Tag Archives: Connecticut State Senator Kevin Witkos

Supporters Come Out For Retirement Party In Thanks To State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-08)

Written by Juliana Simone

February 22, 2023

Canton, CT – Long-serving Connecticut General Assembly member, Kevin Witkos, walked into a surprise party on a Saturday afternoon thrown by his wife, Esther, at the Legitimus Brewery. Dozens were on hand to wish the former Senator, House Representative and Canton Board of Education member well. The guest list could have been much longer, but Esther decided to keep it to a smaller group of people she felt served Kevin well while in office or were friends and relatives.

Catered buffet food was in abundance along with a dessert table. Gift bags for guests were on a seperate station. The open bar included fresh beer on tap and spiked cider.

Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair, Juliana Simone, was among the guests who has a long history of helping Kevin transition to the State Senate as well as making sure he was re-elected each time he ran for another term. He was a regular participant in the popular Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade and also would always spend time at the BRTC Riverton Fair booth in October talking to voters. Other guests included veteran State Representative John Piscopo, Colebrook Chairman Chris Johnstone, and long-serving staff members. BRTC VC Dave Moulton also dropped by along with former Waterbury Alderman Jerry Padula, who was a DCP legislative liason and has been a staff attorney with the DCP for fourteen years.

Popular among not only Republicans, he received votes from Independents and Democrats, for his devoted work to the eleven towns he served in the eighth district, his moderate views and genuine friendly personality.

Altogether, Witkos served three terms in the House of Representatives which serves the towns of Canton and Avon (District 17), and seven in the Senate. His highest achievement in the State Senate was the Deputy Senate Republican Leader, second in command to Senate Minority Leader, Len Fasano. Because for the first time in decades the Senate was tied in terms of Elected Senators, there was no majority or minority leader. Both parties had co-chairs for this two year cycle.

Barkhamsted Chair Simone was a Witkos Senate Republican Committee appointee on Public Safety and Security in 2017, which had two of the largest proposals that session which would allow a third casino in the state, and the crumbling concrete foundation issue which left many homeowners with damaged homes.

Witkos, after serving over 25 years as a Sergeant with the Canton Police Department before retiring, started additional part-time work with the utility company, Eversource, where he currently works today. He also tried his hand as a restaurant owner in the Collinsville section of Canton.

Witkos gave a brief but heartfelt speech to his guests expressing how fast twenty years of service flew by. We all wish Kevin well in his future endeavors and thank him for his dedication to the eighth district.

Kevin and Esther Witkos with the owners of Brewery Legitimus

Veteran State Representative John Piscopo (R-76) and Retired Veteran State Legislator Kevin Witkos

Retired Veteran State Senator Kevin Witkos and Barkhamsted Chair Juliana Simone
Colebrook Chairman Chris Johnstone and his wife at the event for Retired State Senator Kevin Witkos

GOTV for Tuesday November 8th, 2022

November 6, 2022

Fellow Barkhamsted residents and voters throughout our state of Connecticut who follow or view this blog, if you haven’t voted already please get out and vote this Tuesday. It is so important that you cast your vote to take our state and nation in the right direction. Everyone wants to see lower inflation, fewer taxes, less crime, parental rights restored, zero mandates, Constitutional liberties maintained as originally written, American independence, a bright future for our young, a safe place for our seniors and as much global peace that can be sustained. 

Our local races here in Barkhamsted are crucial in keeping our State Representative seat and State Senator seats Republican. Please re-elect Mark Anderson, (R-62) who as our representative along with New Hartford, Granby and Hartland has done an exceptional job following in the reigns of William Simanski, Richard Ferrari and Phil Prelli.  With no higher political ambitions, his goal is to keep it local and continue to do what is best for all four towns in this district. He is hands-on, accessible, knowledgeable and tireless. Mark Anderson deserves another term if not many more.

State Senator Candidate Lisa Seminara (SD8) currently serving on the Avon Board of Education, knows as a mother what is important to parents today in terms of classes and guidance. A Columbia College graduate, she will bring both hands-on daily life experience and wisdom to this seat now vacated by the popular and long-serving State Senator Kevin Witkos.

