Tag Archives: CT State Representative William Simanski

62nd State House District Nominates State Rep. William Simanski for a Fifth Term

May 16, 2018

Granby, CT – Republican Delegates for the 62nd district of the State House gathered in Granby this Wednesday evening to nominate State Representative William Simanski to return to the Connecticut General Assembly for a fifth term. The 62nd district consists of four towns: Barkhamsted, Granby, Hartland and New Hartford.

Temporary Convention Chair Juliana Simone presided to call the meeting to order, have the assembly recite the Pledge of Allegiance and announce the roll call for delegate attendance. Two alternate designations were on hand.

Motions were made to elect David Moulton from Barkhamsted, Permanent Chair, and Mark Neumann from Granby, Permanent Secretary.  All on hand were in favor.

Nominating speech was delivered by Granby RTC Chair, Mark Neumann. Seconding speech was delivered by Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone. No other nominations were heard.

State Representative William Simanski gave his acceptance speech with appreciation, and to note how the state of Connecticut needed to elect Republicans at every level in November to ensure a positive fiscal future for our state.

Delegates were informed Granby RTC member, Mark Anderson, will be Rep. Simanski’s campaign manager for his campaign this year.


ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” Jan. 28th 7:30PM with State Rep. Bill Simanski – Now Online

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, January 28th, 2018, at 7:30PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, State Representative William Simanski (R-63) and Barkhamsted RTC Chair and host, Juliana Simone, discuss the  state budget process and why it took so long this year to pass one.

This program is airing for the last time tonight but can be seen online using the links below.  For those not in the viewing area or who are not Charter/Spectrum subscribers this episode will be online at www.ctv191.com  and YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZhdYLPAF6lQ


Barkhamsted Election Day Results

November 8th, 2016

Written by Juliana Simone

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee is proud to have won our town for our Presidential nominee Donald Trump, as well as our Congressional candidate, Matthew Corey, and our State Senator Kevin Witkos.

Numbers just reported from our fine Registrar of Voters:


Trump/Pence: 1155

Clinton/Kaine: 899

{Libertarian candidate ticket got 94 and Green party ticket got 36}

U.S. Senate:

Richard Blumenthal: 1099

Dan Carter: 1005

{libertarian candidate 43 and Green party candidate 19}

U.S. States Representative (CT-1)

Matthew Corey: 1077

Rep. John Larson: 1014

{green party candidate 41}

State Senator:

Kevin Witkos (R-8): 1504

Pena: 648

State Rep. Simanski: 805 {unopposed}

Registrar of Voters (R): 

Susan Day: 1625



Barkhamsted RTC Fundraiser Highlights

Written by Juliana Simone

Barkhamsted RTC F/R (l-r) State Rep. Tim LeGeyt, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter, State Senator Kevin Witkos, BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, State Rep. William Simanski
Barkhamsted RTC F/R (l-r) State Rep. Tim LeGeyt, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter, State Senator Kevin Witkos, BRTC Chair Juliana Simone, State Rep. William Simanski

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held its biannual fundraiser on October 11th. The event was held at the home of the committee Chair, Juliana Simone. Committee members brought food and beverages for guests to enjoy. Candidates for state and federal office were on hand to talk to and later address the guests giving campaign speeches.

District candidates, Barkhamsted State Representative, William Simanski (R-62), who is running unopposed to serve his fourth term, and State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), whose district includes the town of Barkhamsted as well as ten other towns, is running for reelection to serve his fifth term in the Senate, after serving in the State House. He is currently the Deputy Minority Leader, second to State Senator Len Fasano, in senate leadership.

Simanksi and Witkos both used their time as speakers to acknowledge the failures of the Malloy administration, and how under two terms of this democrat Governor, things have only worsened.

First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1), challenging entrenched democrat Congressman John Larson for a third time, is a small businessman who owns and operates two companies in Hartford and is a Navy veteran. {To see his recent interview on our RTC committee cable show click this link}


U.S. Senate candidate, Dan Carter, who is presently a State Representative in Connecticut’s second district after being elected to office in 2010, is an Air Force veteran, and has a background in the health care industry.  {To see his recent interview on our RTC committee cable show click this link}

Corey and Carter used their time as speakers to acknowledge both the failures to Connecticut residents and taxpayers under the Democrat majority in our state legislature, and how the federal delegation that represents the Constitution State in Washington, D.C., that consists of five members of the House of Representatives, and two U.S. Senators, all members of the democrat party, have voted consistently with their caucus leadership, and fail Connecticut’s needs overall.

