Tag Archives: Matthew Corey

ICYMI & on YouTube “Conservative Chat” Tonight 10/25 7:00PM with Candidate for U.S. Senate Matthew Corey

“Conservative Chat” – Tonight, Thursday, October 25th, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee repeats the half-hour interview on Charter Cable Channel 191 with Candidate for U.S. Senate, Matthew Corey (R-CT), and Barkhamsted RTC Chair and Host, Juliana Simone. Matt and Juliana discuss current international and national news topics as well as why Matthew should be nominated at the Connecticut Republican State Convention as the party nominee.

This program will repeat Sunday, May 20th at 7:30 P.M. on Charter Cable Channel 191.

For those outside of the viewing area or who do not subscribe to Spectrum/Charter Communications, this episode can be seen on YouTube on the Conservative Chat channel. Search:

“Conservative Chat” Matthew Corey U.S. Senate


Update: ICYMI:Conservative Chat: Congressional Candidate Matthew Corey 10/27/16 7PM Charter Cable with direct link to show online

The original link, will no longer bring up this episode, but the interview can still be viewed at this moment, by going to the Charter website www. ctv13.net although it involves many hoops to see the program.

As I write this, an interested viewer or voter, can go to the home page, click watch programs, and use the search bar to find the show. However, “Conservative Chat” with or without the apostrophes will only bring up ‘no results found.’

The Charter Studio manager who does a great job for us, told me he wasn’t sure why, but now only if someone logging on to the site puts in Conservative, without apostrophes, will the search produce results, and bring up the show’s last two interviews.

Even if you click on the play arrow to watch the show, nothing will happen. When I first started to post this, I noted one had to scroll down a bit to “program information” and within that box, could click the arrow and watch the interview. That arrow has now disappeared, too. The Charter Studio manager has since wrote me has corrected some of these issues, but anyone interested in watching an interview online, still has to put only the word Conservative in the search bar, or one can click on either of these two links recently provided:

First Congressional candidate Matthew Corey:  https://communityaccesstv.viebit.com/#WPoSvM0AP01E

 or U.S. Senate candidate Dan Carter: https://communityaccesstv.viebit.com/#bWb5oh5gZAGn

Written by Juliana Simone

“Conservative Chat” – a show brought to the public from the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee and airs in six local towns Thursdays at 7PM, on Charter cable channel 191, is uplinked online the following week of the original broadcast, at www.ctv13.net

This latest episode features First Congressional Republican candidate, Matthew Corey, as he challenges the entrenched democrat opponent who has been in Washington since 1999.

Mr. Larson, is still perceived by some voters as a moderate democrat, but he left that group far behind many terms ago. A higher up in his caucus leadership, he has been in lockstep with liberal, Nancy Pelosi (CA-12 ),  both when she had the title of House Majority Leader and now House Minority Leader.

In this latest program, Corey and Simone talk about the many issues the democrat’s under President Obama’s two terms, that have harmed our country, our military, our values and overall view of America across the world – from both our allies and enemies.

Candidate Matthew Corey, a hard working small business owner who has invested in Hartford, owns both a skyscraper window cleaning business and a tavern. Clear on policy, he makes many comments in this show that cover everything from the failed program of Obamacare, the immense national debt the Connecticut federal democrat incumbents never address, the excessive taxation the democrats have also burdened our citizens with on whatever income level, and Donald Trump, and what in his view, are his best policy plans if elected.