Barkhamsted Republican Primary Results

In our town, interesting to note the two self-funders were the highest vote earners, placing first and second out of the five candidates. U.S. Senate Candidate and Party Nominee, Matthew Corey,  was our highest vote earner as our voters know Matt from his prior runs in the First Congressional District.  Attorney General Candidate and Party Nominee, Sue Hatfield, was second and not far behind, with 239 votes. Barkhamsted Republicans by majority, lean conservative and anti-income tax, explaining Stefanowski’s win, as well as Senator Joe Markley’s, who has a long history with fighting the state income tax since the date of its initiation through Governor Lowell Weicker in 1991.

From our Registrar of Voters:


Bob Stefanowski     107

David Stemerman     86

Timothy Herbst          64

Mark Boughton          41

Steve Obsitnik             27

Lieutenant Governor:

Joe Markley             177

Erin Stewart               95

Jayme Stevenson     45

U.S. Senator:

Matthew Cory        252

Dominic Rapini         48


Art Linares               150

Thad Gray                 148


Mark Greenberg   164

Kurt Miller                129

Attorney General:

Sue Hatfield             239

John Shaban              60


2 thoughts on “Barkhamsted Republican Primary Results”

  1. It is good to know that Republicans in Barkhamsted pay attention to TV/Cable Ads, Political sound-bites, and vote for an outsider who has no relevant experience/background. The rest of the party ticket looks ok/good. Early comments from several people who wanted to change State party to Republican is negative.

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