Corey is challenging U.S. Rep. John Larson (D), who exemplifies why term limits need to be imposed, after making a career in Washington for seventeen years. Carter is challenging one-term incumbent, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, who has also made a lifetime profession working for the government, as Connecticut’s Attorney General for twenty years, before moving on to a federal seat.

Peter Lumaj, also gave a moving speech to the crowd. The 2014 Secretary of the State candidate, who doubled the amount of votes the prior nominee received four years earlier, currently has an exploratory committee for a statewide office race in 2018. Lumaj also sought the nomination to be the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in 2012. Barkhamsted RTC Chair, Juliana Simone, seconded his nomination at the state convention that year.

Lumaj reminded everyone “If you can’t vote for Trump, vote for Republican Party,” he said. “We must support any and every office we can. We cannot keep fighting each other. If you do not vote for Trump, it is a vote for Hillary.”

He also reminded people that he grew up in a communist country, and how he escaped to America to live a life of liberty and opportunity.  Like others with his background, he fears the country he came to embrace for its freedoms, he now sees becoming more like the country he and his brothers fled, with the liberal democrat agenda of making America a socialist nation.

State Representative Tim LeGeyt (R-17), who took over the Witkos seat when he moved forward to the Senate, also came to the event. Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss, and Barkhamsted Selectman, Mark Hemenway (R), was another elected official present as well as Rich Tutunjian, who is a State Central Committee member for the senate district eight, in addition to BRTC treasurer, Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D., along with former RTC Chair, Robert Brainard III, who serve on the Board of Assessment Appeals in addition to being RTC members.

Hard-working reporter, Kathryn Boughton, came to cover the occasion for The Republican American, a respected state newspaper in circulation for over 150 years, known for its conservative investigative reporting*.  Ms. Boughton spoke at length to all the candidates and published a fine report that accurately described the candidates’ positions in the October 13th edition. {Editor’s note: see attached scan}

Party members and unaffiliated voters came from both native Barkhamsted and towns around the state. A good time was had by all. Thank you to the many committee members who came out in support of our RTC, and to our candidates and guests who made the evening memorable and informative.

Vote November 8th, for all of our Republican candidates, everyone! The difference in how the future of America will proceed is monumental.

BRTC F/R - Chair Juliana Simone and U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter
BRTC F/R – Chair Juliana Simone and U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter


BRTC F/R - First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1) and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone
BRTC F/R – First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1) and BRTC Chair Juliana Simone


BRTC F/R - BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss
BRTC F/R – BRTC Chair Juliana Simone and Harwinton First Selectman Mike Criss


BRTC F/R - Peter Lumaj, former candidate for SOTS and exploratory committee candidate for Governor 2018
BRTC F/R – Peter Lumaj, former candidate for SOTS and exploratory committee candidate for Governor 2018



BRTC F/R 2016 Peter Lumaj, Cassandra D. , two ROV’s and town clerk


BRTC F/R - (l-r) Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and William Simanski
BRTC F/R – (l-r) Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and William Simanski


BRTC F/R - (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and Bill Simanski
BRTC F/R – (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone and Bill Simanski


BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone, Bill Simanski {photo: Brock Weber}
BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) Matthew Corey, Peter Lumaj, Tim LeGeyt, Dan Carter, Kevin Witkos, Juliana Simone, Bill Simanski {photo: Brock Weber}


BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) RTC Treasurer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D., Mike and Susan Day (VOR -R) Barkhamsted
BRTC F/R 2016 (l-r) RTC Treasurer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph. D., Mike and Susan Day (VOR -R) Barkhamsted


BRTC F/R 2016 - Mark Mahoney, SC and BRTC member Rich Tutunjian, Ernie L.
BRTC F/R 2016 – Mark Mahoney, SC and BRTC member Rich Tutunjian, Ernie L.


