Tag Archives: Connecticut State Representative William Simanski

Barkhamsted RTC News

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee recently endorsed during a video conference call (following Coronavirus restrictions) the following candidates: Mark Anderson for State Representative (62-R), (due to the retirement of State Representative William Simanski) and Susan Day, as our long serving Registrar of Voters (R). BRTC treasurer and Steven Blackburn has been appointed to the BAA full seat, after serving as an alternate for years. Fine patriot and BRTC member, Tom Palmer, left a vacancy on the BAA after recently moving out of town. He kept a close watch on the Regional 7 budget for years, but was unable to make any needed changes in transparency. Mike Stewart, our newly appointed BRTC Secretary who is a retired businessman but now owns a local specialty food business, will replace Blackburn as the BAA alternate. Congratulations to all.

Barkhamsted Town Election Results 2018

The Barkhamsted Election Day results once again went in the Republican Party’s favor, winning every race on the ballot for their town.

Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, said, “I am very pleased with the results, and respect our town voters who are obviously clear on policy and what direction our state needs to take to move forward. Our residents recognized the candidates who would bring them out of the dire fiscal situation we’ve been in for a long time here in Connecticut, and wanted to elect the people who would bring back business and jobs, as well as reduce taxes and spending.”

A cold rainy day did not reduce voter turnout. Long lines regardless of time maintained throughout the polling place hours.

As reported by our Registrar of Voters, here are the results:

State Representative:

Incumbent William Simanski – 1099

Challenger Amanda Webster – 867

State Senator:

Incumbent Kevin Witkos – 1233

Challenger Melissa Osborne – 730

Congressional (CT-1):

Challenger Jennifer Nye (R): 1015

Incumbent John Larson (D) – 907

U.S. Senate:

Challenger Matthew Corey (R): 1048

Incumbent Chris Murphy (D): 901


Bob Stefanowski (R): 1138

Ned Lamont (D): 726

All Constitutional Seats were won , as well.

Susan Hatfield/AG, Thad Gray/Treaurer, Sue Chapman/SOTS, Kurt Miller/Comptroller

Probate Judge:

Magistrali (R): 1087

Dwyer:  820

Both Ballot Initiative questions: Yes.


In the town of Granby, where I joined our State Representative William Simanski to wait for results, their numbers after a long wait came in with on the Republican side, Bob Stefanowski, John Kissel and Bill Simanski winning their races. On the Democrat side, Chris Murphy and John Larson each had about 200 more votes than their challengers Matthew Corey and Jennifer Nye.

The town of Granby also voted yes on both ballot initiative questions.








Great Turnout for Barkhamsted Meet The Candidates Event With Keynote Speaker Radio Host Todd Feinburg

Guest Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson Enthralled All

September 24, 2018

Barkhamsted, CT

Written by Juliana Simone

Monday evening the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held it’s biannual F/R and cocktail party at the home of member Alice Judd. Attendance was high and the slate of candidates long. Guests were treated to the special appearance of veteran former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson (CT-5).

Candidates speaking were Probate Judge Michael Magistrali, Congressional Candidate Jennifer Nye (CT-1), State Representative William Simanski (R-62), State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), Lt. Governor Candidate State Senator, Joe Markley and U.S. Senate Candidate Matthew Corey (R). Nancy Johnson followed with an inspiring and knowledgeable speech, which illustrated how much she is still in touch with current politics and issues.

Keynote speaker, afternoon radio host on WTIC 1080 AM, Todd Feinburg, wrapped it up with his observations on politics today. Most guests attended to hear the popular Feinburg and have the opportunity to meet him in person.

An article published in the newspaper Republican American September 26th, by focusing on a comment made from a guest which hardly anyone heard after many inquiries have been made, skewed the article in a partisan and negative way against Republicans, which is simply bad journalism. Rather than reporting on what a successful event was held, her bias made it clear she was not there to cover what many fine candidates had to say.

Committee’s don’t know in advance what keynote speakers are going to say, nor do they or any group have control of what any one person in a crowd can say out loud, especially if it isn’t heard but by a few people who say nothing. Any gathering can have a Madonna type guest who chooses to say, tweet or post something irresponsible and/or offensive.