Congressman John Larson (CT-1) has certainly served long enough since being elected in 1999. Time for some new representation that is more in touch with today’s citizens. Vote for Larry Lazor, M.D. If you, friends or family live in the Fifth Congressional District, which Barkhamsted used to be part of until redistricting, please vote for George Logan. His race is the only Congressional toss up in Connecticut. An engineer, husband and father, a former State Senator and moderate Republican he will bring fresh air into the Fifth and our state as a whole, breaking up the monopoly of one party rule that has existed here since the former U.S. Representative Chris Shays lost his re-election in 2008.

Gubernatorial Bob Stefanowski is seeking his second run for Governor since 2018. He has continued to work hard to represent the people of Connecticut who are tired of being on the list of the highest taxed and regulated state denizens, and deserves your vote if you are seeking positive change. It is doable. Current Governor Ned Lamont won over Stefanowski by only 44K votes. (62K voters selected others on their ballots.) If Bob wins, he’ll need his Constitutional Officers so vote for this under ticket, as well.

Other states in the U.S. have better chances of electing a new Republican Senator to the White House. Although Connecticut is not in the top runners, if like with Congressman Larson, you feel Blumenthal has been in government long enough and don’t like his partisan votes, vote for his challenger.

Most importantly, get out and vote, as this is something sadly taken for granted by too many today in America. Be active. Participate in the freedoms you wake up to each day and want to keep in place. Every vote counts.

Riverton Fair BRTC Booth – State Rep. Mark Anderson and Barkhamsted Board of Selectman member Nick Lukiwsky (R)
State Representative Mark Anderson (R-62) at Barkhamsted RTC Meeting Oct 2022

Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Stefanowski with Canton supporter October 29, 2022 in Torrington on statewide bus tour
Bob Stefanowski for Governor 2022 lawn sign

2022 lawn signs Rte 44 Barkhamsted
State Representative Jay Case (R-63) at rally in Torrington for Gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski 10/29/22

CT Senate District 08 Nominates Lisa Seminara

May 16, 2022

Delegates from the Eighth Senate District of Connecticut voted tonight to nominate Lisa Seminara from Avon as their candidate to run for this office in November. Well attended by the eight towns and the three partial parts of Granby, Torrington and Harwinton, delegates drove through thunderstorm warnings to join this convention in New Hartford. A generous buffet of food was available to all attendees at this local brewery.

The winner of this open seat election will replace long-serving, State Senator Kevin Witkos, who was first elected in November 2007. Prior to serving in the Senate, Witkos (R-17) served in the State House representing Canton and Avon elected in November 2003, and before this was a member of his Board of Education in Canton. A police officer before retiring and becoming an employee of Eversource, Witkos chose to retire after so many years of public service.

Lisa was elected to her home town of Avon’s Board of Education in 2019. A licensed social worker with a Columbia University Master’s Degree, she is happily married to her husband and has been a resident of Connecticut for 28 years. They have three children. Seminara also founded the Avon Special Education Parent Teacher Association and started a non-profit to develop a parcel of land into a fully accessible playground and park with other community members which they donated to the town of Avon.

The New Hartford RTC Chairman, Greg O’Brien, nominated the candidate and the Colebrook RTC Chairman and First Selectman, Chris Johnstone, seconded. State Central member Brian Werstler put together the meeting. Barkhamsted RTC Chairman Juliana Simone is on the vacancy committee, and was joined by her fellow two delegates, BOF member Dave Moulton and Selectman Nick Lukiwsky.

The Republican Candidate for Attorney General, Jessica Kordas, also attended the convention.

State Senate Candidate Lisa Seminara (R-08) addresses the Barkhamsted RTC in April
Avon RTC members Stephen and Laura Hunt join the April BRTC meeting to support Senate candidate Lisa Seminara

State Senator Kevin Witkos Campaign 2020

June 18, 2020 – In Canton, Connecticut, at the home of State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), many district town chairs, vice chairs, state central members, supporters and staff showed up to give their support to the the eighth district Senator who has held this seat since 2008. He served two terms in the House before joining the Senate, and was a member of his town’s BOE in Canton, before running for state office. Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, worked as a volunteer for nine months to help transition Witkos from the State House to State Senate.

Outside of his political career, he was a police sergeant for 28 years, and has been working for Eversource, a Connecticut electric utility company, since 2012. The State Senator also owned and operated a restaurant in the Collinsville section of Canton called “Wilson’s” for around five years. He is married to his wife Esther. They have two adult children.

