Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Republican Selectman Mark Hemenway

Barkhamsted RTC Booth Continues Support of the Riverton Fair

Riverton, CT – The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee maintained its support of the Riverton Fair this past October weekend. Riverton is a section of the town of Barkhamsted. The fair took place a week later than usual and was held on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Weather was sublime with warm temperatures and balmy breezes.  New faces and familiar faces came to speak to Republican Town Committee members and candidates working the booth. Attendees come from all over the area and even out of state.

Many expressed lengthy and shared opinions that legislative changes had to take place to make Connecticut livable for longtime residents and new ones, who have just moved here whatever the circumstance. Connecticut continues to be in the top three of most highly taxed states in the United States with sitting Governor Dannel Malloy (D) implementing the two highest historic tax hikes in the state’s history.

First Selectman Candidate, Mark Hemenway (R), was on hand each of the three days, as well as visiting candidates from neighboring towns such as Attorney Jerry Padula, an Alderman from Waterbury who is running for Probate Judge, and Stephen Hunt, the Vice Chair of the Avon Republican Town Committee, who is seeking a seat on the Board of Education. Hemenway’s running mate, Nick Lukiwsky, was at the fair Friday evening, known as ‘local’s night’ to towns people.

Politics aside, fair goers enjoyed the usual food fare such as smoked turkey legs, apple fritters and fried onion blossoms, as well as rides for the children, animal exhibits and live music.

Barkhamsted First Selectman Candidate, Selectman Mark Hemenway (R)

Ben and BRTC/BOF member Dave Moulton
BRTC member Tom Palmer
(l-r) Avon BOE candidate Stephen Hunt, BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, Waterbury Probate Judge candidate Alderman Jerry Padula, Mark C. and Eric
Barkhamsted’s businessman John Lavieri and First Selectman Candidate Mark Hemenway (R)
(l-r) BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and Veteran BRTC member and tea party attendee Alice Judd
(l-r) First Selectman Candidate, Selectman Mark Hemenway, Retired Air Force Veteran BRTC member, Jerry Thompson, and BRTC Chair, Juliana Simone

Republican American article: Barkhamsted Race a Three-for-all

July 28, 2017



BARKHAMSTED — The political scene will be hotter than it has been in a decade this summer and fall with two candidates opposing incumbent First Selectman Donald S. Stein, who is seeking his sixth term in office.

Deborah Simon, an environmentalist, announced her candidacy in April, shortly after Stein said he would run again. And on Monday, the Republican caucus endorsed Mark Hemenway, the Republican incumbent on the Board of Selectmen, for the top spot.

Stein has run unopposed since his first campaign in 2007, when he defeated Richard Winn, now chairman of the Board of Finance.

Juliana Simone, chairwoman of the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, said she believes it is time for a change.

“Every cycle, I’ve received lots of requests from Republicans, independents and tired taxpayers who wonder why we haven’t put forward a candidate in past campaigns,” she said. “We’ve had lots of qualified people, but we didn’t have someone who could take it on. Now we do.”

Though Stein asserted in his campaign statement that one of his achievements has been keeping town spending in check, Simone said Republicans “always feel there is room for cuts.”

She noted that Stein first ran on a platform of term limits.

“He said he believed in two terms,” she said. “He has been in for five and now wants a sixth.”

Hemenway, who is in his third term on the Board of Selectmen, is a vice president with Zones software. His running mate is Nicholas Lukiwsky, a Waterbury police officer who has served as an alternate on the Barkhamsted Planning and Zoning Commission. Both men have children and have been active in community life.

“I think it is a really nice ticket,” Simone said.

Also running are Holly Krouse for town clerk; Sally Roy, town treasurer; George Walsh, Board of Finance; Margaret Weingarden, Katherine Nelson and Thomas Brodnitzki, Board of Education; Robert H. Brainard III, Board of Assessment Appeals; Christina Lavieri, Planning and Zoning Commission; Thomas Anderson, Planning and Zoning Commission alternate; Christopher S. Tooker and Robert A. Pulford, Zoning Board of Appeals; Paul Duran, Zoning Board of Appeals alternate; and Mary Duran, Region 7 Board of Education.


ICYMI: Tonight 7PM “Conservative Chat” with Barkhamsted Selectman Mark Hemenway and BOF member David Moulton

Update: The Charter studio manager informed me that the company is changing servers in addition to upgrading equipment this entire week, so although he made our show a priority to rerun Monday evening, and had it loaded in the machine to make sure it aired, the new server was unable to broadcast our program and any others as they made necessary changes. Due to this activity at Charter, no new shows could be taped, so this interview will air one last time tonight, November 12th, 2015 in its usual time, 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191 and is still available to see on-line for those outside the viewing area or who are satellite subscribers. 

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Monday, November 2nd, 2015, at 6:30PM, on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents an interview with Barkhamsted Selectman Mark Hemenway (R) and Barkhamsted Board of Finance member Dave Moulton (R) with BRTC Chair and Host Juliana Simone. Mark and Dave discuss with Juliana why Barkhamsted made the #2 ranking of places to live in the recent Connecticut magazine in its category; why our challenged Republican incumbents should be re-elected; how the time would be different if a Republican First Selectman had been in office for four terms; why Mark voted no on this year’s Selectmen’s budget; budget items including general government vs. education budget, state and revenue grants and capitol expenses; the future outlook for Barkhamsted going forward and what voters should understand when they fill out their ballots on Tuesday, November 3rd between 6AM and 8PM and to vote for our long-serving, dedicated and informed Republican ticket!

For those who are not Charter subscribers, or who live outside the viewing area, this program will be available on-line on Monday, November 2nd at www.ctv13.net under VOD/search Conservative Chat episode 100. (check throughout the day for the upload)

(l-r) Dave Moulton, Mark Hemenway, Juliana Simone on set of "Conservative Chat"
(l-r) Dave Moulton, Mark Hemenway, Juliana Simone on set of “Conservative Chat”