Tag Archives: CT State Senate President Pro Tempore Len Fasano

Barkhamsted Chair and Treasurer attend Annual Prescott Bush Dinner

September 19, 2017

Stamford, CT

Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee members, Chair Juliana Simone, and Treasurer Steve Blackburn, attended the 39th Annual Prescott Bush Awards Dinner at the Stamford Hilton last night.  Among our group of four, was Waterbury Alderman and candidate for Probate Judge, Jerry Padula, and CTRA (Connecticut Republican Assembly) chapter of the National Federation of the Republican Assemblies, officer Mike Mnich.

Guests of former CT-5 nominee Mark Greenberg, who is currently seeking the office of State Comptroller in 2018, and District Eight State Central members Rich Tutunjian and Marianne Clark, Barkhamsted’s RTC officers enjoyed the presentations by keynote speakers Governor Matt Bevin (KY-R) and Governor Chris Sununu (NH-R) who both had compelling stories on how they won, why, and what was involved to earn this title in dealing with their own Republican Party.

Connecticut’s State Senator President Pro Tempore Len Fasano and House Minority Leader Themis Klarides also received accolades for their passing the first bipartisan budget in the CGA in decades.

Democrat Governor Malloy is expected to veto this budget.

Tell Governor Malloy “Don’t Veto this Budget!”

It was an amazing display of courage at the state Capitol yesterday.

Multiple Democrat lawmakers in both the Senate and House of Representatives joined with Republicans to vote for our state budget proposal.

The legislature has officially passed a bipartisan budget that now moves to the governor’s desk for his signature. This is a budget that restores education funding for our schools, that holds towns and cities harmless to cuts over the next two years, that restores funding for core social services that help the most vulnerable, and that does not impose new taxes on CT residents.

This historic and now bipartisan budget deserves support, not a veto from the governor. A veto will mean chaos as the governor’s drastic executive order cuts to schools would go into effect in October and the state’s deficit becomes harder to solve as each day goes by. A veto should not stand in the way of a budget that aims to restore confidence in our state.

Call Governor Malloy at (800) 406-1527 to tell him “Don’t veto this budget!”

Learn more about the budget here.

Watching the votes in the Senate last night on the Republican budget proposal.