Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Secretary Mike Stewart

Barkhamsted RTC News

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee recently endorsed during a video conference call (following Coronavirus restrictions) the following candidates: Mark Anderson for State Representative (62-R), (due to the retirement of State Representative William Simanski) and Susan Day, as our long serving Registrar of Voters (R). BRTC treasurer and Steven Blackburn has been appointed to the BAA full seat, after serving as an alternate for years. Fine patriot and BRTC member, Tom Palmer, left a vacancy on the BAA after recently moving out of town. He kept a close watch on the Regional 7 budget for years, but was unable to make any needed changes in transparency. Mike Stewart, our newly appointed BRTC Secretary who is a retired businessman but now owns a local specialty food business, will replace Blackburn as the BAA alternate. Congratulations to all.