BRTC F/R 2016 - former Chair and RTC member John Lavieri and Mike Day
BRTC F/R 2016 – former Chair and RTC member John Lavieri and Mike Day


Senate Republican staff member and former CM for Peter Lumaj SOTS campaign, Brock Weber, and fellow Lumaj staff worker Cassandra D.
Senate Republican staff member and former CM for Peter Lumaj SOTS campaign, Brock Weber, and fellow Lumaj staff worker Cassandra D.


BRTC F/R 2016 - RTC member Tom Palmer and BOS member/BRTC VC Mark Hemenway
BRTC F/R 2016 – RTC member Tom Palmer and BOS member/BRTC VC Mark Hemenway


BRTC F/R 2016 - Avon RTC VC Stephen Hunt and resident cat
BRTC F/R 2016 – Avon RTC VC Stephen Hunt and resident cat


Barkhamsted RTC F/R 2016 - BRTC and BAA member Robert Brainard III and Juliana Simone
Barkhamsted RTC F/R 2016 – BRTC and BAA member Robert Brainard III and Juliana Simone


BRTC F/R 2106 -WMHJRESQ and resident cat
BRTC F/R 2016 -WMHJRESQ and resident cat

Riverton Fair: Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Booth

Written by Juliana Simone

(l-r) Barkhamsted selectman Mark Hemenway (R); State Rep. Wm. Simanski (R-62); U.S. Senate candidate State Rep. Dan Carter (R); Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1)
(l-r) Barkhamsted selectman Mark Hemenway (R); State Rep. Wm. Simanski (R-62); U.S. Senate candidate State Rep. Dan Carter (R); Congressional candidate Matthew Corey (CT-1)


Riverton, CT – On October 7th, 8th and 9th the Riverton Fair held its annual event on the Riverton fairgrounds. 2016 marks the 107th anniversary of what is known as the last county fair of the season in the state. The fair was established in 1909. Located in the southeastern portion of Litchfield County on the Farmington River, the fair brings people from near and far to take in the tractor pulls, wood chopping and judges of oxen and steers, in addition to the traditional animal exhibits, amusement rides and music. Area craftsmen exhibit their goods, as do local farmers who sell their home grown honey, maple syrup and garlic.

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, set up it’s booth to showcase Republican state and federal candidates who will be on the ballot this November 8th, including our party’s nominee for President of the United States, Donald Trump.

Popular State Senator Kevin Witkos spent time at our booth Friday night, which is known to town and area residents as “local’s night.” Serving in the state house before becoming a State Senator, he is currently the Deputy Minority Leader in the Republican Senate caucus. Witkos also works for Northeast Utilities and owns a local eatery in his home town of Canton.

Barkhamsted State Representative, William Simanski, joined Witkos Friday night and returned on Saturday to spend time with his fellow colleague, Dan Carter, who became a member of the House Republicans the same year he did in 2010. Simanski, respected by the majority of constituents in the four towns he represents, is running unopposed again this year.

Carter, who still holds the title of State Representative, is now the Republican U.S. Senate candidate for the CT GOP who is taking on one-term Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal. A link to his interview on our RTC cable show is on this website home page.

Matthew Corey, also joined the candidates on Saturday. Corey, is a small business owner of two businesses: a tavern in downtown Hartford, and high-rise window cleaning service. He is also a navy veteran. Corey is taking on long-serving democrat Congressman John Larson, who is a true example of a career politician and why term limits are needed. Larson is up for his ninth term in Washington, D.C., and supports all of his democrat caucus leadership and agenda.

This is Corey’s third attempt to try and replace Larson. His first run was as an Independent as the CT GOP chose financial advisor John Henry Decker as their nominee. Corey was the CT GOP nominee in 2014 and is again in 2016. Routinely, Larson has agreed to one debate amongst any challenger, to be held in its usual place in West Hartford by the League of Women Voters.

All candidates spent many hours talking to voters and introducing themselves to attendees, who all were anxious for change. The biggest request we received all weekend was for anything Trump. Bumper stickers which joked about being a ‘Trump Deplorable’ disappeared as fast as we could put them out.

