Peter Lumaj Republican Candidate for Governor Addresses Barkhamsted RTC

Peter Lumaj, CT Republican Candidate for Governor 2018

January 15, 2018

Barkhamsted, CT

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee held its first meeting of the New Year, with guest Peter Lumaj, Republican Candidate for Governor. The committee has always been inspired by this conservative Republican who stands on strong principles and is a firm supporter of the Constitution. Barkhamsted’s three delegates at the State Convention have always cast their votes for Lumaj.

In 2014, Lumaj, ran for statewide office as the Republican Secretary of the State candidate. Lumaj’s opponent, an incumbent with a long history in the Connecticut General Assembly who was close to her party leadership, was tough to beat. However, for someone new to state voters, Peter appealed to people across the board, and gained almost a half million votes with his message for change in corrupt election law.

Now, as a candidate for Governor, in an open race since sitting Democrat Governor Malloy is not seeking a third term, as the most unliked Governor in the United States, Lumaj is one of many seeking the Party nomination.

In his view, he said in the second debate held in Hebron last week, “I am the only real Republican on this stage.” As a man of conviction, vision and who as an outsider can take office without any binding strings beholding him to the status quo in Hartford, Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee members endorsed him Monday night. A few members who also planned to cast their votes for Peter, were unable to attend but support the committee’s decision.

For more information on Peter and his plan for a fresh start in Connecticut, or to make a donation, visit:

An upcoming interview on the Barkhamsted RTC’s Charter cable show, “Conservative Chat” hosted by Chair Juliana Simone, now in its fourteenth year, can be seen with Peter Lumaj. For those outside of the viewing area, this program can be seen on YouTube. Please check this post for links when available.



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