Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Municipal Elections 2019

Municipal Elections Tuesday November 5 Vote Republican

Congratulations to all of our candidates tonight!

Barkhamsted voters can cast their ballots at the Barkhamsted Elementary School between the hours of 6AM and 8PM. Please re-elect our fine incumbents, many who have volunteered and served for years to keep our town running smoothly and fiscally responsible: Selectman Nick Lukiwsky, Town Treasurer Sally Roy, Zoning Board of Appeals Bill LeGeyt, Planning and Zoning Commission’s Jim Hart, Greg Gordon and Robert Pulford, and Board of Education’s Robert Brainard.

Please also cast your votes for three new Republicans willing to serve: Board of Education candidates Jill Kidik, a newly retired Hartford and honored police officer, Marykate Terzini, an occupational therapist with experience in public schools, and Board of Assessment Appeals candidate, Tom Palmer, a 19-year resident, Barkhamsted Praise Elder, and Army veteran.
Vote Row B on Tuesday!