With a Democrat challenger running against him for a third consecutive time, despite previous losses, Witkos told those assembled at the gathering that federal money was being funded into his opponent’s campaign. This has become more and more common in our state and others for federal money to be funneled into the smallest of local elections for an overall gain in their favor.

For those who want to contribute to the Witkos Campaign, please click here:


House Republican researcher, John Vamos, who has a long history of Witkos support, and was assigned to BRTC’s Chair Juliana Simone’s State Representative campaign in 2006, was at the gathering for donations and discussion. Jason Stark, Kevin’s campaign manager, and a long time employee of the House and Senate Republicans, gave the opening address to attendees.

State Senator Kevin Witkos Wins District Convention for Re-election

May 18, 2020

Connecticut’s State Senator and Republican Senate Minority Leader Pro Tempore, Kevin Witkos (R-8), was nominated to serve another term by the Senate’s Eighth District delegation during a convention conference call. Witkos is unopposed. The convention Chair was Avon’s RTC Chair Jeffrey Fleischman. Barkhamsted Chair, Juliana Simone, and Board of Finance Chair, Richard Winn, participated in the convention. Simone was asked to be a member of the Rules Committee.

Witkos, first elected to the State Senate in 2009, served as a State Representative in the Connecticut General Assembly for six years prior. Kevin is the Ranking Member of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee and the General Law Committee. He is also a member of the Executive and Legislative Nominations Committee.

A retired Canton police Sergeant after 28 years of service, former restaurant owner and current employee of Eversource since 2012, Kevin is married with two adult children. Witkos has appeared on the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee’s cable show “Conservative Chat” multiple times during his tenure. YouTube Channel “Conservative Chat” has his most recent interview from 2019 available for viewers.

Congratulations to Senator Witkos for his years of work in the Connecticut legislature.

ICYMI- Now on YouTube. July Interview with State Senator Kevin Witkos on 2019 session.

In case you missed it, here is the half-hour interview with Kevin Witkos now on YouTube regarding the 2019 session.


Tonight, Thursday, July 4th, 2019, on Charter Cable Channel 192 at 7:00 PM, Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempre, Kevin Witkos (R-8), and Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone review the 2019 session.

For those not in the viewing area or who are not Charter subscribers, this show is now online.

Barkhamsted Town Election Results 2018

The Barkhamsted Election Day results once again went in the Republican Party’s favor, winning every race on the ballot for their town.

Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, said, “I am very pleased with the results, and respect our town voters who are obviously clear on policy and what direction our state needs to take to move forward. Our residents recognized the candidates who would bring them out of the dire fiscal situation we’ve been in for a long time here in Connecticut, and wanted to elect the people who would bring back business and jobs, as well as reduce taxes and spending.”

A cold rainy day did not reduce voter turnout. Long lines regardless of time maintained throughout the polling place hours.

As reported by our Registrar of Voters, here are the results:

State Representative:

Incumbent William Simanski – 1099

Challenger Amanda Webster – 867

State Senator:

Incumbent Kevin Witkos – 1233

Challenger Melissa Osborne – 730

Congressional (CT-1):

Challenger Jennifer Nye (R): 1015

Incumbent John Larson (D) – 907

U.S. Senate:

Challenger Matthew Corey (R): 1048

Incumbent Chris Murphy (D): 901


Bob Stefanowski (R): 1138

Ned Lamont (D): 726

All Constitutional Seats were won , as well.

Susan Hatfield/AG, Thad Gray/Treaurer, Sue Chapman/SOTS, Kurt Miller/Comptroller

Probate Judge:

Magistrali (R): 1087

Dwyer:  820

Both Ballot Initiative questions: Yes.


In the town of Granby, where I joined our State Representative William Simanski to wait for results, their numbers after a long wait came in with on the Republican side, Bob Stefanowski, John Kissel and Bill Simanski winning their races. On the Democrat side, Chris Murphy and John Larson each had about 200 more votes than their challengers Matthew Corey and Jennifer Nye.

The town of Granby also voted yes on both ballot initiative questions.








Riverton Fair 2018

Barkhamsted, CT

October 12, 2018

This past weekend brought another successful conclusion to the state’s last held town fair despite off and on weather.

All agreed change was desperately needed for residents to continue to live here, existing business to thrive and new business to move in, and a new Republican majority elected to take us out of our enormous four billion dollar debt, resolve union pension issues and cut taxes.

