Campaign Announcement from August Wolf 2016 U.S. Senate Candidate



June 21, 2016

Campaign Announcement 

In May 2015 I filed my paperwork to run for U.S. Senate in 2016. I assumed, especially in the year of the outsider, that my background, passion, hard work and a good team would allow my campaign to offer the people of the State ofConnecticut a viable alternative to a career politician whose 32 years of service had contributed mightily to the decline of the state.

After 12 months of campaigning, an insider-rigged convention denied us primary ballot access–so we made a decision to petition. Sadly we learned this week that our effort fell short, and despite the efforts and encouragement of many, we are now forced to suspend the campaign. Our example will continue to discourage outsiders from taking the plunge.

The goal of this campaign was always to ensure the people of Connecticut 6 years of solutions, not 6 more years of political theater. Dick Blumenthal has ruined this state. He is a complete and utter failure. His tenure as Attorney General contributed to the demise of this once great state, and now he is hurting the entire nation. We deserve people who want to solve real issues; people who are willing to get stuff done!

I have gotten to know Representative Dan Carter at campaign events; he is someone Connecticut can be proud of–I wish him the best in his campaign this fall. Ultimately we share the same goal: sending Dick Blumenthal home. I will support Dan as I can, especially where I have demonstrated some strength, in fundraising.

We thank all the people who supported this effort with their donations, thoughts, public expressions of support, and time. You did make a difference, and I won’t forget the people who kept me going.


August Wolf


{Editor’s note: Thank you to so many of you who signed the petition for August. He was a great candidate who experienced what so many have at the CT State conventions, whether holding prior office or not. Like them, Wolf has little to say about the experience and he is taking the high road in this statement. He is being a gentleman, which, of course, shows leadership… for now we should perhaps all focus on the Presidential race, which is the most important thing at present to our country and for future generations. Good luck to Dan.”}

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