Barkhamsted RTC Endorses Republican Candidate for Governor Peter Lumaj



Barkhamsted, Connecticut, Tuesday January 16th, 2018–

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee is proud to announce its endorsement of Peter Lumaj for Governor of Connecticut in 2018. The Republican Town Committee held its monthly meeting Monday January 15th, 2018 where a motion for endorsement was made to all present voting members. The motion was discussed, voted on, and passed by the members in the room.

“We’ve been strong supporters of Peter Lumaj for many years. I have always admired his deep love for this country and the individual freedoms it offers to its citizens. The Barkhamsted Republicans appreciate Peter’s strong work ethic and staunch commitment to conservative principles. His ideas and policies encourage limited government and he has a strong belief in upholding the Constitution as our Forefather’s intended,” said Chairwoman Juliana Simone.

“Peter’s story personifies the American Dream.” Simone continued. “He is the ideal candidate for Governor because he is a political outsider who won’t continue the business as usual mentality in Hartford. His personal background, his conservative positions, his business acumen and his ability to win – make Peter stand out in an overly crowded field. Our committee members have always been impressed by Peter whenever they’ve heard him speak. We are confident that we’ve made the right choice.”

The Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee is the second town committee to endorse Peter Lumaj for Governor in 2018. The Plymouth Republican Town Committee endorsed Lumaj in December of 2017.

To learn more about Peter or to get involved/donate to the campaign please visit


Brock L. Weber

Campaign Manager – Lumaj For CT


 Lumaj For CT

PO Box 6319

 Wolcott, Connecticut 06716



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