Tag Archives: Barkhamsted Riverton Fair

Riverton Fair BRTC Booth with First Selectman candidate Nick Lukiwsky

Legislators and supporters turn out for Lukiwsky and Mahoney

The Riverton Fair, traditionally the last fair held in the state, changed their dates to mid-October to remain so in terms of title. Friday, October 13th kicked off the event with great turnout from locals. State Senator, Lisa Seminara (R-08), and State Representative, Mark Anderson (R-62), came out to show their support for First Selectman candidate BOS member, Nick Lukiwsky, and BOS candidate Mark Mahoney.  

Predicted rain held back throughout Saturday and Sunday, allowing fair goers a good time in autumn weather. The Barkhamsted RTC booth had many visitors over the weekend, from Governor Ned Lamont who attended the fair with his wife, to retiring long-serving FS Don Stein. Other notables were former State Representative Tim LeGeyt, former Barkhamsted BOS Bill Downes, retired businessman John Lavieri (Sterling Engineering), Winsted and Canton Republicans, along with area small business owners and town voters.

(l-r) State Senator Lisa Seminara (R-08), BOS Candidate Mark Mahoney, First Selectman Candidate Selectman Nick Lukiwsky, State Representative Mark Anderson (R-62)
(l-r) Retired Barkhamsted FS Don Stein, former State Rep. Tim LeGeyt (R-17) and First Selectman Candidate Barkhamsted Selectman Nick Lukiwsky
(l-r) Barkhamsted BOS candidate Mark Mahoney and
First Selectman Candidate BOS member Nick Lukiwsky

(l-r) First Selectman Candidate BOS member Nick Lukiwsky and Barkhamsted Sterling Engineering founder John Lavieri
Former Barkhamsted BOS member Bill Downes with BOS candidate Mark Mahoney and supporter

(l-r) Susan Blackburn, Former Waterbury Alderman Jerry Padula, Esq. and Steven Blackburn
(l-r) Veteran BRTC member Alice Judd and BRTC Chairman Juliana Simone
First Selectman Candidate talking to voter
Canton RTC member with wife and their newborn baby
Former New Hartford Liquor and Beverage Store owner Jen and Barkhamsted Selectman candidate Mark Mahoney at the Riverton Fair
(l-r) Shelley Thibault, balloon artist and First Selectman candidate Selectman Nick Lukiwsky