This quote of an attendee, not affiliated with any RTC, as Republicans from easily ten towns were guests, is being used by State Representative William Simanski’s opponent in multiple posts, to try and portray Bill Simanski in a bad and false light by association. Simanski is a hard working legislator, good husband and father and a highly respectable and regarded man.

The Hartford Courant picked up the story today, September 27th, with a quote from State Senator Witkos (R-8) denouncing the comment made at the event. So does the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee. The media is promoting the story to continue to influence elections and disparage Republicans and conservatives. All of whom were in attendance are upstanding people and fine patriots who give to their communities consistently in many ways.

Todd Feinburg, Afternoon Talk Radio Host WTIC 1080AM

(l-r) BRTC Chair Juliana Simone; Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson; Lt. Governor Candidate State Senator Joe Markley; Ted Johnson

(l) Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson and Veteran BRTC Member, Patriot and Hostess, Alice Judd.

(l) Avon RTC’s Stephen Hunt and Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone

Jerry Padula and friend Marwan Ayad (Harwinton RTC Chair Brooke Cheney in background)

(l-r) Lt. Governor Candidate Joe Markley; Goshen RTC Chair and SC Member John Morris; Former State Rep. and Agricultural Commissioner

(l-r) Probate Judge Michael Magistrali with Maureen and Phil Prelli



BRTC event

(l) Probate Judge Michael Magistrali (r) Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson

(l) Jerry Padula and (r) Francis John Ayres

(l) Juliana Simone (r) New Hartford First Selectman Dan Jerram

(l-r) Lt. Governor Candidate Senator Joe Markley; BRTC Chair Juliana Simone; Jerry Padula, Esq.

Southington’s Rusty and Elaine Haigh

(l) JP guest Marwan and (r) BRTC Treasurer Steven Blackburn

Mark and Carole Anderson – Granby

(l-r) Frank Ayres; Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson and husband Ted.

(l) BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and (r) Harwinton Chair Brooke Cheney

(l) Former Veteran Congresswoman Nancy Johnson and (r) First Congressional Candidate Jennifer Nye

(l) Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss and (r) First Selectman Dan Jerram

(l) Former BRTC/BOF Chair Dave Moulton and (r) Goshen RTC Chair/SC Member John Morris

(l) New Hartford BOF Chair Jim Fitzgerald and (r) Probate Judge Mike Magistrali

(l) State Rep. William Simanski; Barkhamsted Selectman Nick Lukiwsky; BRTC and SC member Rich Tutunjian

(l) Former Veteran Congresswoman Nancy Johnson (CT-1) and Former Waterbury Alderman Jerry Padula

BRTC event crowd

(l) Harwinton Chair Brooke Cheney; BRTC and SC member Rich Tutunjian; Avon RTC member Stephen Hunt




Portrait of BRTC member and event hostess Alice Judd

Barkhamsted State Representative William Simanski’s Endorsement for First Selectman Mark Hemenway


Republican Municipal Election Second Mailer 2017

Barkhamsted – A third mailer sent to town residents by the Democrat Town Committee and First Selectman Incumbent Don Stein, tried to suggest to voters that State Representative William Simanski endorsed Don Stein for First Selectman this 2017 election by creating a window on the right inside of a fold out flyer with a scan of the legislator’s photo and a copy and pasted sentence from years ago, the legislator believes he sent Stein in an email, as he did to the other First Selectman in the four towns that make up his district. Rep. Simanski told BRTC Chair, Juliana Simone, over the phone, he sent this to Stein at the time to be professional and as a courtesy since he has to work with him.

Simanski was surprised to hear his communication to First Selectman Don Stein was being featured in a Democrat mailer and said this was the first he heard of it. He confirmed he is fully endorsing Republican Candidate Selectman Mark Hemenway for First Selectman of Barkhamsted this 2017 election. His very enthusiastic endorsement of Hemenway can be read in the second mailer sent out by the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee:

“With Mark Hemenway’s experience on the Board of Selectman, familiarity with the school system, and his creative problem solving skills, he is ideally suited to lead Barkhamsted into a better, more prosperous future as First Selectman.” – State Rep. Bill Simanski

Democrat Municipal Election Third Mailer 2017

This Democrat mailer also continued the false idea that if Mark Hemenway and running mate Nick Lukiwsky were elected, they would do away with the resident state trooper. Another untrue talking point from Don Stein and his campaign team, in that Mark and Nick, a Waterbury police lieutenant, have made it clear in two cable interviews, RTC mailers and interviews that they are just seeking a more affordable solution for taxpayers that will still keep public safety in our schools and for residents a priority.

