Tag Archives: Dave Walker Candidate for Governor CT 2018

Tonight: ICYMI: “Conservative Chat” Interview with Dave Walker – Candidate for Governor 2018

“Conservative Chat”– Tonight, Sunday, August 13th, 2017, at 7:30PM on Charter cable channel 191, the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee presents an interview with former U.S. Comptroller Dave Walker and BRTC Chair and host Juliana Simone. Dave and Juliana discuss his forty years of award winning leadership under three Presidents, his work as a CPA and Senior Strategic Advisor to PricewaterhouseCoopers giving advice to other Governor’s and political leaders throughout the country, how his turnaround expertise and government transformation and anti-corruption experience make him the best candidate for Governor 2018, what his plans would be as Governor to get Connecticut out of debt, how to bring economic pro-business growth back to our state, lower or eliminate taxes, work with the unions, and more!

A new interview will air on Thursday, August 17th at 7PM.

For those who are not Charter subscribers or who live outside the viewing area, this show is available online now: https://communityaccesstv.viebit.com/vod/?v=jJXpTdCoBEzP&s=false