BRTC Photographs 2005-2009


Juliana Simone "Conservative Chat" BRTC cable show host premiere December 2005
Juliana Simone “Conservative Chat” BRTC cable show host premiere December 2005 (photo: Martin Gregor)


CT State Rep. Livvy Floren (R-149) and Juliana Simone with son on bring your child to work day 2006
CT State Rep. Livvy Floren (R-149) and Juliana Simone with son on bring your child to work day 2006 – (photo: Bree Berner)
Bring your child to work day in the CT House Chambers 2006 - two House photos by Bree Berner
Bring your child to work day in the CT House Chambers 2006 – (photo: Bree Berner)
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CT State Rep. Richard Ferrari (R-62) and “Conservative Chat” host Juliana Simone  (photo: Martin Gregor)
State Senator Andrew Roraback R-30) and Juliana Simone "Conservative Chat" 2006
State Senator Andrew Roraback R-30) and Juliana Simone “Conservative Chat” 2006 (photo: Martin Gregor)
CT State Rep. candidate Juliana Simone addressing Republican State Convention 2006 with HML Bob Ward (l) and fellow House candidate (photo: House Republicans)
Juliana Simone addressing the Republican State Convention as a featured State Rep candidate 2006
Juliana Simone addressing the Republican State Convention as a featured State Rep candidate 2006 (photo: House Republicans)
CT Governor M. Jodi Rell and State Rep. candidate Juliana Simone 2006
CT Governor M. Jodi Rell and State Rep. candidate Juliana Simone 2006 (photo: Rell staff)
CT State Rep candidate Juliana Simone at CT Realtors Association Dinner in Torrington 2006


CT State Rep candidate Juliana Simone addressing Realtor Association dinner members and legislators 2006


Juliana Simone in Winsted Parade with son 2006
Juliana Simone in Winsted Parade with son 2006  (photo: Greg Simone)
Winsted Parade (l-r) Governor Jodi Rell, AG Richard Blumenthal, David Cappabianca, Juliana Simone and son 2006
Winsted Parade (l-r) Governor Jodi Rell, AG Richard Blumenthal, David Cappabianca, Juliana Simone and son 2006   (photo: Greg Simone)
CT Governor M. Jodi Rell and State Rep. candidate Juliana Simone (R-63) Goshen Fair 2006
CT Governor M. Jodi Rell and State Rep. candidate Juliana Simone (R-63) Goshen Fair 2006 (photo: Rell staff member)
Congresswoman Nancy Johnson (CT-5) (R) and State Representative candidate Juliana Simone (R-63) Goshen Fair 2006
Congresswoman Nancy Johnson (R) (CT-5) and State Representative candidate Juliana Simone (R-63) Goshen Fair 2006 (photo: Johnson staff member)
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BRTC booth Riverton Fair October 2008 (l-r) RTC members: Ernie Little, Dave Moulton, Juliana Simone, George Washington and Tricia Maestre
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Barkhamsted RTC booth Riverton Fair October 2008 (l-r) Ernie Little, Dave Moulton and Juliana Simone


Juliana Simone Riverton Fair Barkhamsted RTC Booth 2006
Juliana Simone Riverton Fair Barkhamsted RTC Booth 2006 (photo: Martin Gregor)


Juliana Simone with former Governor John Rowland
Juliana Simone with former Governor John Rowland (photo: Carolyn Irwin – former veteran Hartland Chair)
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Barkhamsted RTC meeting with guest speaker Lew Andrews from The Yankee Institute 2007


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Barkhamsted RTC meeting 2008 with guest speaker district State Representative Richard Ferrari (R-62)
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State Representative Richard Ferrari (R-62) addressing BRTC members and town Republicans. Ferrari served in the House from 1991-2008.
State Rep. Kevin Witkos attending the annual Barkhamsted RTC car show 2008
State Rep. Kevin Witkos attending the annual Barkhamsted RTC car show 2008
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BRTC members volunteering time at annual Riverton car show (l-r) David Moulton, Ernie Little and Alice Judd
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Annual Riverton BRTC Car Show (l-r) Chair Dave Moulton and Treasurer John Colflesh
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BRTC member Rich Tutunjian and Chair Dave Moulton at annual Riverton Car Show
Juliana Simone at the BRTC annual car show
Juliana Simone at the BRTC annual car show
Trophies for winners of annual BRTC Riverton car show
Trophies for winners of annual BRTC Riverton car show
State Rep. Richard Ferrari (R-62) and BRTC member and town selectman Bill Downes at annual Riverton car show
State Rep. Richard Ferrari (R-62) and BRTC member and town selectman Bill Downes at annual Riverton car show
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Barkhamsted RTC member and treasurer John Colflesh at the annual Riverton car show
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“Wee Publican” and candy thrower for Barkhamsted RTC float Independence Day Parade
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Candy throwers BRTC float Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade (l-r) B. Moulton, E. Simone
Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade 2008 – RTC member and creator of “Conservative Chat” 2004 Martin Gregor.
Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade 2008 BRTC “float” – Chair Dave Moulton in passenger seat; State Rep. Richard Ferrari behind truck marching with fellow candidates.
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State Representative and candidate for State Senate Kevin Witkos and State Representative Richard Ferrari attending Barkhamsted Independence Day parade and ceremony 2008
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State Rep. candidate John Rigby (R-63) and son at the Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade and ceremony