A nice nonpartisan story, is about a husband and wife who came up to inquire about a destination t-shirt hanging from our booth. They told us they were married in the Barkhamsted town hall, in the midst of a bad snow storm, twenty-three years ago, I believe, if memory serves me correctly, and because of this they return to the fair every year out of respect for their marriage. Because of this, the wife wanted the shirt as a sentimental keepsake.

With the weather perfect both Friday night and Saturday, it was only Sunday that was a literal wash out with pouring rain. As Chair, six and a half hours was tough duty in these conditions. Coveted Trump signs were given to those who endured this same day in the chilly rain.

The sun finally did break through around 4PM, a couple of hours before the fair came to a close this important election year. As fair goers showed up to grab one last smoked turkey leg or bag of apple fritters, our committee was proud to have informed voters about both state and federal politics, produced the candidates whose names they will see on their ballots, and either serve them in our general assembly, or who would like to serve them in Washington.

Special thanks to Ed, Tom, Ernie, Mark C., Dave, Mark H., Stephen, Mat, Marie Gillen, all of our candidates plus any staff, and supporters who stopped by.

(l-r) State Rep. Wm. Simanski (R-62); Barkhamsted Selectman Mark Hemenway (R); Congressional candidate Matt Corey (CT-1) at Riverton Fair BRTC booth
(l-r) State Rep. Wm. Simanski (R-62); Barkhamsted Selectman Mark Hemenway (R); Congressional candidate Matt Corey (CT-1) at Riverton Fair BRTC booth

State House Convention for Rep. William Simanski (R-62)

State House Convention for State Representative William Simanski (R-62) in Barkhamsted.
State House Convention for State Representative William Simanski (R-62) in Barkhamsted.

We in the sixty-second state house district feel so fortunate to have someone as knowledgeable, hard working, conservative and diligent as State Representative William Simanski to be running for re-election to his fourth term. Tonight’s convention in Barkhamsted was a breeze we all know each other so well and are always happy to see Bill in our presence.  The convention was chaired by Republican Selectman Mark Hemenway and the Secretary was Mark Neumann, campaign treasurer for Rep. Simanski. Barkhamsted, Granby, Hartland and New Hartford were all present and proud to nominate our fine representative to represent us once more in Hartford. Special thanks to his wife Marie who is a wonderful supporter of Bill’s hard work at the Capitol and loving partner.

Tonight: New “Conservative Chat” with State Rep. Bill Simanski August 6th 7PM Charter cable 191

“Conservative Chat” – a political interview half-hour show brought to you by the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee, features tonight, July 30th, 2015 at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191, guest State Representative William Simanski (R-62) with host BRTC Chair Juliana Simone.  Rep. Simanski explains why this was the worst session he’s ever witnessed in his five years of serving at the Capitol in the legislature, and gives a jam packed thirty minutes of examples why including the fiasco of the budget to SOTS Merrill’s surprise rat in the implementer bill. Tune in to hear all his background stories.

This program will repeat next Thursday, August 6th, 2015 at 7PM on Charter cable channel 191. For those outside the viewing area, this show will be available on-line after next Monday on www.ctv13.net under VOD “Conservative Chat” #97.



Editor’s Note: Juliana Simone says in this interview the unfunded mandate by SOTS Denise Merrill will cost towns 16K – and meant to say 1600. as well as the duplicate mentioned.  Ms. Simone apologizes for this momentary error which is just a lapse, but nevertheless, incorrect but now corrected.

New “Conservative Chat” with State Rep. William Simanski



“Conservative Chat”Thursday, December 11th , 2014. at 7PM on Charter Cable Channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Chair and host Juliana Simone interviews State Representative William Simanski (R-62) about the upcoming long session starting in January 2015, the new House Minority Leader Themis Klarides (R-114), the good and bad of election results November 4th, what to expect from Governor Malloy and the democrat majority in the next four years, the unfunded pensions, state deficit and more taxation on the horizon.


For those who are not Charter subscribers or outside of the viewing area, this program can be seen on the Internet on www.ctv13.net after next Monday December 8th. 

Republican American article on Barkhamsted RTC Meet the Candidates Event
