Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Republican First Selectman Candidate 2017 Mark Hemenway

Barkhamsted RTC Press Release: Statement: First Selectman Don Stein Tries to Influence Debate Questions by Soliciting Supporters Help

Editor’s Note: This press release was sent to the Republican American newspaper on the date written. Their reporter assigned to cover Barkhamsted, a friend of Mr. Stein’s, followed up on this and told First Selectman Candidate, Mark Hemenway, she had already spoke to Don Stein the previous day. This means a lot of time passed before she contacted both Hemenway and petitioning candidate Deborah Simon. 

For Immediate Release

October 17, 2017

Contact: Juliana Simone julianashsimone@gmail.com

Statement: First Selectman Don Stein Tries to Influence Debate Questions by Soliciting Supporters Help

Barkhamsted – In the debate rules for the upcoming First Selectman race between three candidates, Democrat incumbent Don Stein, Republican Selectman, Mark Hemenway, and Petitioning Candidate Deborah Simon, the Barkhamsted Women’s Club, who was asked by Stein to moderate the debate, stated on their website in a message for all town residents and a call for questions, “We welcome questions from residents.” The deadline for submissions was by midnight, October 17, 2017.

They stipulated further, “All questions received will be grouped by topic and questions regarding the top topics will be asked as time allows. Therefore it is important you submit your question(s) of interest even if you know that another resident has already submitted a question on the topic. Submitting a question is your way to vote for the questions asked.” The club noted “All candidates will respond to the same questions.” A reminder of the deadline for questions followed to be received via email or U.S. Postal service.

It has now been discovered that shortly before the deadline for resident questions, incumbent First Selectman Don Stein sent an email blast to dozens of fellow Barkhamsted Town Hall workers, Candidates and supporters, asking them to submit four specific questions he wanted moderators to ask at the scheduled debate. “The deadline for debate questions is tonight at midnight and I ask that you submit as many of these as you can to help improve the odds that they will get used: Thanks, Don.”

Petitioning candidate Deborah Simon’s reaction to this information in a shared correspondence was, “Do you think that it is ethical for Don Stein to be loading the questions for the debate? He sent this to his supporters. I was asked by one of my supporters what they should ask and I answered that I couldn’t suggest questions because it would be unethical.”

Republican challenger Selectman Mark Hemenway, had this to say about Stein’s interference, “I am shocked and disappointed to hear my challenger felt this insecure heading into our debate he believed he had to pad things in his favor with the unknown help of supporters to try and win.” Hemenway, says he is still willing to debate the sitting First Selectman but the rules would have to be changed in such a way no tampering could affect the questions for the candidates.

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee made this statement:

“We feel it is unethical and dishonest for any candidate to control the submissions of topics for selection and to try to shape the direction of the debate. It’s a clear attempt to stack the deck in the favor of Mr. Stein by corrupting the pool of residential questions. We feel Mr. Stein should be disqualified from participating in this event, as it violates the intent of an impartial and fair debate. These actions made by the First Selectman should be very disturbing to voters.”

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Email sent to Barkhamsted Town Hall workers, Democrat candidates and supporters from First Selectman Don Stein (D). Recipients have been blacked out as a courtesy, however, if needed they will be disclosed in the future.

Republican American article: Barkhamsted Race a Three-for-all

July 28, 2017



BARKHAMSTED — The political scene will be hotter than it has been in a decade this summer and fall with two candidates opposing incumbent First Selectman Donald S. Stein, who is seeking his sixth term in office.

Deborah Simon, an environmentalist, announced her candidacy in April, shortly after Stein said he would run again. And on Monday, the Republican caucus endorsed Mark Hemenway, the Republican incumbent on the Board of Selectmen, for the top spot.

Stein has run unopposed since his first campaign in 2007, when he defeated Richard Winn, now chairman of the Board of Finance.

Juliana Simone, chairwoman of the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, said she believes it is time for a change.

“Every cycle, I’ve received lots of requests from Republicans, independents and tired taxpayers who wonder why we haven’t put forward a candidate in past campaigns,” she said. “We’ve had lots of qualified people, but we didn’t have someone who could take it on. Now we do.”

Though Stein asserted in his campaign statement that one of his achievements has been keeping town spending in check, Simone said Republicans “always feel there is room for cuts.”

She noted that Stein first ran on a platform of term limits.

“He said he believed in two terms,” she said. “He has been in for five and now wants a sixth.”

Hemenway, who is in his third term on the Board of Selectmen, is a vice president with Zones software. His running mate is Nicholas Lukiwsky, a Waterbury police officer who has served as an alternate on the Barkhamsted Planning and Zoning Commission. Both men have children and have been active in community life.

“I think it is a really nice ticket,” Simone said.

Also running are Holly Krouse for town clerk; Sally Roy, town treasurer; George Walsh, Board of Finance; Margaret Weingarden, Katherine Nelson and Thomas Brodnitzki, Board of Education; Robert H. Brainard III, Board of Assessment Appeals; Christina Lavieri, Planning and Zoning Commission; Thomas Anderson, Planning and Zoning Commission alternate; Christopher S. Tooker and Robert A. Pulford, Zoning Board of Appeals; Paul Duran, Zoning Board of Appeals alternate; and Mary Duran, Region 7 Board of Education.
