Tag Archives: Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy

Tax Freedom Day Rally Saturday May 21st 1PM State Capitol

For a thorough review of what is Tax Freedom Day visit this page on the Tax Foundation site: https://taxfoundation.org/publications/tax-freedom-day/

Connecticut taxpayers come in last in the nation, at #50, before they reach their tax freedom day on March 21st. In 2010, Connecticut taxpayers reached this day in latter April. With two of the states largest tax increases in its history under Governor Malloy, this day now comes almost thirty days later.

Americans will collectively spend more on taxes in 2017 than they will on food, clothing, and housing combined.


CT Governor Dan Malloy Not Seeking Reelection in 2018 – Lumaj Campaign Press Release

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy announcing today he will not be seeking a third term as Governor in 2018.

Connecticut’s Governor Malloy announced today he will not seek reelection in 2018. The two-term Governor, who holds the current title of least favorable Governor nationwide, said this is not why he was choosing to pass on running for a third term. He said it was because he was ready for another stage in his life with his wife Cathy.

The Chairman of the Democrat’s Governors Association, owns the title of raising the two largest tax hike increases consecutively in the history of the state for residents to assume, yet always gave salary increases and bonuses to his staff.

The state of Connecticut, which continues to stay in first or second place in a laundry list of highest taxes for residents across the United States, has seen major businesses leaving, a population decrease, and even their own pensioned state workers moving to more tax friendly states to enjoy their retirement.

There are many articles, news broadcasts and releases about Malloy’s decision today.

Here is one, from former Secretary of the State candidate Peter Lumaj (2014), who is seeking a state office run in 2018. At this time he has raised almost a quarter of a million dollars since his exploratory committee was announced in 2016.

Friends –
You heard it hear first, Dan Malloy is officially NOT running for a third term for Governor!

After two failed terms as Governor of  Connecticut, Dan Malloy has announced that he will not seek reelection in 2018! Over the past six years, Malloy’s failed liberal policies have pushed business out, wages down and deficits up – Connecticut is at the brink of economic collapse.

In fact, I think it is fair to say that “Gov. Malloy’s decision not to run for reelection is the first step he has made to foster the success and growth of Connecticut.”

I think its time that we had a #FreshStart4CT, that’s why I formed an exploratory committee last September to consider a run for statewide office in Connecticut in 2018. We need a fresh approach to business as usual and a true conservative outsider willing to take on and dismantle Hartford.

Please consider standing with me and the other strong, courageous, conservative members of our Lumaj Explore Team as we stand up and fight back! Together we can save this state for your family, my family and for future generations to come!

I hope you will consider supporting me today with a generous $100 contribution.

With your help, we can send a message loud and clear to the Hartford insiders that strong, courageous, conservative leaders all throughout Connecticut are united and that we are ready for a fresh start for Connecticut!

Tonight: Thursday 2/25 – ICYMI:”Conservative Chat” with columnist Don Pesci


Columnist Don Pesci and Barkhamsted RTC Chair on set of "Conservative Chat"
Columnist Don Pesci and Barkhamsted RTC Chair on set of “Conservative Chat”

“Conservative Chat”Tonight, Thursday evening, February 11th, 2016, at 7PM, on Charter Cable channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee airs a half-hour interview with columnist/political commentator Don Pesci and BRTC Chair and host Juliana Simone. Don and Juliana talk about the Iowa caucus results and news, the upcoming New Hampshire caucus and the Republican Presidential candidates, the November election and Governor Malloy’s speech given to the General Assembly on opening day of the new session and what to expect in terms of any positive changes.

For those outside the viewing area or who are not Charter cable subscribers, this show is available on-line at www.ctv13.net under VOD (Video on Demand) search “Conservative Chat” if not on home page.