Outside of politics, attendees enjoyed fair food, ox pulls, music and games. Though it rained most of Saturday, the sun did eventually break through and make a couple of afternoon hours pleasant for those on the grounds. Friday night was a continued success for locals, and Sunday brought out the biggest crowd with classic autumn weather.

State Senator and Senate Minority Leader, Kevin Witkos (R-8) joined the fun Friday evening, and State Representative William Simanski (R-62) spent a few hours talking to voters on Saturday through rain and sunshine. Probate Judge Michael Magistrali, serving since 1999, was also on hand Sunday as he seeks reelection to represent his district which consists of seven towns, including Barkhamsted. Former State Representative and Agricultural Commissioner under Governor Jodi Rell, Phil Prelli, also dropped by to tell us his thoughts on the election.

(l-r) Jerry P. Padula Esq., BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D. at Riverton Fair RTC Booth

(l-r) BRTC members Tom Palmer and Dave Moulton at Riverton Fair RTC Booth

(l-r) Probate Judge Michael Magistrali and former Probate Judge candidate/Waterbury Alderman Jerry P. Padula, Esq. – Riverton Fair RTC Booth 2018

Riverton Fair Barkhamsted RTC Booth crew Sunday – (l-r) Probate Judge Michael Magistrali, RTC member Tom Palmer, Former Waterbury Alderman Jerry Padula, Mark Carotunti and RTC member Ernie Little.

Riverton Fair Barkhamsted RTC Booth 2018

(l-r) State Representative William Simanski (R-62), Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone, Barkhamsted RTC Treasurer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D.

Averill and Steven Blackburn Riverton Fair RTC Booth 2018




Great Turnout for Barkhamsted Meet The Candidates Event With Keynote Speaker Radio Host Todd Feinburg

Guest Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson Enthralled All

September 24, 2018

Barkhamsted, CT

Written by Juliana Simone

Monday evening the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held it’s biannual F/R and cocktail party at the home of member Alice Judd. Attendance was high and the slate of candidates long. Guests were treated to the special appearance of veteran former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson (CT-5).

Candidates speaking were Probate Judge Michael Magistrali, Congressional Candidate Jennifer Nye (CT-1), State Representative William Simanski (R-62), State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), Lt. Governor Candidate State Senator, Joe Markley and U.S. Senate Candidate Matthew Corey (R). Nancy Johnson followed with an inspiring and knowledgeable speech, which illustrated how much she is still in touch with current politics and issues.

Keynote speaker, afternoon radio host on WTIC 1080 AM, Todd Feinburg, wrapped it up with his observations on politics today. Most guests attended to hear the popular Feinburg and have the opportunity to meet him in person.

An article published in the newspaper Republican American September 26th, by focusing on a comment made from a guest which hardly anyone heard after many inquiries have been made, skewed the article in a partisan and negative way against Republicans, which is simply bad journalism. Rather than reporting on what a successful event was held, her bias made it clear she was not there to cover what many fine candidates had to say.

Committee’s don’t know in advance what keynote speakers are going to say, nor do they or any group have control of what any one person in a crowd can say out loud, especially if it isn’t heard but by a few people who say nothing. Any gathering can have a Madonna type guest who chooses to say, tweet or post something irresponsible and/or offensive.

This quote of an attendee, not affiliated with any RTC, as Republicans from easily ten towns were guests, is being used by State Representative William Simanski’s opponent in multiple posts, to try and portray Bill Simanski in a bad and false light by association. Simanski is a hard working legislator, good husband and father and a highly respectable and regarded man.

The Hartford Courant picked up the story today, September 27th, with a quote from State Senator Witkos (R-8) denouncing the comment made at the event. So does the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee. The media is promoting the story to continue to influence elections and disparage Republicans and conservatives. All of whom were in attendance are upstanding people and fine patriots who give to their communities consistently in many ways.

Todd Feinburg, Afternoon Talk Radio Host WTIC 1080AM

(l-r) BRTC Chair Juliana Simone; Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson; Lt. Governor Candidate State Senator Joe Markley; Ted Johnson

(l) Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson and Veteran BRTC Member, Patriot and Hostess, Alice Judd.

