsted Reservoir, and the drive was going to last about an hour and twenty minutes. She was told the Lions Club decided they wanted no political floats or participants this year.

The discussion inferred that only regular annual participants could partake, and when Simone noted their Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee’s regular presence, was told the Democrat TC could not either, as politics (paraphrasing) were not a feel good thing at this time. Boy and Girl Scouts, Historical Society, local churches – all good.

Understandable, with statues of amazing Generals, Presidents, Founders, Priests, Emancipators and even symbolic icons on commercial items which have been or are being removed. It is these people all the citizens of the United States of America, or who are awaiting citizenship, owe their life of freedom to today and should celebrate on July 4th.

Thank you to our Vice Chair, Dave Moulton, for calling Barkhamsted’s First Selectman Don Stein (D) and debating with him the eligibility issue of who could partake – i.e. if the three Board of Selectman elected officials could have a car in the caravan, then any elected official could – State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), and sitting State Representative William Simanski (R-62).

He also further argued any running candidate regardless of party affiliation could also have a car in the caravan. Stein eventually agreed, but to my knowledge at this post, the RTC’s cannot participate. Our RTC wanted a car to proudly show our support of President Donald J. Trump who wants to Make America Great Again.

For those who want to see the caravan, here is the route and the times applied to destinations. God Bless America.