Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Vice Chair Mark Hemenway

Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Elects Officers and Appoints Delegates

March 28, 2018

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held their caucus this evening at 6:00 P.M. to appoint delegates to conventions for Probate Judge, State Representative, and State Senator for their district, as well as for the State Convention where delegates will vote for Federal Candidates on Friday, May 11th, and Statewide Offices on Saturday, May 12th. Volunteer delegates were filled for each convention.

The Committee also elected Officers for their committee. Juliana Simone, was reelected as Chair, and will now serve her fifth term, as will Rev. Steve Blackburn, Ph.D, the committee’s Treasurer.  Mark Hemenway, was reelected as Vice Chair and will serve his second term in this role. New RTC member, Andrew Nelson, was elected to be  Secretary of the committee.

Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade with State Representative Prasad Srinivasan

July 4th, 2017

Barkhamsted – The annual Independence Day parade in Barkhamsted, CT began at 10:30 A.M. on a beautiful July morning. The usual participants marched along the river waving to the crowd, throwing candy, playing instruments and blasting fire engine horns. The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee’s Chair, Juliana Simone, and Vice Chair/Board of Selectman, Mark Hemenway carried a patriotic banner that read “Vote Republican!”

The Committee wants to thank State Representative Prasad Srinivasan (R-31) for driving up from his district in Glastonbury to join us and introduce himself to our area voters as a candidate for Governor in 2018. Dr. Srinivasan’s wife, Kala, had a great time riding in the parade, and took many photographs and short videos which we are happy to share here.

Republican legislators and candidates running for every level of office have marched with our committee and float on the Fourth of July and all are always welcome to participate. {See photos}

Former BOS and volunteer firefighter Bill Downes (l) and State Rep. Prasad Srinivasan Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade
State Rep. Prasad Srinivasan with BRTC treasurer Steven Blackburn and family Independence Day 2017
State Rep. Prasad Srinivasan (R-31) with the Barkhamsted Historical Society Independence Day parade
State Rep. Prasad Srinivasan during the Barkhamsted Independence Day parade
Prasad Srinivasan (R-31) with Barkhamsted Fire Department members Independence Day
State Rep. Prasad Srinivasan with young attendees Barkhamsted Independence Day parade
State Reo. Prasad Srinivasan, M.D. and wife, Kala, at the Barkhamsted Independence Day parade 2017


Barkhamsted RTC Fundraiser Highlights

Written by Juliana Simone

Barkhamsted RTC F/R (l-r) State Rep. Tim LeGeyt, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter, State Senator Kevin Witkos, BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, State Rep. William Simanski
Barkhamsted RTC F/R (l-r) State Rep. Tim LeGeyt, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter, State Senator Kevin Witkos, BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, State Rep. William Simanski

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held its biannual fundraiser on October 11th. The event was held at the home of the committee Chair, Juliana Simone. Committee members brought food and beverages for guests to enjoy. Candidates for state and federal office were on hand to talk to and later address the guests giving campaign speeches.

District candidates, Barkhamsted State Representative, William Simanski (R-62), who is running unopposed to serve his fourth term, and State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), whose district includes the town of Barkhamsted as well as ten other towns, is running for reelection to serve his fifth term in the Senate, after serving in the State House. He is currently the Deputy Minority Leader, second to State Senator Len Fasano, in senate leadership.

Simanksi and Witkos both used their time as speakers to acknowledge the failures of the Malloy administration, and how under two terms of this democrat Governor, things have only worsened.

First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1), challenging entrenched democrat Congressman John Larson for a third time, is a small businessman who owns and operates two companies in Hartford and is a Navy veteran. {To see his recent interview on our RTC committee cable show click this link}


U.S. Senate candidate, Dan Carter, who is presently a State Representative in Connecticut’s second district after being elected to office in 2010, is an Air Force veteran, and has a background in the health care industry.  {To see his recent interview on our RTC committee cable show click this link}

Corey and Carter used their time as speakers to acknowledge both the failures to Connecticut residents and taxpayers under the Democrat majority in our state legislature, and how the federal delegation that represents the Constitution State in Washington, D.C., that consists of five members of the House of Representatives, and two U.S. Senators, all members of the democrat party, have voted consistently with their caucus leadership, and fail Connecticut’s needs overall.

Corey is challenging U.S. Rep. John Larson (D), who exemplifies why term limits need to be imposed, after making a career in Washington for seventeen years. Carter is challenging one-term incumbent, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, who has also made a lifetime profession working for the government, as Connecticut’s Attorney General for twenty years, before moving on to a federal seat.

Peter Lumaj, also gave a moving speech to the crowd. The 2014 Secretary of the State candidate, who doubled the amount of votes the prior nominee received four years earlier, currently has an exploratory committee for a statewide office race in 2018. Lumaj also sought the nomination to be the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in 2012. Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, seconded his nomination at the state convention that year.

Lumaj reminded everyone “If you can’t vote for Trump, vote for Republican Party,” he said. “We must support any and every office we can. We cannot keep fighting each other. If you do not vote for Trump, it is a vote for Hillary.”

