Tag Archives: Conservative Chat

BRTC Update

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee always remains active even if a new post is not seen here on our website. The Coronavirus set our usual annual agenda back in 2020. Nevertheless, despite no town Parade on Independence Day which was canceled due to COVID restrictions on July 4th, 2020, no Riverton Fair in early October, Charter Communications closing the Winsted studio which taped our half hour political interview show “Conservative Chat” for fifteen years, and the surprising results of the 2020 Presidential election, there is much to share with our followers in review.

  • Many thanks to Peter Lumaj, Gubernatorial Candidate 2018 and Secretary of the State Candidate 2014 for being our keynote speaker at our biannual fundraiser held at the committee’s Vice Chair’s home in late September 2020. For those who have yet to hear Peter’s amazing and accomplished story, please put his name in a search engine. We are hoping he will run again in 2022 for an important office that would help our state of Connecticut tremendously. https://peterlumaj.com/
  • Peter’s former Campaign Manager for the Secretary of the State office in Connecticut, Brock Weber, announced he will be running for this same seat in 2022. The BRTC’s Chairman, Juliana Simone, worked on the 2014 campaign and can verify Brock knows everything there is to know about this office and would do an exceptional job if elected. As he tours the state campaigning, ask him anything about the duties performed as SOTS if you meet him, or send him a question on his website where contact info is listed. Simone has endorsed Brock Weber for the State GOP nomination. https://www.brockweber.com/
  • Some vacancies that came up on our local boards have all been filled with qualified people. The BRTC is happy to see long-serving Planning and Zoning Commission alternate, Tom Andersen, become a full seated member, though as he says in his own words, he wished it had happened any other way. We all mourn the loss of Greg Gordon, who died prematurely in June of this year. PZC Chair, Christine Lavieri, acknowledged how important a voice he had for so many years in terms of Barkhamsted’s town composition. Paul Duran has filled the alternate seat which was held by Tom. He has many qualifications to be seated. Susan Larson filled the seat of retired police officer Jill Kidik on the local Board of Education.
  • Veteran Registrar of Voters, Susan Day, had to retire the job she knew and performed so well due to moving out of town. The BRTC will always thank and respect Sue for so many decades of service and as a member of our RTC. We appreciate Lisa Andersen’s volunteering to replace Sue, but understand the complications that prevented her from assuming this important role. We now are pleased to announce our committee Treasurer, Rev. Steven Blackburn, PhD., as our new Registrar in training.
  • Coming up: Municipal elections Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021. Support our Republican ticket. All well deserved members of our town Boards. Please re-elect Regional 7 incumbent, Mimi Duran, who has an impressive background in serving and wants to continue her elected position on the Regional 7 BOE. Look for our campaign literature in your mail or post office box!

Thank you.

Tonight: New “Conservative Chat” with Columnist Don Pesci 8/29 7:00 Charter Cable Channel 192

Tonight, Thursday, August 29, 2019 at 7:00 PM on Charter Communications Cable channel 192 Columnist and Political Commentator Don Pesci joins Barkhamsted RTC Chair and show host Juliana Simone for a new half hour interview. Juliana and Don discuss current politics and some of Don’s articles.

To read Don Pesci, go to his blog: Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes From A Blue State.

This show will repeat on Sunday, September 1st at 7:30 P.M., Thursday, September 5th at 7:00 P.M., and September 8th at 7:30 P.M. on Charter cable channel 192.

For those not in the viewing area or who are not Charter/Spectrum subscribers, this show will be online next week, and can be seen on Charter cable channel’s Watch Programs tab, or on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnLslzPjefCnCqqxCq2_yHw

ICYMI- Now on YouTube. July Interview with State Senator Kevin Witkos on 2019 session.

In case you missed it, here is the half-hour interview with Kevin Witkos now on YouTube regarding the 2019 session.


Tonight, Thursday, July 4th, 2019, on Charter Cable Channel 192 at 7:00 PM, Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempre, Kevin Witkos (R-8), and Barkhamsted RTC Chair Juliana Simone review the 2019 session.

For those not in the viewing area or who are not Charter subscribers, this show is now online.