(l) Avon RTC’s Stephen Hunt and Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone

Jerry Padula and friend Marwan Ayad (Harwinton RTC Chair Brooke Cheney in background)

(l-r) Lt. Governor Candidate Joe Markley; Goshen RTC Chair and SC Member John Morris; Former State Rep. and Agricultural Commissioner

(l-r) Probate Judge Michael Magistrali with Maureen and Phil Prelli



BRTC event

(l) Probate Judge Michael Magistrali (r) Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson

(l) Jerry Padula and (r) Francis John Ayres

(l) Juliana Simone (r) New Hartford First Selectman Dan Jerram

(l-r) Lt. Governor Candidate Senator Joe Markley; BRTC Chair Juliana Simone; Jerry Padula, Esq.

Southington’s Rusty and Elaine Haigh

(l) JP guest Marwan and (r) BRTC Treasurer Steven Blackburn

Mark and Carole Anderson – Granby

(l-r) Frank Ayres; Former Congresswoman Nancy Johnson and husband Ted.

(l) BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and (r) Harwinton Chair Brooke Cheney

(l) Former Veteran Congresswoman Nancy Johnson and (r) First Congressional Candidate Jennifer Nye

(l) Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss and (r) First Selectman Dan Jerram

(l) Former BRTC/BOF Chair Dave Moulton and (r) Goshen RTC Chair/SC Member John Morris

(l) New Hartford BOF Chair Jim Fitzgerald and (r) Probate Judge Mike Magistrali

(l) State Rep. William Simanski; Barkhamsted Selectman Nick Lukiwsky; BRTC and SC member Rich Tutunjian

(l) Former Veteran Congresswoman Nancy Johnson (CT-1) and Former Waterbury Alderman Jerry Padula

BRTC event crowd

(l) Harwinton Chair Brooke Cheney; BRTC and SC member Rich Tutunjian; Avon RTC member Stephen Hunt




Portrait of BRTC member and event hostess Alice Judd

Barkhamsted State Representative William Simanski’s Endorsement for First Selectman Mark Hemenway


Republican Municipal Election Second Mailer 2017

Barkhamsted – A third mailer sent to town residents by the Democrat Town Committee and First Selectman Incumbent Don Stein, tried to suggest to voters that State Representative William Simanski endorsed Don Stein for First Selectman this 2017 election by creating a window on the right inside of a fold out flyer with a scan of the legislator’s photo and a copy and pasted sentence from years ago, the legislator believes he sent Stein in an email, as he did to the other First Selectman in the four towns that make up his district. Rep. Simanski told BRTC Chair, Juliana Simone, over the phone, he sent this to Stein at the time to be professional and as a courtesy since he has to work with him.

Simanski was surprised to hear his communication to First Selectman Don Stein was being featured in a Democrat mailer and said this was the first he heard of it. He confirmed he is fully endorsing Republican Candidate Selectman Mark Hemenway for First Selectman of Barkhamsted this 2017 election. His very enthusiastic endorsement of Hemenway can be read in the second mailer sent out by the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee:

“With Mark Hemenway’s experience on the Board of Selectman, familiarity with the school system, and his creative problem solving skills, he is ideally suited to lead Barkhamsted into a better, more prosperous future as First Selectman.” – State Rep. Bill Simanski

Democrat Municipal Election Third Mailer 2017

This Democrat mailer also continued the false idea that if Mark Hemenway and running mate Nick Lukiwsky were elected, they would do away with the resident state trooper. Another untrue talking point from Don Stein and his campaign team, in that Mark and Nick, a Waterbury police lieutenant, have made it clear in two cable interviews, RTC mailers and interviews that they are just seeking a more affordable solution for taxpayers that will still keep public safety in our schools and for residents a priority.

The Democrat mailer also continues the tired and repetitive impression that if Candidate Mark Hemenway was elected, he would not be fulfilling his First Selectman duties full time.  Stein, in his early seventies and retired, tells Barkhamsted voters he is able, as a result, to be at the town hall all the time and anyone with another job would not be able to do the same. Town hall workers have made note for years that Don is not always there and cumulatively spends weeks away throughout the year.

Hemenway, who noted in his recent public debate at the Barkhamsted Elementary School, and has said in other interviews, he works from home right around the corner from the town hall, so he can be there anytime with ease and easily as much as Stein.  During the debate, he pointed out to attendees that the recent tax sale conducted by the town on foreclosed properties, something the incumbent made a positive in his answer time, that Stein wasn’t even there, and he and tax collector Terri Collins (D) proceeded over the event.