State Rep. Kevin Witkos campaign for State Senate district 8 seat at Hartland parade 2008
State Rep. Kevin Witkos campaign for State Senate district 8 seat at Hartland parade 2008
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Barkhamsted East fire truck participating in Hartland Parade 2008 with RTC member Bill Downes driving.
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Hartland Parade fife n drum corps 2008
State Rep. Kevin Wiktos (R-17) campaigning for Senate seat district 8 in Hartland 2008 with E. Simone volunteer candy thrower.
State Rep. Kevin Wiktos (R-17) campaigning for Senate seat district 8 in Hartland 2008 with E. Simone volunteer candy thrower.
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Witkos Campaign for State Senate in Hartland Parade 2008
State Rep. Kevin Witkos (R-17) and State Senate candidate with Hartland RTC Chair Tim Irwin and wife Connie at Barkhamsted RTC Biannual F/R event October 2008
State Rep. Kevin Witkos (R-17) and State Senate candidate with Hartland RTC Chair Tim Irwin and wife Connie at Barkhamsted RTC Biannual F/R event October 2008
Political commentator and columnist Dowd Muska as keynote speaker at Barkhamsted biannual FR/Event October 2008
Political commentator and columnist Dowd Muska as keynote speaker at Barkhamsted biannual FR/Event October 2008
Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee Biannual F/R event October 2008 follows along with keynote speaker columnist Dowd Muska. (far left standing Goshen RTC Chair John Morris; far right standing former State Rep. and Agricultural Commissioner Phil Prelli; seated far left 08 first congressional candidate Joe Visconti)
2008 Chairman Dave Moulton speaks with Matt Daley about the Connecticut Constitutional Convention ballot proposal October 2008 Barkhamsted Biannual F/R
2008 Chairman Dave Moulton speaks with Chairman Matt Daley of the Connecticut Constitutional Convention ballot proposal and Goshen Chair John Morris – October 2008 Barkhamsted Biannual F/R
Barkhamsted Republican Selectman William Downes draws winners of the Biannual F/R raffle October 2008 with Dave Moulton and Tim Irwin
Barkhamsted Republican Selectman William Downes draws winners of the Biannual F/R raffle October 2008 with Dave Moulton and Tim Irwin
Constitutional Convention 'vote yes' ballot question lawn sign 2008
CT Constitutional Convention ‘vote yes’ ballot question lawn sign 2008
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State Rep. Kevin Witkos as State Senate candidate – Barkhamsted RTC Riverton Fair Booth October 2008
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(l-r) Winsted Republican David Cappabianca, Barkhamsted R selectman Bill Downs and Rich Tutunjian – Riverton Fair Booth October 2008
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Colebrook RTC Chair and elected town official Ron Aubel at the Riverton Fair October 2008; Ron gives all the proceeds from his town grown garlic to Colebrook.
Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party December 2008 (l-r) Cynthia Eastman Williams and her mother, Barkhamsted Voter Registrar (R) Sue Day and Barkhamsted town clerk Maria Mullady
Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party December 2008 (l-r) Cynthia Eastman Williams and her mother, Barkhamsted Voter Registrar (R) Sue Day and Barkhamsted town clerk Maria Mullady


Barkhamsted RTC officer Juliana Simone and mentor former veteran State Representative Richard Ferrari – Christmas Party 2008
Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party 2008 (l-r) Westport 2006 State Rep. candidate Bill Harris and RTC member Ernie Little
Pasta skewers Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party 2008 by Juliana Simone
Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party 2008 hosts Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tutunjian
Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party 2008 (l-r) Richard Ferrari, Sue Day, and Linda Ferrari
Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party 2008 (l-r) Richard Ferrari, Sue Day, and Linda Ferrari
Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party 2008 – lady members with veteran State Rep. Richard Ferrari (R-62) (l-r) Sue Day, Cynthia E. Williams, Rich Ferrari, Juliana Simone, Maria Mullady and Marcia Fecto
Barkhamsted RTC Christmas Party 2008 group photo (majority of RTC members present and two town R’s with State Rep. Richard Ferrari (l-r) standing back row – Mike Day, Paul Choquet, John Colflesh, John Lavieri, Rich Winn, Dave Moulton, Ernie Little; (l-r) center row standing – Marty Gregor, Rich Tutunjian, John Doyle, Al Krassner; Seated (l-r) Mrs. John Eastman, Sue Day, Cynthia E. Williams, Rich Ferrari, Juliana Simone, Maria Mullady, Marcia Fecto, William Downes    (photo: Bill Harris)
Plaque presented to State Representative Richard Ferrari by the Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee membership 2008