The Democrat mailer also continues the tired and repetitive impression that if Candidate Mark Hemenway was elected, he would not be fulfilling his First Selectman duties full time.  Stein, in his early seventies and retired, tells Barkhamsted voters he is able, as a result, to be at the town hall all the time and anyone with another job would not be able to do the same. Town hall workers have made note for years that Don is not always there and cumulatively spends weeks away throughout the year.

Hemenway, who noted in his recent public debate at the Barkhamsted Elementary School, and has said in other interviews, he works from home right around the corner from the town hall, so he can be there anytime with ease and easily as much as Stein.  During the debate, he pointed out to attendees that the recent tax sale conducted by the town on foreclosed properties, something the incumbent made a positive in his answer time, that Stein wasn’t even there, and he and tax collector Terri Collins (D) proceeded over the event.

2014 Biannual Event article

September 30, 2014

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held their biannual event with a long list of special guest speakers, including college conservative talk radio host and political advocate Jayson Veley, State Representative William Simanski (R-62), State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1), Connecticut political commentator Don Pesci, former U.S. Comptroller General and recent LG candidate Dave Walker, U.S. Senate candidate 2012 and SOTS candidate 2014 Peter Lumaj, and former Congressman (CT-2) retired Army Colonel Rob Simmons. Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone emceed the event and member Salvatore Tartaglione, who serves on the town Board of Finance, hosted the event at his home which is also a bed and breakfast destination for fly fishermen.

Well attended by town and area supporters from Avon to New Hartford, fine food was served throughout the evening. The Republican American and local newspaper Independent News covered the occasion.  Special thanks to Barbara Herrlich for her help in decorating, Steve Blackburn, Treasurer, and to all RTC members and guests.



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(l-r) WMHJRESQ, Jenn, Dave Walker, Rob Simmons – Barkhamsted CT September 2014

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(l-r) Dan Jerram, Justin Bernier, William Landers – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014

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(l-r) Stephen Hunt, Angela Campetti, Greg Piecuch – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014

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(l-r) Sue Day, John Doyle – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014


Don Pesci - Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
Don Pesci – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014

Jayson Veley - Barkhamsted, CT September 2014
Jayson Veley – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014

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(l-r) Juliana Simone and Angela Campetti – Barkhamsted, CT September 2014



New Hartford Essay Contest Winners Honored by State Lawmakers

State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with New Hartford CT Essay Winner Matthew Maltby
State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with New Hartford CT Essay Winner Matthew Maltby


Lawmakers Award Essay Contest Winners Alongside Northwest Community Bank


New Hartford  Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and Representative Bill Simanski (R-62) recognized a group of young writers for their exceptional submissions in a school essay contest sponsored by Northwest Community Bank.  The winning students, sixth graders from the Ann Antolini School, were recognized by Senator Witkos, Representative Simanski and Carole Monroe, Branch Manager and Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank, at a ceremony at the school on Monday, June 15.


The winning students wrote essays in response to the question:  “Describe the American Melting Pot as it relates to immigration.”  Responses discussed many topics including changes in how immigrants enter the United States today as compared to a century ago. 


“Congratulations to all the participants and the impressive winners who wrote so eloquently on this important topic,” said Senator Witkos. “Our nation is unique in that we were founded, created and developed by people who traveled here from many different countries. The immigrant experience throughout history shaped our country into the amazing nation and melting pot it is today. Thank you to all the students who shared their own thoughts and feelings about our nation’s history and our journey forward. ”

“We’ve held this contest annually for several years now, and each year I continue to be impressed with the insight and ability of our students to present their thoughtful, well-crafted essays,” said Rep. Simanski.  “This year’s topic required both historical research and critical thinking on an important topic that remains at the forefront of debate for our state and our nation.  These students did a wonderful job sharing their own views and findings. I’d like to congratulate all of our winners on their accomplishments.  I’d also like to acknowledge and thank Northwest Community Bank, for their continued partnership in making this such a successful event.”