Final Encore: June 9th “Conservative Chat” With U.S. Senate Candidate August Wolf – 7:00PM Charter Cable 191

CT U.S. Senate Candidate August Wolf with Juliana Simone
CT U.S. Senate Candidate August Wolf with Juliana Simone

Thursday, June 9th, 2016 on Charter Cable Channel 191 at 7:00 PM, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents an interview with Republican U.S. Senate Candidate August Wolf and Barkhamsted RTC Chair and Host Juliana Simone. August and Juliana discuss his background, why he’s running for political office, foreign policy and who our biggest enemy is today, immigration and what solutions there could be, unemployment and bringing back jobs to our youth, outsourced workers and middle-aged employees who once laid off can’t get rehired, the nation’s debt and how to reduce it, the Second Amendment, our military and our veterans, August’s thoughts on incumbent U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, why he is the best candidate to run against Blumenthal and why delegates should give him their vote at the state convention this Monday.

If you’re outside of the viewing area, it can be seen on the Internet – www.ctv13.net under the tab Watch Online – search “Conservative Chat” – click episode #106.


“Conservative Chat” municipal election candidate episode now on-line

November 5, 2015

The latest episode of “Conservative Chat” which featured Barkhamsted municipal candidates BOS member Mark Hemenway (R) and BOF veteran member Dave Moulton (R) has now been uploaded on-line. BRTC Chair and program host Juliana Simone discusses town issues with these knowledgeable board members who went on to keep their board positions on Election Day 2015.

To watch the show: http://www.ctv13.net/

Click on the tab VOD and the interview is currently on the home page – with the CC screen – episode #100.  After more shows are uploaded, either put “Conservative Chat” in the search bar, or go to page two, three, etc. for current listings.

New “Conservative Chat” Tonight, May 14th at 7PM with conservative radio host Jayson Veley

Jayson Veley and Juliana Simone
Jayson Veley and Juliana Simone

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, May 14, 2015, at 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, join Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee’s Chair and host, Juliana Simone, and conservative talk radio host Jayson Veley.  In this half hour interview, Juliana and Jayson talk about his many accomplishments at the age of twenty-one including his Fox News Network appearances and radio show; the 2016 Republican President candidates as well as democrat Hillary Clinton; border security and terrorist cells; immigration; and how Jayson perceives the conservative landscape of the future from members of his own generation.

For those of you outside the viewing area or who are not Charter subscribers, this episode can be seen on-line at: www.jaysonveley.com  and will be up after this coming Monday on www.ctv13.net

For those of you who attended our Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Biannual Event last September, Jayson was one of our featured speakers. The tape of his speech at the event can also be seen onwww.jaysonveley.com

New “Conservative Chat” with columnist Don Pesci March 12th 7PM on Charter

(l)Columnist Don Pesci and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone March 2015
(l) Columnist Don Pesci and (r) BRTC Chair Juliana Simone March 2015

“Conservative Chat”Tonight, Thursday, at 7PM, March 12th, 2015, on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee features a half hour with veteran Connecticut political commentator and columnist Don Pesci and host BRTC Chair Juliana Simone. Don and Juliana discuss Governor Malloy’s new Washington D.C. appointment, his featured piece and comments in Time Magazine, his proposed budget and how it will effect state residents, and his budget item that would get rid of all probate judges; the Secretary of the State’s proposed bill to reduce municipality’s voter registrars to one, and more!

For those who are not Charter subscribers or who live outside the viewing area, this program can be seen on-line after this following Monday at http://www.ctv13.net/ under Video on Demand/Conservative Chat.

New “Conservative Chat” with State Rep. William Simanski



“Conservative Chat”Thursday, December 11th , 2014. at 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair and host Juliana Simone interviews State Representative William Simanski (R-62) about the upcoming long session starting in January 2015, the new House Minority Leader Themis Klarides (R-114), the good and bad of election results November 4th, what to expect from Governor Malloy and the democrat majority in the next four years, the unfunded pensions, state deficit and more taxation on the horizon.


For those who are not Charter subscribers or outside of the viewing area, this program can be seen on the Internet on www.ctv13.net after next Monday December 8th. 

New “Conservative Chat’ with columnist Don Pesci



CCJSDonPesciNov14 001

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Thursday, November 13, 2014, at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191 watch Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair and host Juliana Simone discuss with veteran columnist and political commentator Don Pesci the November 4th election results. Juliana and Don review the Connecticut Governor’s race, the First and Fifth Congressional districts, the Republican gains in the Connecticut General Assembly, the Lumaj campaign for Secretary of the State and the State Treasurer’s, some of the highlights of the National sweep for the GOP and more!

This program will rerun next Thursday, November 20th, at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191.

For those of you who do not subscribe to Charter Communications, this show can be seen on-line next week and post afterMonday or Tuesday at www.ctv13.net under VOD (Video on Demand)