Barkhamsted RTC members (l-r) Marcia Fecto, William Downes and Juliana Simone bring RTC donation to town food bank - January 2009
Barkhamsted RTC members (l-r) Marcia Fecto, William Downes and Juliana Simone bring RTC donation to town food bank – January 2009


Sunday Hartford Courant front page photo and article with former Congressman Rob Simmons announcing U.S. Senate campaign challenging Chris Dodd on "Conservative Chat" with Juliana Simone
Sunday Hartford Courant front page photo and article with former Congressman Rob Simmons announcing U.S. Senate campaign challenging Chris Dodd on “Conservative Chat” with Juliana Simone
U.S. Senate candidate former Congressman Rob Simmons on "Conservative Chat" set with producer Martin Gregor and E. Simone (photo courtesy of the Hartford Courant)
U.S. Senate candidate former Congressman Rob Simmons on “Conservative Chat” set with producer Martin Gregor and E. Simone (photo courtesy of the Hartford Courant; this photo appeared in the Sunday Chicago Tribune)
Winsted Journal article/photo on Former Congressman Rob Simmons appearing on Barkhamsted RTC’s “Conservative Chat” with Juliana Simone to announce his challenge to U.S. Senator Dodd (D) March 2009
Former Congressman Rob Simmons and Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee's Juliana Simone on set of "Conservative Chat" announcing run for U.S. Senate seat March 2009
Former Congressman Rob Simmons and Barkhamsted Republican Town Committee’s Juliana Simone on set of “Conservative Chat” announcing run for U.S. Senate seat – March 2009
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Former Congressman Rob Simmons addresses Barkhamsted RTC and area residents at the Barkhamsted Senior Center March 2009
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Former Congressman Rob Simmons talks to reporter at the Barkhamsted Senior Center after announcing his intent to challenge U.S. Senator Chris Dodd (D) (also appearing in photo Barkhamsted RTC member and Selectman William Downes)
Barkhamsted RTC annual ball field billboard supporting our town little league
2009 Barkhamsted Independence Day Parade RTC float
The Blackburn's Independence Day 2009
The Blackburn’s Independence Day 2009
BRTC officer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D. Independence Day 2009
BRTC officer Rev. Steven Blackburn, Ph.D. Independence Day 2009
Rob Simmons for U.S. Senate fundraiser Quinnipiack Club – New Haven, CT September 2009
Rob Simmons candidate for U.S. Senate Quinnipiack Club New Haven, CT
Rob Simmons for U.S. Senate fundraiser Quinnipiack Club table placements for Barkhamsted RTC members (l-r) Richard Tutunjian and Juliana Simone – September 2009
Barkhamsted RTC member Richard Tutunjian at Rob Simmons for U.S. Senate F/R New Haven 2009


Barkhamsted RTC member Alice Judd holds protest in People’s Forest over replacement of existing public bathroom with state funding – September 2009
Connecticut State Park worker represents the state grant for new People’s Forest public bathroom to protest attendees – Sept. 2009
Pouring rain unfortunately lowered the attendance for the People’s Forest public bathroom upgrade protest
State money for new People’s Forest bathroom protest still brought out enthusiasts with food and fire to keep warm – Sept. 2009
Barkhamsted Historical Society Chair and Republican Selectman Bill Downes joined RTC members Alice Judd and Juliana Simone for the protest – September 2009



Barkhamsted RTC VC Juliana Simone begins work for Mark Greenberg’s fifth district congressional campaign in Fall of 2009 as his field director. One of Mark’s first fundraisers was held in his empty office building in Simsbury to illustrate how bad business is in Connecticut. (l-r) Mark Greenberg and Goshen Chair John Morris. December 2009
Mark Greenberg for Congress (CT-5) fundraiser – Simsbury CT December 2909
Mark Greenberg for Congress (CT-5) fundraiser – Simsbury CT December 2009
Simsbury Republican Janet Goman at Mark Greenberg fundraiser December 2009
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Newtown RTC Fifth Congressional candidate debate – December 2009 – panel (l-r) Kie Westby, State Sen. Sam Caligiuri, Bill Evans, Justin Bernier and Mark Greenberg.

New Year’s Eve December 31, 2009

Congressional candidate Mark Greenberg and Barkhamsted RTC VC/Greenberg campaign field director spend New Year’s Eve in Waterbury as guests of his friend Raj. Here is Mark with Raj’s wife.
Candidate Mark Greenberg (CT-5) New Year’s Eve December 31, 2009, with Juliana Simone friend and colleague Raj in Waterbury, CT.
Fifth Congressional Candidate Mark Greenberg – New Year’s Eve in Waterbury, CT – December 31, 2009 (photo: Juliana Simone)
Vin DeRosa and wife at Fifth Congressional candidate Mark Greenberg’s table New Year’s Eve with Juliana Simone – December 31, 2009
Candidate Mark Greenberg (CT-5) talking to friends New Year’s Eve – December 31, 2009. (photo: Juliana Simone)



All photo’s on this website unless otherwise credited are property of Juliana Simone.

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