The winning students recognized at the event include:

Samantha Jacobs

Matthew Maltby

Cody Worsman

Robbie Eselby


Runners up include:

Kelly Oberheim

Megan Koester

Natalie Munson

Bethany Adams


“Northwest Community Bank is so pleased to support the Essay Contest again this year,” said Gayle E. Moraski, Northwest Community Bank Vice President. “This year’s topic was especially good.  I am always amazed that each student’s essay is different from each other.  And the level of confidence that the students have reading the essays in front of family and other students is incredible.  Thank you for allowing us to be part of this program and we look forward to next year!”

High Resolution Photos available for download on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/srophotos/sets/72157654281506699

  • Photo 1: Winner Matthew Maltby with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank (PHOTO 1 is also ATTACHED)
  • Photo 2: Runner up Kelly Oberheim with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 3: Runner up Megan Koester with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 4: Runner up Natalie Munson with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 5: Runner Up Bethany Adams with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 6: Winner Samantha Jacobs with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 7: Winner Cody Worsman with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 8: Winner Robbie Eselby with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank
  • Photo 9: Amanda Shaw, Ann Antolini School Principal with Sen. Witkos, Rep. Simanski and Carole Monroe Assistant VP of Northwest Community Bank



BRTC Riverton Fair Booth with CT Republican candidate for Governor Tom Foley

BRTC Riverton Fair Booth with Tom Foley
BRTC Riverton Fair Booth with Tom Foley

Photo (l-r) BRTC member Mark Mahoney, Ambassador Tom Foley, Mark Carotenuto, BRTC member Jerry Thompson, BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, BRTC member Ernie Little, State Representative William Simanski (R-62)

Riverton Fair brings out Tom Foley and other candidates seeking votes

October 11, 2014

Written by Juliana Simone

Barkhamsted, CT – Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Foley, Secretary of the State candidate Peter Lumaj, First Congressional Candidate Matthew Corey, State Senator Kevin Witkos, and State Representative William Simanski all came to the Riverton Fair this past weekend to meet residents and speak with them about their concerns in this poor economy. The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee reserved space on the fairgrounds to promote their candidates.

Friday night, kicked off the start of the fair’s 105th year of holding this event which began in 1909. Friday is considered ‘local’s night’ and is largely attended by Barkhamsted residents. Secretary of the State candidate Peter Lumaj, First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey and State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) all were on hand to talk to attendees about the upcoming election November 4th, and answer any questions they may have as voters. Most people who stopped by all expressed the same message which consisted of overwhelming taxes, increased by sitting Democrat Governor Dannel Malloy and his majority legislature, the high unemployment which had at least one family member jobless, and the punitive nature against small business owners that barely allowed them to stay in business or made them go under.

(l-r)First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey, State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and Secretary of the State candidate Peter Lumaj
(l-r)First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey, State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and Secretary of the State candidate Peter Lumaj

photo 4 (2)photo 2 (4)photo 2 (3)

Saturday, Ambassador and businessman Tom Foley dropped in and talked with numerous voters and vendors who all told him how much he was needed now in our state of Connecticut. Thrilled to meet Tom, some took selfies or had staff take their photos with Mr. Foley, but also told him personal stories of how much the democrat majority in the General Assembly over the decades, and now worse with Malloy in the Executive Branch, have hurt their families and/or businesses. Tom, a great listener, and personable candidate who truly cares about Connecticut and its future, spent as much time as needed with anyone who was happy to have his ear.

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Tom speaks with retired Winsted RTC Chair Richard Lavieri and a teacher.

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(l-r) Former BRTC Chair and manufacturer John Lavieri, State Rep. Bill Simansk (R-62) and Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley

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Sunday closed out the event, but the RTC booth was busy with fair goers who asked relevant questions and asked for candidate’s literature and lawn signs. The Republican ticket, including some candidates who are also endorsed by the Independent Party, can only hope Connecticut citizens recognize the dismal state it is in appearing statistically time and time again as the nation’s worst place for business, employment, retirement, taxes, gas prices, etc. and recognize it’s time for a change with new leadership.