Governor Malloy’s Budget Eliminating General Fund Support for the Honor Guard

We have been watching with great interest Governor Malloy’s budget proposal that would eliminate the Connecticut Honor Guard detachment’s presence at military funerals.

“Honoring Those Who Served” allows a grateful nation to pay final tribute to veterans who, in times of war and peace, stood strong in defense of the United States of America. Providing honors are more than just a job for our State Veterans Organization, it is an honor to pay a final tribute to those Veterans who served our country. It is a way to show our Nation’s deep gratitude to those who, in times of war and peace, have faithfully defended our country.

The proposed budget to Eliminating General Fund Support for the Honor Guard is now in the hands of the legislature and this is an important cut to reverse. This funding represents a small amount in the overall budget however, the honor guards play a large role in demonstrating our appreciation of our veterans’ service. Honor Guard Details were conducted for over 3,000 qualified Connecticut veterans in 2014. This funding in Connecticut provides the firing squad at all veteran’s funerals. The cost for a squad member is just $50 per day.

I urge you and the rest of the General Assembly to work together to reverse Governor Malloy’s unwise decision and restore the funding for Honor Guard details at Veterans funerals into the proposed budget.

For God and Country,

Edward H. Tibbets

Secretary, Barkhamsted Republican Committee

Life Member of the Riverton American Legion Post 159

Former American Legion 7th District Adjutant

Former American Legion Post 189 Vice Commander


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