He also reminded people that he grew up in a communist country, and how he escaped to America to live a life of liberty and opportunity.  Like others with his background, he fears the country he came to embrace for its freedoms, he now sees becoming more like the country he and his brothers fled, with the liberal democrat agenda of making America a socialist nation.

State Representative Tim LeGeyt (R-17), who took over the Witkos seat when he moved forward to the Senate, also came to the event. Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss, and Barkhamsted Selectman, Mark Hemenway (R), was another elected official present as well as Rich Tutunjian, who is a State Central Committee member for the senate district eight, in addition to BRTC treasurer, Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D., along with former RTC Chair, Robert Brainard III, who serve on the Board of Assessment Appeals in addition to being RTC members.

Hard-working reporter, Kathryn Boughton, came to cover the occasion for The Republican American, a respected state newspaper in circulation for over 150 years, known for its conservative investigative reporting*.  Ms. Boughton spoke at length to all the candidates and published a fine report that accurately described the candidates’ positions in the October 13th edition. {Editor’s note: see attached scan}

Party members and unaffiliated voters came from both native Barkhamsted and towns around the state. A good time was had by all. Thank you to the many committee members who came out in support of our RTC, and to our candidates and guests who made the evening memorable and informative.

Vote November 8th, for all of our Republican candidates, everyone! The difference in how the future of America will proceed is monumental.

BRTC F/R - Chair Juliana Simone and U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter
BRTC F/R – Chair Juliana Simone and U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter


BRTC F/R - First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1) and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone
BRTC F/R – First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1) and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone


BRTC F/R - BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss
BRTC F/R – BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss


BRTC F/R - Peter Lumaj, former candidate for SOTS and exploratory committee candidate for Governor 2018
BRTC F/R – Peter Lumaj, former candidate for SOTS and exploratory committee candidate for Governor 2018



BRTC F/R 2016 Peter Lumaj, Cassandra D. , two ROV’s and town clerk


BRTC F/R - (l-r) Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and William Simanski
BRTC F/R – (l-r) Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and William Simanski


BRTC F/R - (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and Bill Simanski
BRTC F/R – (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and Bill Simanski


BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone, Bill Simanski {photo: Brock Weber}
BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone, Bill Simanski {photo: Brock Weber}


BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) RTC Treasurer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D., Mike and Susan Day (VOR -R) Barkhamsted
BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) RTC Treasurer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph. D., Mike and Susan Day (VOR -R) Barkhamsted


BRTC F/R 2016 - Mark Mahoney, SC and BRTC member Rich Tutunjian, Ernie L.
BRTC F/R 2016 – Mark Mahoney, SC and BRTC member Rich Tutunjian, Ernie L.


BRTC F/R 2016 - former Chair and RTC member John Lavieri and Mike Day
BRTC F/R 2016 – former Chair and RTC member John Lavieri and Mike Day


Senate Republican staff member and former CM for Peter Lumaj SOTS campaign, Brock Weber, and fellow Lumaj staff worker Cassandra D.
Senate Republican staff member and former CM for Peter Lumaj SOTS campaign, Brock Weber, and fellow Lumaj staff worker Cassandra D.


BRTC F/R 2016 - RTC member Tom Palmer and BOS member/BRTC VC Mark Hemenway
BRTC F/R 2016 – RTC member Tom Palmer and BOS member/BRTC VC Mark Hemenway


BRTC F/R 2016 - Avon RTC VC Stephen Hunt and resident cat
BRTC F/R 2016 – Avon RTC VC Stephen Hunt and resident cat


Barkhamsted RTC F/R 2016 - BRTC and BAA member Robert Brainard III and Juliana Simone
Barkhamsted RTC F/R 2016 – BRTC and BAA member Robert Brainard III and Juliana Simone


BRTC F/R 2106 -WMHJRESQ and resident cat
BRTC F/R 2016 -WMHJRESQ and resident cat


Republicans, Democrats elect town committee officers; Litchfield board vacancies need to be filled; society achieves Silver Level in program

POSTED: 04/02/16, 2:00 AM EDT


BARKHAMSTED >> The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee recently held its officer elections. Members re-elected Chair Juliana Simone, who will be starting her fourth term as chairman. She was first elected in 2010 while working as field director for Mark Greenberg (CT-5).

Rev. Steve Blackburn, Ph.D., was re-elected to his fourth term as treasurer. Blackburn was also the treasurer for 2014 Secretary of the State Republican candidate Peter Lumaj. ]

Vice Chair Robert Brainard III, declined re-election due to his new membership on the Barkhamsted Elementary Board of Education and as a father of two young children, and Barkhamsted Selectman Mark Hemenway (R), was elected the committee’s new vice chair.

Simone, who worked for the House Republicans, has hosted a half-hour political interview Charter cable show for eleven years, is the web administrator for the committee’s website, and also worked for the Lumaj campaign as Grassroots Outreach and Media Director, ran for the State House in 2006 and was endorsed by former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson and the Republican American.